



  • 中文名:袁艷平
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:大學教授
  • 畢業院校:解放軍理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 專業方向:可再生能源建築、儲能技術與建築熱環境控制
  • 職務:系副主任、副院長






  • 地下空間熱濕環境模擬與控制
  • 地源熱泵
  • 太陽能建築一體化
  • 相變儲能在暖通領域的套用


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51678488)“基於偽裝和節能需求的防護工程熱濕環境分區分時調控”(2017.01-2020.12)(在研);
  2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51378426)“礦井避難硐室圍岩蓄冷-相變蓄熱耦合降溫系統特性研究”(在研);
  3. 國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)與英國皇家學會(RS)共同資助合作交流項目(5141101198)“基於多因素耦合的避難硐室傳熱特性研究”(2015.04-2017.03)(在研);
  4. 建築環境與能源高效利用四川省青年科技創新研究團隊項目 (2015TD0015)(在研);
  5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50978220)“特長高速鐵路隧道高溫高濕環境的形成機理與控制”(2010.01-2012.12);
  6. “十二五”國家科技計畫項目子課題(2013BAJ03B04-03)“高原河谷地下水源熱泵及太陽能空氣集熱系統關鍵技術研 究”(2013.01-2015.12);
  7. 教育部新世紀優秀人才基金項目“脂肪酸相變材料微膠囊的製備與傳熱特性研究”;
  8. 四川省傑出青年基金(2010A14-449)“特長高速鐵路隧道熱濕環境的數值模擬與實驗研究”;
  9. 四川省科技支撐計畫項目(2013GZ0034)“餘熱鍋爐強化傳熱關鍵技術研究與套用”;
  10. 中國博士後第2批特別資助項目“特長高速鐵路隧道高溫高濕環境的形成機理”;
  11. 四川省青年科技基金(09ZQ026-076)“基於修正圓柱源模型的地源熱泵地埋管換熱器傳熱特性研究”;
  12. 北京市重點實驗室開放課題(2008K09)“地源熱泵間歇運行時土壤溫度場的恢復特性對系統負荷累積的衰減作用”;
  13. 城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室開放研究基金面上項目(QA200904)“非牛頓流污水混合結垢機理及其對污水源熱泵系統性能的影響”;
  14. (中國博士後面上資助項目(20080431241);地源熱泵間歇運行時土壤溫度場的恢復特性;
  15. (建設部科學技術項目(2010-K1-32)“控溫降噪相變石膏板的製備、傳熱特性與套用”(2010.06-2012.06);
  1. Mingzhu Xia,Yanping Yuan*,Xudong Zhao, Xiaoling Cao, Zhonghua Tang, Cold storage condensation heat recovery system with a novel composite phase change material, Applied Energy, 2016,175:259–268. (IF=5.613)
  2. Sun Liangliang, Li Ming,YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Lei Bo, Yu Nanyang. Effect of tilt angle and connection mode of PVT modules on the energy efficiency of a hot water system for high-rise residential buildings, Renewable Energy, 2016, 93:291-301. (IF=3.476)
  3. YUAN Yanping*, Li Tianyu, Nan Zhang, XiaolingCao, Xiaojiao Yang, Investigation on thermal properties of capric–palmitic–stearic acid/activated carbon composite phase change materials for high-temperature cooling application, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016,124(2):881-888. (IF=2.042)
  4. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Haiquan, YANG Fan, Zhang Nan, Xiaolin Cao.Inorganic Composite Sorbents for Water Vapor Sorption: A Research Progress, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016,54:761-776.(IF=5.901)
  5. Zujing Zhang,Yanping Yuan*,kequan Wang, Xiangkui Gao, Xiaoling Cao. Experimental study on Influencing Factors of air curtain systems barrier efficiency for mine refuge chamber, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2016, 102:534-546 (IF=2.551)
  6. CUI wenlong,YUAN yanping*, Liangliang Sun, Xiaoling Cao, Xiaojiao Yang. Experimental studies on the supercooling and melting-freezing characteristics of Nano-copper/sodium acetate trihydrate composite phase-change materials,Renewable Energy,2016, 99:1029-1037. (IF=3.476)
  7. YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Xiang Bo, Du Yanxia. Effect of installation angle of fins on melting characteristics of annular unit for latent heat thermal energy storage, Solar Energy,2016, 136:365–378. (IF=3.685)
  8. YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Wang Junqing, Sun Liangliang, Thermal interaction of multiple ground heat exchangers under different intermittent ratio and separation distance, Applied Thermal Engineering,2016, 108 :277–286. (IF=3.043)
  9. Zhang haiquan,YUAN Yanping*, Qingrong Sun, Xiaoling Cao, Liangliang Sun. Steady-state equation of water vapor sorption for CaCl2-based chemical sorbents and its application, Scientific Reports,Doi:10.1038/srep34115 (2016). (IF=5.228)
  10. YUAN Yanping*, zhang haiquan, Nan Zhang, Qinrong Sun,Xiaoling Cao. Effect of water content on the phase transition temperature, latent heat and water uptake of PEG polymers acting as endothermal hydroscopic materials,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016,126(2):699–708 (IF=2.042)
  11. Zhang, Haiquan,Yuan Yanping*, Zhang Nan, Sun Qingrong, Cao Xiaoling. Core-shell microstructured nanocomposites for synergistic adjustment of environmental temperature and humidity. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep36974 (2016). (IF=5.228)
  12. Yanping Yuan*, Xiaoping Yu, Xiaojiao Yang, Xiao Yiming, Bo Xiang, Xi Wang. Bionic building energy efficiency and Bionic Green Architecture: A review,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, in reversion. (IF=5.901)
  13. Haiquan Zhang,Yanping Yuan*, Qinrong Sun, Xiaoling Cao. Enhanced thermal energy storage performance of polyethylene glycol by using interfacial interaction of copper-based metal oxide. Advanced Engineering Materials, in reversion. (IF=1.817)
  14. Zhang zhaoli,Yanping Yuan*. Thermal properties of ternary carbonate/ T-ZnOw for heat transfer in high-temperature concentrating solar power systems,Composites Part A,in reversion. (IF=3.719)
  15. Yuan Yanping*, Gao Xiangkui, Wu Hongwei, Zhang Zujin, Cao Xiaoling, Sun Liangliang Yu Nanyang,Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Building Envelope: Model Development and Validation,in reversion (IF=4.228)
  16. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, Li Tianyu,Xiaoling Cao, Weiyue Long. Thermal performance enhancement of palmitic-stearic acid by adding graphene nanoplatelets and expanded graphite for thermal energy storage: A comparative study. Energy,2016, 97: 488-497.(IF=4.884)
  17. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, LI Tianyu, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. Study on Thermal Property of Lauric-palmitic-stearic Acid/Vermiculite Composite as Form-stable Phase Change Material for Energy Storage, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(9):1–8. (IF=0.575)
  18. Liangliang Sun, Wenju Hu,Yanping Yuan*, Xiaoling Cao, Bo Lei.DynamicPerformance of the Shading-Type Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Claddings, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121:930-937
  19. Zhaoli Zhang,Yanping Yuan*, Nan Zhang, and Xiaoling Cao. Thermophysical Properties of Some Fatty Acids/Surfactants as Phase Change Slurries for Thermal Energy Storage, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00371.(IF=2.037)
  20. ZHANG Zhaoli,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan,et al. Experimental investigation on thermophysical properties of capric acid-lauric acid phase change slurries for thermal storage system, Energy, 2015,90:359-368 (IF=4.884)
  21. Zhang Haiquan, YUANYanping*, YANG Fan, et al. Inorganic Composite Adsorbent CaCl2/MWNT for Water Vapor Adsorption, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 38630-38639. (IF=3.84)
  22. CAO Xiaoling,YUAN Yanping*, SUN Liangliang, LEI Bo. Restoration performance of vertical ground heat exchanger with various intermittent ratios, Geothermics, 2015, 54: 115-121. (IF=2.949)
  23. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, TAO Wenquan, CAO Xiaoling, HE Yaling. Fatty acids as phase change materials: a review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 29: 482-498. ESI highly cited paper and hot papers. (IF=5.901)
  24. LIU Cheng,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. A novel PCM of lauric-myristic-stearic acid/expanded graphite composite for thermal energy storage, Materials Letters, 2014, 120: 43-46. (IF=2.489)
  25. YANG Xiaojiao,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, CAO Xiaoling, LIU Cheng. Preparation and properties of myristic-palmitic-stearic acid/expanded graphite composites as phase change materials for energy storage, Solor energy, 2014, 99: 259-266. ESI highly cited paper. (IF=3.469)
  26. YUAN Yaguang,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan. Preparation and thermal characterization of capric–myristic–palmitic acid/expanded graphite composite as phase change material for energy storage, Materials Letters. 125(2014) 154-157. (IF=2.489)
  27. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, YUAN Yaguang. Lauric–palmitic–stearic acid/expanded perlite composite as form-stable phase change material: Preparation and thermal properties, Energy and Buildings, 2014, 82: 505-511. (IF=2.884)
  28. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, YUAN Yaguang, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the thermal behavior of palmitic-stearic acid eutectic mixtures as phase change materials for energy storage, Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 64-70.(IF=3.469)
  29. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, DU Yanxia, CAO Xiaoling, YUAN Yaguang. Preparation and properties of palmitic-stearic acid eutectic mixture/expande d graphite composite as phase change material for energy storage, Energy, 2014, 78: 950-956. (IF=4.884)
  30. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, WANG Xi, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao, HU Shuchun. Preparation and characterization of lauric-myristic-palmitic acid ternary eutectic mixtures/expanded graphite composite phase change material for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 231: 214-219. (IF=4.321)
  31. YUAN Yanping*, CAO Xiaoling, SUN Liangliang, LEI Bo, YU Nanyang. Ground source heat pump system: A review of simulation in China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16: 6814-6822. (IF=5.901)
  1. 四川省製冷學會秘書長
  2. 《哈爾濱工業大學學報》編委
  3. 《製冷與空調》編委
  4. 《地源熱泵》編委
  5. 《製冷與空調》編輯部主任
  6. 中國製冷學會科普委員會委員
  7. 全國暖通學會通風專業委員會委員
  8. 中國岩石力學與工程學會地下空間分會常務理事
  9. 中國建築學會熱能動力分會理事


  1. 2008年入選西南交通大學高層次教師隊伍建設系列計畫“竢實之星”;
  2. 2011年獲得“鐵道部詹天佑西南交通大學專項獎”;
  3. 2011年入選“教育部新世紀優秀人才”;
  4. 2012年獲四川省科技進步三等獎(排名2);
  5. 2013年入選“四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選”;
  6. 2014年獲四川省科技進步一等獎(排名1);
  7. 第七屆中國製冷學會科學技術進步一等獎(排名1);
  8. 2015年獲“第二屆唐立新優秀學者獎”;
  9. 2015年入選西南交通大學高層次教師隊伍建設系列計畫“揚華之星”;
  10. 2015年負責的建築環境與能源高效利用團隊入選“四川省青年科技創新研究團隊項目”。


  1. Mingzhu Xia,Yanping Yuan*,Xudong Zhao, Xiaoling Cao, Zhonghua Tang, Cold storage condensation heat recovery system with a novel composite phase change material, Applied Energy, 2016,175:259–268. (IF=5.613)
  2. Sun Liangliang, Li Ming,YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Lei Bo, Yu Nanyang. Effect of tilt angle and connection mode of PVT modules on the energy efficiency of a hot water system for high-rise residential buildings, Renewable Energy, 2016, 93:291-301. (IF=3.476)
  3. YUAN Yanping*, Li Tianyu, Nan Zhang, XiaolingCao, Xiaojiao Yang, Investigation on thermal properties of capric–palmitic–stearic acid/activated carbon composite phase change materials for high-temperature cooling application, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016,124(2):881-888. (IF=2.042)
  4. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Haiquan, YANG Fan, Zhang Nan, Xiaolin Cao.Inorganic Composite Sorbents for Water Vapor Sorption: A Research Progress, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016,54:761-776.(IF=5.901)
  5. Zujing Zhang,Yanping Yuan*,kequan Wang, Xiangkui Gao, Xiaoling Cao. Experimental study on Influencing Factors of air curtain systems barrier efficiency for mine refuge chamber, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2016, 102:534-546 (IF=2.551)
  6. CUI wenlong,YUAN yanping*, Liangliang Sun, Xiaoling Cao, Xiaojiao Yang. Experimental studies on the supercooling and melting-freezing characteristics of Nano-copper/sodium acetate trihydrate composite phase-change materials,Renewable Energy,2016, 99:1029-1037. (IF=3.476)
  7. YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Xiang Bo, Du Yanxia. Effect of installation angle of fins on melting characteristics of annular unit for latent heat thermal energy storage, Solar Energy,2016, 136:365–378. (IF=3.685)
  8. YUAN Yanping*, Cao Xiaoling, Wang Junqing, Sun Liangliang, Thermal interaction of multiple ground heat exchangers under different intermittent ratio and separation distance, Applied Thermal Engineering,2016, 108 :277–286. (IF=3.043)
  9. Zhang haiquan,YUAN Yanping*, Qingrong Sun, Xiaoling Cao, Liangliang Sun. Steady-state equation of water vapor sorption for CaCl2-based chemical sorbents and its application, Scientific Reports,Doi:10.1038/srep34115 (2016). (IF=5.228)
  10. YUAN Yanping*, zhang haiquan, Nan Zhang, Qinrong Sun,Xiaoling Cao. Effect of water content on the phase transition temperature, latent heat and water uptake of PEG polymers acting as endothermal hydroscopic materials,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016,126(2):699–708 (IF=2.042)
  11. Zhang, Haiquan,Yuan Yanping*, Zhang Nan, Sun Qingrong, Cao Xiaoling. Core-shell microstructured nanocomposites for synergistic adjustment of environmental temperature and humidity. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep36974 (2016). (IF=5.228)
  12. Yanping Yuan*, Xiaoping Yu, Xiaojiao Yang, Xiao Yiming, Bo Xiang, Xi Wang. Bionic building energy efficiency and Bionic Green Architecture: A review,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, in reversion. (IF=5.901)
  13. Haiquan Zhang,Yanping Yuan*, Qinrong Sun, Xiaoling Cao. Enhanced thermal energy storage performance of polyethylene glycol by using interfacial interaction of copper-based metal oxide. Advanced Engineering Materials, in reversion. (IF=1.817)
  14. Zhang zhaoli,Yanping Yuan*. Thermal properties of ternary carbonate/ T-ZnOw for heat transfer in high-temperature concentrating solar power systems,Composites Part A,in reversion. (IF=3.719)
  15. Yuan Yanping*, Gao Xiangkui, Wu Hongwei, Zhang Zujin, Cao Xiaoling, Sun Liangliang Yu Nanyang,Coupled Cooling Method and Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Combined with Pre-cooling of Building Envelope: Model Development and Validation,in reversion (IF=4.228)
  16. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, Li Tianyu,Xiaoling Cao, Weiyue Long. Thermal performance enhancement of palmitic-stearic acid by adding graphene nanoplatelets and expanded graphite for thermal energy storage: A comparative study. Energy,2016, 97: 488-497.(IF=4.884)
  17. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, LI Tianyu, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. Study on Thermal Property of Lauric-palmitic-stearic Acid/Vermiculite Composite as Form-stable Phase Change Material for Energy Storage, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(9):1–8. (IF=0.575)
  18. Liangliang Sun, Wenju Hu,Yanping Yuan*, Xiaoling Cao, Bo Lei.DynamicPerformance of the Shading-Type Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Claddings, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121:930-937
  19. Zhaoli Zhang,Yanping Yuan*, Nan Zhang, and Xiaoling Cao. Thermophysical Properties of Some Fatty Acids/Surfactants as Phase Change Slurries for Thermal Energy Storage, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00371.(IF=2.037)
  20. ZHANG Zhaoli,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan,et al. Experimental investigation on thermophysical properties of capric acid-lauric acid phase change slurries for thermal storage system, Energy, 2015,90:359-368 (IF=4.884)
  21. Zhang Haiquan, YUANYanping*, YANG Fan, et al. Inorganic Composite Adsorbent CaCl2/MWNT for Water Vapor Adsorption, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 38630-38639. (IF=3.84)
  22. CAO Xiaoling,YUAN Yanping*, SUN Liangliang, LEI Bo. Restoration performance of vertical ground heat exchanger with various intermittent ratios, Geothermics, 2015, 54: 115-121. (IF=2.949)
  23. YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, TAO Wenquan, CAO Xiaoling, HE Yaling. Fatty acids as phase change materials: a review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 29: 482-498. ESI highly cited paper and hot papers. (IF=5.901)
  24. LIU Cheng,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. A novel PCM of lauric-myristic-stearic acid/expanded graphite composite for thermal energy storage, Materials Letters, 2014, 120: 43-46. (IF=2.489)
  25. YANG Xiaojiao,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan, CAO Xiaoling, LIU Cheng. Preparation and properties of myristic-palmitic-stearic acid/expanded graphite composites as phase change materials for energy storage, Solor energy, 2014, 99: 259-266. ESI highly cited paper. (IF=3.469)
  26. YUAN Yaguang,YUAN Yanping*, ZHANG Nan. Preparation and thermal characterization of capric–myristic–palmitic acid/expanded graphite composite as phase change material for energy storage, Materials Letters. 125(2014) 154-157. (IF=2.489)
  27. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, YUAN Yaguang. Lauric–palmitic–stearic acid/expanded perlite composite as form-stable phase change material: Preparation and thermal properties, Energy and Buildings, 2014, 82: 505-511. (IF=2.884)
  28. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, YUAN Yaguang, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the thermal behavior of palmitic-stearic acid eutectic mixtures as phase change materials for energy storage, Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 64-70.(IF=3.469)
  29. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, DU Yanxia, CAO Xiaoling, YUAN Yaguang. Preparation and properties of palmitic-stearic acid eutectic mixture/expande d graphite composite as phase change material for energy storage, Energy, 2014, 78: 950-956. (IF=4.884)
  30. ZHANG Nan,YUAN Yanping*, WANG Xi, CAO Xiaoling, YANG Xiaojiao, HU Shuchun. Preparation and characterization of lauric-myristic-palmitic acid ternary eutectic mixtures/expanded graphite composite phase change material for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 231: 214-219. (IF=4.321)
  31. YUAN Yanping*, CAO Xiaoling, SUN Liangliang, LEI Bo, YU Nanyang. Ground source heat pump system: A review of simulation in China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16: 6814-6822. (IF=5.901).


