- 中文名:裴德思
- 外文名:Pattberg, Thorsten
- 國籍:德國
- 出生日期:1977年
- 職業:北京大學高等人文研究院研究人員
- 性別:男
曾出版過4本專著、以及論文20餘篇。同時也經常在國際各大報紙上發表過文章,如中國日報、上海日報、亞洲時報、德國時報、日本時報、韓國先驅報等。主要理論專著有《The East-West dichotomy》、《Shengren》、《Inside Peking University》等。主要代表論文有《Language hegemony – It’s shengren, stupid!》、《Long into the West’s dragon business》、《Chinese Concepts Lost in Translation》、《The End of Translation》等。

1)The East-West dichotomy (Book),LoD Press, New York, August 1, 2009
2)Holy Confucius! Some Observations inTranslating "shengren" in The Analects(Book),LoD Press,NewYork, August 5, 2011
3)Global language can take on Chinese characteristics,, October 24, 2011
4)Language Imperialism - 'democracy' in China,Asia Times, October 18, 2011
5)Language imperialism - 'democracy' in China,Japan Times, November 17, 2011
6)Language hegemony: It's shengren, stupid!,China Daily, November 25, 2011
7)The East-West dichotomy revisited,Asia Times, December 12, 2011
8)Long into the West's dragon business,China Daily, January 16, 2012
9)Language Imperialism, Concepts and Civilization: China versus The West,Global Research Center, Canada, January 29, 2012
10)Language matters - Shengren, bigger than the buddhas?,eRenlai Magazine, January 31, 2012
11)Shengren – Above Philosophy and Beyond Religion(Book),LoD Press, New York, August 5, 2011
12)Language Imperialism - 'democracy' in China,Antiimperialism, February 8, 2012
13)Thorsten Pattberg on Language Imperialism (Interview),The Corbett Report, February 20, 2012
14)Falsch Uebersetztes Chinesisch,Die Zeit [The German Times], February 26, 2012
15)Language, Imperialism and Culture -Dr. Thorsten Pattberg on GRTV,Corbett report,February 27, 2012
16)Sprachen-Imperialismus, Konzepte und Zivilisation,Rote Fahne, March 6, 2012
17)Diary of a Mad Imperialist: Why Countries Stay in Abusive Relationships,Global Research Center, Canada, March 8, 2012
18)Language Imperialism - Democracy in China,China Today Magazine, March 1, 2012
19)Inside Peking University(Book),LoD Press, New York, April 20, 2012
20)Chinese Concepts Lost in Translation,Shanghai Daily, April 26, 2012
21)Western Translations Distort China's Reality,Korea Herald, April 30, 2012
22)"The Great Learning": Daxueand University: China versus The West,Global Research Center, Canada, May 4, 2012
23)How Western Translations Distort China's Reality,Japan Times, May 5, 2012
24)Dead in Translation – The Attack On Asia's Socio-Cultural Originality,Global Research Center, Canada, May 7, 2012
25)Lingualism: Changing the names of the game,Asia Times, May 23, 2012
26)Language and Empire: My Language, Your Prison,Global Research Center, Canada, May 28, 2012
27)East may finally triumph in linguistic battles,Global Times, June 6, 2012
28)China: Lost in translation,Asia Times, July 23, 2012
29)Confucianism by other names appeals in Europe,Shanghai Daily, July 25, 2012
30)The Frontiers of Academic Imperialism,Global Research Center, July 17, 2012
31)China: Lost in translation II,AsiaTimes, July 31, 2012
32)Thorsten Pattberg on Stop Imperialism (Interview),Stop Imperialism, August 16, 2012
33)What's wrong with Western 'China Studies',Shanghai Daily, August 20, 2012
34)Why the West shuts out subtle Chinese concepts,People's Daily, Sept 19, 2012
35)The end of translation,Asia Times, Sept 28, 2012