

《複分析及其套用初級教程(第3版)》是2018年世界圖書出版公司出版的著作,作者是[美] D.G.齊爾,[美] P.D.沙納漢。


  • 中文名:《複分析及其套用初級教程(第3版)》
  • 作者:[美] D.G.齊爾,[美] P.D.沙納漢
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2018年10月01日
  • ISBN:9787519250577




本書的第1作者Dennis G. Zill,愛荷華州立大學套用數學博士,洛杉磯Loyola Marymount大學數學教授,其研究領域包括套用數學、特殊函式及積分變換。


Chapter 1. Complex Numbers and the Complex Plane
1.1 Complex Numbers and Their Properties
1.2 ComplexPlane
1.3 Polar Form of Complex Numbers
1.4 Powers and Roots
1.5 Sets of Points in the Complex Plane
1.6 Applications
Chapter 1 Review Quiz
Chapter 2. Complex Functions and Mappings
2.1 ComplexFunctions
2.2 Complex Functions as Mappings
2.3 LinearMappings
2.4 Special Power Functions
2.4.1 The Power Function Zn
2.4.2 The Power Function zl
2.5 ReciprocalFunction
2.6 Applications
Chapter 2 Review Quiz
Chapter 3. Analytic Functions
3.1 Limits and Continuity
3.1.1 Limits
3.1.2 Continuity
3.2 Differentiability and Analyticity
3.3 Cauchy-RiemannEquations
3.4 Harmonic Functions
3.5 Applications
Chapter 3 Review Quiz
Chapter 4. Elementary Functions
4.1 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4.1.1 Complex Exponential Function
4.1.2 Complex Logarithmic Function
4.2 Complex Powers
4.3 Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
4.3.1 Complex Trigonometric Functions
4.3.2 Complex Hyperbolic Functions
4.4 Inverse Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
4.5 Applications
Chapter4 Review Quiz
Chapter 5. Integration in the Complex Plane
5.1 Reallntegrals
5.2 Complexlntegrals
5.3 Cauchy-GoursatTheorem
5.4 Independence of Path
5.5 Cauchy's Integral Formulas and Their
5.5.1 Cauchy's Twolntegral Formulas
5.5.2 Some Consequences of the Integral
5.6 Applications
Chapter 5 Review Quiz
Chapter 6. Series and esidues
6.1 Sequences and Series
6.2 TaylorSeries
6.3 Laurent Series
6.4 Zeros and Poles
6.5 Residues and Residue Theorem
6.6 Some Consequences of the Residue Theorem
6.6.1 Evaluation of Real Trigonometric
6.6.2 Evaluation of Reallmproperlntegrals
6.6.3 Integration along a Branch Cut
6.6.4 The Argument Principle and Rouche's
6.6.5 Summing Infinite Series
6.7 Applications
Chapter 6 Review Quiz
Chapter 7. ConformaIMappings
7.1 ConformaIMapping
7.2 Linear Fractional Transformations
7.3 Schwarz-ChristoffeITransformations
7.4 Poisson Integral Formulas
7.5 Applications
7.5.1 Boundary-ValueProblems
7.5.2 Fluid Flow
Chapter 7 Review Quiz
Appendixes: I ProofofTheorem 3.1.1 APP
Ⅱ Proof of the Cauchy-Goursat Theorem APP
ni Table ofConformal Mappings APP
Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems ANS
Symbollndex IND
Wordlndex IND


