


  • 中文名:西學東漸與中國現代化 
  • 作者:紀康麗 
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2021年9月 
  • 定價:69 元 
  • ISBN:9787302574460 


本書共分 14章,以獨特的視角,遵循知識分子思想演變的軌跡,圍繞晚清士大夫如何應對西方文明而進行論述,具有系統完整的特點。 本書適用於本科生和研究生的通識教育課程。


Chapter One Historical Background 背景介紹...................... 1
1.1 The Seclusion Policy 閉關鎖國政策 ......................3
1.2 The Chinese-Barbarians Distinction 華夷之辨 ...................10
1.3 The Opium Abuse in the Late Qing Dynasty and the 19th Century Britain
鴉片在晚清和19 世紀英國的濫用 ...................14
Chapter Two Chinese Scholar Officials’ Response to the First
Opium War 晚清士大夫對第一次鴉片戰爭的回應....... 21
2.1 Wei Yuan and His Haiguo Tuzhi 魏源與其《海國圖志》 ....................22
2.2 Xu Jiyu and His Yinghuan Zhilue 徐繼畬與其《瀛寰志略》
2.3 The Response Difference Between China and Japan 中國與日本的不同反應 ..........36
Chapter Three Aisin Gioro Yixin and Zongli Yamen
愛新覺羅? 奕與總理衙門........................ 41
3.1 Yixin 奕 .....................42
3.2 Zongli Yamen 總理衙門 ...................44
3.3 Elements of International Law《萬國公法》 ..................47
Chapter Four Tongwen Guan 同文館............................. 57
4.1 The Establishment of Tongwen Guan 同文館的建立 ....................58
4.2 William Alexander Parsons Martin 丁韙良 .........................61
4.3 The Curriculum 課程設定 .......................66
4.4 The Dispute Concerning the Curriculum 課程爭議 ........................68
Chapter Five The Sino-Foreign Relations 中國對外關係............. 75
5.1 Robert Hart 羅伯特? 赫德 ......................76
5.2 Introduction of the British Civil Service System 引進英國文官制度 .........................78
5.3 Anson Burlingame 安森? 蒲安臣 .........................82
5.4 The Burlingame Mission 蒲安臣使團 ..................86
5.5 The Chinese Exclusion Act 排華法案 ...................87
Chapter Six The Self-Strengthening Movement 洋務運動........... 93
6.1 Military Training 軍事訓練 .....................94
6.2 Setting up Arsenals 建立兵工廠 ...........................98
Chapter Seven The Translation Department of Jiangnan Arsenal
江南製造局翻譯館.............................. 111
7.1 The Background 背景介紹 ....................112
7.2 Xu Shou and Li Shanlan 徐壽與李善蘭 ...........................114
7.3 John Fryer 傅蘭雅 ..........................119
7.4 Xu Jianyin and Hua Hengfang 徐建寅與華蘅芳 .........................122
Chapter Eight Young John Allen and Chinese Language Newspapers
林樂知與中文報紙............................... 127
8.1 The Background 背景介紹 ....................128
8.2 Chinese Language Newspapers in the Late Qing Period 晚清時期的中文報紙 .......129
Chapter Nine Introduction of the Western Education System to China
西式教育引入中國.................. 145
9.1 The Background 背景介紹 ....................146
9.2 The Impact of Robert Morrison’s Activities on China’s General Education
馬禮遜的活動對中國普通教育的影響 .........................150
9.3 The American Medical Missionaries 美國醫學傳教士 .........................154
9.4 The Medical Education—The Rockefeller Foundation 醫學教育——洛氏基金會 ...158
Chapter Ten Yung Wing and the Impact of Western Thought
容閎與西方思想的影響............................ 165
10.1 Yung Wing 容閎 ...................166
10.2 The Impact of Greek Thought 希臘思想的影響 ........................169
10.3 The Chinese Educational Mission 留美幼童計畫 ......................174
10.4 The Impact of the Chinese Educational Mission 留美幼童計畫的影響 .................177
Chapter Eleven Yan Fu—The Chinese Enlightenment Thinker
嚴復——中國啟蒙思想家........................ 183
11.1 The Background 背景介紹 ..................184
11.2 Translation of Thomas Huxley 翻譯赫胥黎 ...................187
11.3 Translation of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations
翻譯亞當? 斯密《國富論》 ...........................190
11.4 Translation of John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty and Montesquieu’s The Spirit
of Laws 翻譯密爾《論自由》及孟德斯鳩《論法的精神》 ..............................193
Chapter Twelve A Comparison of Two Quanxue Pian
比較兩部《勸學篇》............................ 201
12.1 The Background 背景介紹 ..................202
12.2 An Analysis of Exhortation to Study by Zhang Zhidong 張之洞《勸學篇》分析 ....206
12.3 Fukuzawa Yukichi and His An Encouragement of Learning
福澤諭吉與《勸學篇》 ....................212
Chapter Thirteen Kang Youwei—The First Reformer in China
康有為——中國第一位改革家.................. 219
13.1 Kang Youwei’s Ideas 康有為思想 ....................220
13.2 Kang Youwei’s Theoretical Framework 康有為理論框架 ........................229
Chapter Fourteen Liang Qichao and His Reform Ideas
梁啓超及其改革思想.......................... 237
14.1 Liang Qichao’s Education Experience 梁啓超受教育背景 .......................238
14.2 The Impact of Japan on Liang Qichao 日本對梁啓超的影響 ...................240
14.3 Discourse on the New Citizen《新民說》 ...................241
14.4 On Enlightened Despotism《開明專制論》 ...........................246


