- 中文名:裘靈光
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
先後承擔了《物理化學》、《材料科學導論》、《化學信息學》和《納米材料》等課程的教學主講。主要從事表面活性劑物理化學、功能化納米孔洞金屬-有幾拔慨甩機超分子骨架的自組裝及其性質研究以及有機中間體的合成等研究工作,現負責國家自然科學基金項目、安徽省高等學校優秀青年教拔幾霸師科研計畫項目和紋試府安徽大學人才建設基金資助項目各一項。2001年以來以第一作者在Advanced Materials, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 等國內外專業期刊發表煉重微學術論文20餘篇。
1. 具有選擇性催狼欠匙淚化活喇多性的納米孔洞金屬-有機骨架材料的設計與合成
2. 具有新穎結構和功能的Gemini表面活性劑的設計嫌嚷促與合成
3. 新型分子有序聚集體的設計及其模擬酶催化
1. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, L.-D. Zhang, Encapsulation of Catalysts in Supramolecular Porous Frameworks: Size- and Shape-Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Phenols. Advanced Materials, 2005, 17, 689-692. (Wiley-VCH Verlag)
2. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Metallomicellar catalysis: hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl picolinate catalyzed by Cu(II) complexes of triazole-based ligands in cationic gemini surfactant micelles. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 2005, 244: 58-63. (Elsevier Science)
3. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl picolinate catalyzed by metal complexes of N-alkyl-3,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,2,4-triazole in CTAB micelles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 290, 475-480. (Academic Press)
4. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Micellar-catalyzed alkaline hydrolysis of 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene in a cationic gemini surfactant. Colloids and Surface A, 2005, 260, 251-254. (Elsevier Science)
5. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Micellar effects of a triazole-based cationic gemini surfactant on the rate of a nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2005, 283: 1343- 1348. (Springer-Verlag)
6. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Understanding the effect of spacer length on adsorption of gemini surfactants onto steel surface in acid medium. Applied Surface Science, 2005, 246, 1-5. (Elsevier Science)
7. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, The adsorption and corrosion inhibition of some cationic gemini surfactants on carbon steel surface in hydrochloric acid. Corrosion Science, 2005, 47, 273-278. (Elsevier Science)
8. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, A novel triazole-based cationic gemini surfactant: synthesis and effect on corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in hydrochloric acid. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 91, 269-273. (Elsevier Science)
9. L.-G. Qiu*, M.-J. Cheng, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Study on the viscosity of cationic gemini surfactant–nonionic polymer complex in water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 278, 40-43. (Academic Press)
10. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen*, Synthesis and Surface Activity of Novel Triazole-based Cationic Gemini Surfactants. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2003, 14: 653-656. (Chinese Chemical Society)
11. 裘靈光, 劉卉, 程毛傑, 謝安建, 沈玉華. 陽離子Gemini表面活性劑與PVA相互作用. 套用化學, 2004, 21: 506-508.
12. 裘靈光, 王立, 劉卉, 謝安建, 沈玉華. 陽離子Gemini表面活性劑3,5-雙(亞甲基十八烷基二甲基氯化銨)-1,2,4-三氮唑膠束對酯鹼性水解的影響. 化學通報, 2004, 67: 855-858.
5. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Micellar effects of a triazole-based cationic gemini surfactant on the rate of a nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2005, 283: 1343- 1348. (Springer-Verlag)
6. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Understanding the effect of spacer length on adsorption of gemini surfactants onto steel surface in acid medium. Applied Surface Science, 2005, 246, 1-5. (Elsevier Science)
7. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, The adsorption and corrosion inhibition of some cationic gemini surfactants on carbon steel surface in hydrochloric acid. Corrosion Science, 2005, 47, 273-278. (Elsevier Science)
8. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, A novel triazole-based cationic gemini surfactant: synthesis and effect on corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in hydrochloric acid. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 91, 269-273. (Elsevier Science)
9. L.-G. Qiu*, M.-J. Cheng, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen, Study on the viscosity of cationic gemini surfactant–nonionic polymer complex in water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 278, 40-43. (Academic Press)
10. L.-G. Qiu*, A.-J. Xie, Y.-H. Shen*, Synthesis and Surface Activity of Novel Triazole-based Cationic Gemini Surfactants. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2003, 14: 653-656. (Chinese Chemical Society)
11. 裘靈光, 劉卉, 程毛傑, 謝安建, 沈玉華. 陽離子Gemini表面活性劑與PVA相互作用. 套用化學, 2004, 21: 506-508.
12. 裘靈光, 王立, 劉卉, 謝安建, 沈玉華. 陽離子Gemini表面活性劑3,5-雙(亞甲基十八烷基二甲基氯化銨)-1,2,4-三氮唑膠束對酯鹼性水解的影響. 化學通報, 2004, 67: 855-858.