
褚瑩,1944年12月30齣生·東北師範大學化學學院教授,博士生導師,中國化學會膠體與界面化學專業委員會委員。1967年畢業於吉林大學化學系,1979年調入東北師範大學化學系任教。曾任東北師大化學系、化學學院主管教學副系主任、副院長、化學學院首屆教授委員會委員。多年來始終承擔本科基礎課“物理化學”的教學任務,參編出版《物理化學》等教材5部。 已指導碩士研究生36人,博士生3人。從事膠體與界面化學領域的研究,主持國家自然科學基金項目2項、省級套用基礎項目及科技攻關項目6項,在國內外重點期刊上發表研究論文60餘篇,其中SCI檢索40餘篇。曾獲得國務院政府特殊津貼寶鋼教育基金優秀教師獎,省教委教學成果三等獎、吉林省級精品課程、國家科技進步三等獎等多項獎勵。


  • 中文名:褚瑩
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1944年12月30齣
  • 畢業院校吉林大學
  • 性別:男


1962.9-1967.7  吉林大學化學系學生。
1970.5-1979.11 吉林市助劑廠從事技術管理工作。
1979.12至今  東北師範大學化學學院任教。



1.酸型表面活性劑微乳液中有機反應的特徵及機理,國家自然科學基金 (20573017), 2006.1-2008.12, 26萬元 主持
3.以反膠束為模板合成單分散聚苯胺超細粉, 國家自然科學基金 (20173008), 2002.1-2004.12, 18萬元, 主持
4.套用於生物工程的表面活性劑的合成, 吉林省科委(計畫)( 吉科合字第990551號) 1999.10-2002.12, 5萬元, 主持
5.香蘭素生產過程中亞硝化廢水處理,吉林省科委(科技攻關)(吉科合字第951106號) 1995.6-1997.12,15萬元, 主持
6.反膠團法提純酶及其在細胞色素C製備中套用,吉林省科委(計畫)(吉科合字第953527號),1995.1-1997.12, 3萬元, 主持




(1)Yanping Zhang, Ying Chu*, Lihong Dong, One-Step Synthesis and Properties of Urchin-like PS/α–Fe2O3 Composite Hollow Microspheres, Nanotechnology, 2007 18 435608
(2)Yanping Zhang, Ying Chu*, Yang Yang, Lihong Dong, Fuyong Yang, Jinglin Liu, Fabrication of polystyrene–PbS core-shell and hollow PbS microspheres with sulfonated polystyrene templates, Colloid and Polymer Science A, 2007, 285, 1061
(3)Yang Liu, Ying Chu*, Lili. Li, Lihong Dong, Yujiang Zhuo. Controlled Fabrication of Highly Oriented ZnO Microrods/Microtubes Arrays on Zinc Substrate and Photoluminescence Properties, Chem. Eur. J, 2007, 13, 6667
(4)Lihong Dong, Ying Chu*, Yanping Zhang, Microemulsion-mediated solvothemal synthesis of ZnS nanowires, Materials Letters, 2007, 61, 4651
(5)Yang Liu, Ying Chu*, Yujiang Zhuo, Meiye Li, Lili Li, and Lihong Dong, Anion-controlled Construction of CuO Honeycombs and Flowers-like Assemblies On Copper Foils, Cryst. Growth Des, 2007, 7, 467
(6)Lili Li, Ying Chu* and Yang Liu, Synthesis and characterization of ring-like α-Fe2O3, Nanotechnology, 2007, 18, 105603
(7)Lili Li, Ying Chu*, Yang Liu and Lihong Dong, Template-Free Synthesis and Photocatalytic properties of novel Fe2O3 Hollow Spheres, J Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 2123
(8)Yang Liu,Ying Chu*, Yujiang Zhuo, Lihong Dong, Lili Li, Meiye Li, Controlled Synthesis of Various Hollow Cu Nano/Micro- structures via a Novel Reduction Route, Adv Funct Mater, 2007, 17, 933.
(9)Lihong Dong, Ying Chu* , Yanping Zhang, Yang Liu and Fuyong Yang,Surfactant-Assistant and Facile Synthesis of Hollow ZnS Nanospheres,J Colloid Interf Sci,J. Colloid Interf. Sci,2007, 308, 258
(10)Lili Li, Ying Chu*, Yang Liu, Lihong Dong, Synthesize and shape evolution of novel cuniform-like MnO2 in aqueous solution, Materials Letters , 2007, 61, 1609
(11)張艷萍 褚瑩*,模板法合成核殼功能材料的研究進展,化學進展,2007, 19, 35
(12)Lihong Dong, Ying Chu*,Ying Liu, Yemei Li, Fuyong Yang, Lili Li, Surfactant-assisted fabrication PbS nanorods, nanobelts, nanovelvet-flowers and dendritic nanostructures at lower temperature in aqueous solution, J Colloid Interf Sci, 2006, 301, 503
(13)Fuyong Yang, Ying Chu*, Songyan M, Yanping Zhang, Jinglin Liu,Preparation of uniform silica/polypyrrole core/shell microspheres and polypyrrole hollow microspheres by the template of modified silica particles using different modified agents,J Colloid Interf Sci, 2006, 301,470
(14)馬松艷, 褚 瑩*, 呂忠賢, 李學傑, 張艷萍, 十二烷基苯磺酸/異辛烷微乳液中脂肪酶催化合成異丁酸異戊酯, 化學學報, 2006, 151, 523
(15)Lei Huo, Ying Chu*, Controlled Synthesis of PbWO4 Crystals Via Microemulsion-based Solvothermal Method, Materials Letters, 2006, 60, 2675
(16)Lili Li, Ying Chu*, Yang Liu, Lihong Dong, Lei Huo, Fuyong Yang, Microemulsion-based synthesis of BaCO3 nanobelts and nanorods, Materials Letters, 2006, 60, 2138
(17)Yang Liu, Ying Chu*, Lili Li, Lihong Dong, In Situ Synthesis and Assembly of Copper Oxide Nanocrystals on Copper Foil via Mild Hydrothermal Process, J Mater Chem, 2006, 2, 192
(18)Fuyong Yang, Ying Chu*, Lei Huo, Yang Yang, Yang Liu, Jinglin Liu, Preparation of uniform rhodamine B-doped SiO2/TiO2 composite microspheres, J Solid State Chem, 2006, 179, 457
(19)Mingjuan Han, Ying Chu*, Dongxue Han, Yang Liu, Fabrication and Characterizations of Oligopyrrole Doped with Dodecylbenzene-sulfonic Acid in Reverse Microemulsion , J Colloid Interf Sci, 2006, 296, 110
(20)Yang Yang, Ying Chu*, Yanping Zhang, Fuyong Yang, Jinglin Liu, Polystyrene-ZnO core-shell microspheres and hollow ZnO structures synthesized with the sulfonated polystyrene templates, J Solid State Chem, 2006, 179, 470
(21)Yang Liu, Ying Chu*, Likun yang , Adjusting the Inner-structure of Polypyrrole Nanoparticles through Microemulsion Polymerization, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2006, 98, 304
(22)Lihong Dong, Ying Chu*, Fuyong Yang, Yang Liu, and Jinglin Liu,Fabrication and Characterization of ZnS Hollow Nanostructures in Micelle System,Chemistry Letters, 2005, 9, 1254
(23)Yang Liu, Ying Chu*, A Novel Solution-phase Route for the Synthesis of Crystalline Silver Nanowires, Materials Research Bulletin, 2005 , 40, 1796
(24)Zhongxian Lü, Ying Chu*, Yuchun Han, Yuanhong Wang, Jinglin Liu, Enzymatic esterification of DL-menthol with propionic acid by lipase from Candida cylindracea, J Chem Technol and Biotechnol, 2005, 80, 1365.
(25)Yuchun Han,Ying Chu*,The catalytic properties and mechanism of DBSA/ cyclohexane /H2O microemulsion system for esterification , J Mol Catalytic A-Chem, 2005 , 237, 232
(26)Dongxue Han, Ying Chu*, Likun yang, Yang Liu , Reversed micelle polymerization: a newroute for the synthesis of DBSA-Polyaniline nanoparticles,Colloids and Surfaces A, 2005, 259, 179
(27)Yang Yang, Ying Chu*, Fuyong Yang, Yangping Zhang Uniform hollow conductive polymer microspheres synthesized with the sulfonated polystyrene template, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2005, 92, 164
(28)Yang Liu, Ying Chu* ,Surfactant-Assisted Synthesis of Single Crystal BaWO4 Octahedral Microparticles, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2005, 92, 59
(29)Fuyong Yang, Ying Chu*, Lei Huo, Yang Yang, and Yang Liu , Fabrication of Polyaniline/Ethylcellulose Composite Microspheres by Microencapsulation,Chemistry Letters, 2005, 3, 388
(30)Shuangxi Xing, Ying Chu*, Xiaomeng Sui, Zisheng Wu, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline in CTAB/hexanol/water Reversed Micelle, J. Mater. Science, 2005, 40, 215 - 218
(31)楊麗琨,褚瑩*,劉陽,韓冬雪, 含有BaMoO4納米粒子的反膠束溶液與羅丹明B的相互作用, 化學學報,2005, 63, 18
(32)Xiaomeng Sui, Ying Chu*, Shuangxi Xing, Min Yu, Chengzhan Liu, Self-organization of spherical PANI/TiO2 nanocomposites in reverse micelles, Colloids and Surfaces A: 2004, 251, 103
(33)Xiaomeng Sui, Ying Chu*, Shuangxi Xing, Chengzhan Liu, Synthesis of PANI/AgCl, PANI/BaSO4 and PANI/TiO2 nanocomposites in CTAB/hexanol/water reverse micelle, Materials Letters, 2004, 58, 1255
(34)劉景林,林毅,褚瑩*,呂忠賢,吳子生,新型陰離子表面活性劑的合成及其反膠束體系的酶催化性質,化學學報, 2004, 62, 1998。
(35)王元鴻,褚瑩*,劉景林,呂忠賢,劉瑩瑩,吳子生, 反膠束體系中脂肪酶催化合成異丁酸異戊酯, 高等學校化學學報, 2004, 25, 1684。
(36)隋曉萌,褚瑩*,邢雙喜,吳子生, 反膠束體系中合成聚苯胺-無機物複合納米微粒, 化學學報,2004, 62,1。
1. 朱傳征、褚瑩、戴立益等, 《物理化學》,教材, 高等教育出版社, 2002.7,副主編。
2. 朱傳征、褚瑩、盧文慶等,《物理化學習題精解》, 教材,科學出版社 , 2001.9,編者。
3. 朱傳征、許海涵、褚瑩等,《物理化學》,教材,科學出版社,2000.9,編者。
4. 曹漢瑾、吳子生、褚瑩 ,《物理化學》,教材, 東北師大出版社 , 1990.7 ,編者。


5.褚瑩、黃如丹、郭黎平、黃宗浩、劉群 ,高師化學專業教學改革的思路與實踐, 吉林省教育廳, 三等獎 ,2001年。
6.褚瑩,國務院政府特殊津貼, 國務院, 2000年。
7.褚瑩, 寶鋼教育獎 ,寶鋼教育基金會, 1998年。
8.吳子生、李思芽、褚瑩、嚴忠等, 乳狀液液膜的工業化基礎研究, 國家教委科技進步三等獎, 1997年。


