擔任過《力熱學實驗》, 《數字電路實驗》和《普通物理》, 《模擬電路》,《電磁學》, 《原子物理》, 《熱學》, 《力學課程的教學》.
1992-至今, 擔任物理專業《熱學》課程教學;
[1] 2015.1-2018.12國家自然科學基金面上項目《自然球狀閃電的物理特性研究》(主持)
[2] 2014.1-2017.12國家自然科學基金地區基金項目《閃電放電電漿的傳輸特性研究》(主持)
[3] 2005.1-2007.12國家自然科學基金面上項目《閃電放電過程的光譜特性研究》(主持)
[4] 2003.1-2005.12國家自然科學基金面上項目《複雜原子的結構和性質的系統性理論研究》(參加)
[1]甘肅省高等學校科學研究優秀成果三等獎:依據光譜研究閃電放電過程的物理特性。袁萍,岑建勇,薛思敏,王雪娟 2015.10
[1]Xuejuan Wang, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, and Simin Xue. Correlation between the spectral features and electric field changes for natural lightning return stroke followed by continuing current with M-components.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 121, 2016.
[2] Xuejuan Wang, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, and Simin Xue,Thermal power and heat energy of cloud-to-ground lightning process.Physics of Plasmas23, 073502 ,2016.
[3] Simin Xue, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, Yajun Li, and Xuejuan Wang J. Spectral observations of a natural bipolar cloud-to-ground lightning.Geophys. Res. Atmos.,120,2015.
[4] Caixia Dong, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, XuejuanWang, Yali Mu.The heat transfer characteristics of lightning return stroke channel.Atmospheric Research178–179,2016.
[5] YaliMu,PingYuan, XuejuanWang,CaixiaDong. Temperature distribution and evolution characteristic in lightning return stroke channel.Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.145,2016.
[6] Simin Xue, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, Jianguo Liu, and Yajun Li. Study on Physical Characteristics of a Bipolar Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Discharge Plasma.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 43, NO. 3 ,2015.
[7] Jianyong Cen, Ping Yuan, Simin Xue, Xuejuan Wang. Spectral characteristics of lightning dart leader propagating in long path.Atmospheric Research164–165 ,2015 .
[8] Jianyong Cen, Ping Yuan, Simin Xue, and Xuejuan Wang. Resistance and internal electric field in cloud-to-ground lightning channel.Applied Physics Letters106, 054104,2015.
[9] Jianyong Cen, Ping Yuan, and Simin Xue. Observation of the Optical and Spectral Characteristics of Ball Lightning,Physical Review Letters,112, 035001,2014.
[10] Xuejuan Wang, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, Jianguo Liu, and Yajun Li. The channel radius and energy of cloud-to-ground lightning discharge plasma with multiple return strokes,PhysicsofPlasmas.21, 033503, 2014.
[11] He Xu, Ping Yuan, Jian-Yong Cen, and Guang-Shu Zhang. The changes on physical characteristics of lightning discharge plasma during individual return stroke process,PhysicsofPlasmas.21, 033512 ,2014.
[12] Jincui Zhao, Ping Yuan, Jianyong Cen, Jianguo Liu, Jie Wang, and Guangshu Zhang. Characteristics and applications of near-infrared emissions from lightning,J. Appl. Phys.114, 163303,2013.
[13]OuYang Yuhua,Yuan Ping, Audible thunder characteristic and the relation between peak frequency and lightning parameters.J. Earth Syst. Sci, 121(1),211-220,2012
[14]YANG Zhao-Rui,YUAN Ping,SONG Zhang-Yong ,XU Qiu-mei,YANG Zhi-Hu, Measurements of the spectrum of singly ionized argon between 320 and 520 nm.Chin. Phys.lett. 29(1)013204,2012
[15]Jianyong Cen, Ping Yuan, Haiyan Qu, and Tinglong Zhang. Analysis on the spectra and synchronous radiated electric field observation of cloud-to-ground lightning discharge plasma.Physics of Plasmas. 18(11)113506,2011.
[16]Haiyan Qu, Ping Yuan, Tinglong Zhang, and Zhengshi Chang.Analysis on the correlation between temperature and discharge characteristic of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharge plasma with multiple return strokes.Physics ofPlasmas, 18(1)013504,2011.
[17]Zhengshi Chang, Ping Yuan. Study on the transport characteristics of cloudlightning.Physics ofPlasmas, 17(11)1135141,2010.
[18]Zheng Shi Chang, Ping Yuan, and Yi Xiao Guo. Transport Coefficients of Lightning Discharge Plasma on Plateau Area in China.IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,38(8)2048-2051,2010.