2004- 2006:中國科學院植物研究所從事科研工作,任助理研究員
2011-2014:加主戶欠拿大Lakehead大學,Senior Research Scientist
主要從事生態系統生態學、全球變化生物學和土壤學研究,在土壤-植物-微生物的生物地球化學循環耦聯研究方面取得了一些突出研究成績,以第一作者先後發表SCI論文30餘篇,其中包括eLife、Nature Climate Change、Nature Communications、Ecology、Global Ecology and Biogeography、Proceedings of the Royal Society B等期刊,並獲F1000推薦,最高影響因子21.722,其中有4篇進入 “自然指數”(Nature Index)期刊之中。參加編鍵捆紙寫專著3部(其中副主編1部)。主持
4)國家重點研發計畫課題,2016YFA0600801, 中國北方森林和草地生態系統碳氮耦合循環與碳源茅乘慨虹匯效應研究,2016-2021。
1)Liu, GY, Chen LL, Shi XR, Yuan ZY* et al., 2019. Changes in rhizosphere bacterial and fungal community composition with vegetation restoration in planted forests. Land Degradation & Development, 30: 1147-1157.
2)Chen L, Deng Q, Yuan ZY* et al., 2018. Soil nutrients and water affect the age-related fine root biomass but not production in two plantation forests on the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering 120: 14-22.
3)Yuan ZY*, Jiao F, Shi XR, Han FP, 2018. Changes in fine root biomass of Picea abies forests: predicting the potential impacts of climate change. Journal of Plant Ecology,11: 595-603.
4)Ren HY, Kang J, Yuan ZY, Xu ZW, & Han GD. 2018. Responses of nutrient resorption to warming and nitrogen fertilization in contrasting wet and dry years in a desert grassland. Plant and Soil, 432: 65-73.
5)Yuan ZY*, Jiao F, Shi XR, Han FP, 2018. Changes in fine root biomass of Picea abies forests: predicting the potential impacts of climate change. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11: 595-603.
6)Yuan ZY*, Jiao F, Shi XR, Sardans J, Maestre FT, Delgado-Baquerizo M, PB Reich, Pe?uelas J, 2017. Experimental and observational studies find contrasting responses of soil nutrients to climate change. eLife, DOI: 10.7554.
7)Yuan ZY*, Jiao F, Li YH, Kallenbach RL. 2016. Anthropogenic disturbances are key to maintaining the biodiversity of grasslands. Scientific Reports 6: e22132.
8)Chen L, Mu X, Yuan ZY*, et al., 2016. Soil nutrients and water affect the age-related fine root biomass but not production in two plantation forests on the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Environments 135, 173-180.
9)Jiao F, Shi XR, Han FP, Yuan ZY*. 2016. Increasing aridity, temperature and soil pH induce soil C-N-P imbalance in grasslands. Scientific Reports 6, e19601.
10)Huang J, Yu H, Lin H, Zhang Y, Searle EB., Yuan ZY*. 2016. Phosphorus amendment mitigates nitrogen addition-induced phosphorus limitation in two plant species in a desert steppe, China. Plant and Soil, 399: 221-232.
11)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2015. Negative effects of fertilization on plant nutrient resorption. Ecology 96:373-380.
12)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2015. Decoupling of nitrogen and phosphorus in terrestrial plants associated with global changes. Nature Climate Change 5: 465-469.
13)Ren HY, Xu ZW, Huang JH, Lü XT, Zeng DH, Yuan ZY, Han XG, Fang YT*. 2015. Increased precipitation induces a positive plant-soil feedback in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil 389:211-223.
14)Chen LL, Yuan ZY*, Shao HB, Wang DX, Mu XM. 2014. Effects of thinning intensities on soil infiltration and water storage capacity in a Chinese pine-oak mixed forest. Scientific World Journal (DOI: 10.1155/2014/268157).
15)Yuan ZY*, Chen HYH. 2013. Effects of disturbance on fine root dynamics in the boreal forests of northern Ontario, Canada. Ecosystems 16: 467-477.
16)Brassard, B.W., H.Y.H. Chen*, X. Cavard, J. Laganière, P.B. Reich, Y. Bergeron, D. Pare, and Yuan ZY. 2013. Tree species diversity increases fine root productivity through increased soil volume filling. Journal of Ecology 101:210-219.
17)Kang M*, Dai C, Ji W, Jiang Y, Yuan ZY & Chen HYH. 2013. Biomass and its allocation in relation to temperature, precipitation, and soil nutrients in Inner Mongolia grasslands, China. Plos One, 8, e69561.
18)Yuan ZY*, Chen HYH. 2013. Revisiting the decision matrix by sequential core approach. Acta Oecologia 48: 54-61.
19)Jiao F, Wen ZM, An SS, Yuan ZY*. 2013. Successional changes in soil stoichiometry after land abandonment in Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering 58, 249-254.
20)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2012. Indirect methods produce higher estimates of fine root production and turnover rates than direct methods. Plos One 7: e48989
21)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2012. A global analysis of fine root production as affected by soil nitrogen and phosphorus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:3796-3802.
22)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2012. Fine root dynamics with stand development in boreal forests. Functional Ecology 26: 991-998
23)Huang JY, Yu HL, Wang B, Li LH, Xiao GJ, Yuan ZY*. 2012. Nutrient resorption based on different estimations of five perennial herbaceous species from the grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Environments 76:1-8.
24)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2011. Global-scale latitudinal patterns of plant fine-root nitrogen and phosphorus. Nature Communications 2:e346
25)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2010. Fine root biomass, production, turnover rates, and nutrient contents in boreal forest ecosystems in relation to species, climate, fertility, and stand age. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 29:204-221.
26)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2010. Changes in nitrogen resorption of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) with stand development. Plant and Soil 327:121-129.
27)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2009. Global trends in senesced-leaf nitrogen and phosphorus. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:532–542.
28)Yuan ZY, Chen HYH*. 2009. Global-scale patterns of nutrient resorption associated with latitude, temperature and precipitation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:11–18.
29)Huang JY, Yu HL, Li LH, Yuan ZY*, Bartels S. 2009. Water supply changes N and P conservation in a perennial grass Leymus chinensis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51: 1050–1056.
30)Huang JY, Zhu XG, Yuan ZY*, Song SH, Li X, Li LH. 2008. Changes in nitrogen resorption traits of six temperate grassland species along a multi-level N addition gradient. Plant and Soil 306:149–158.
31)Yuan ZY*, Chen HYH, Li LH. 2008. Nitrogen use efficiency: does a trade-off exist between the N productivity and the mean residence time within species? Australian Journal of Botany 56:272–277.
32)Yuan ZY, Liu WX, Niu SL, Wan SQ*. 2007. Plant nitrogen dynamics and nitrogen-use strategies under altered nitrogen seasonality and competition. Annals of Botany 100: 821–830. (IF=4.041)
33)Yuan ZY, Li LH*. 2007. Soil water status influences plant nitrogen use: a case study. Plant and Soil 301:303–313.
34)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Chen SP, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Bai WM. 2006. Nitrogen response efficiency increased monotonically with decreasing soil resource availability: a case study from a semiarid grassland in northern China. Oecologia 148: 564–572.
35)Niu SL, Zhang YF, Yuan ZY, Liu WX, Huang JH, Wan SQ*. 2006. Effects of interspecific competition and nitrogen seasonality on the photosynthetic characteristics of C3 and C4 grasses. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57: 270–277.
36)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Huang JH, Wan SQ. 2005. Foliar nitrogen dynamics and nitrogen resorption of a sandy shrub Salix gordejevii in northern China. Plant and Soil 278: 183–193.
37)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Huang JH, Jiang GM, Wan SQ. 2005. Soil characteristics and nitrogen resorption in Stipa krylovii native to northern China. Plant and Soil 273:257–268.
38)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Huang JH, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Zhang WH, Chen QS. 2005. Nitrogen resorption from senescing leaves of 28 species in a semi-arid region of northern China. Journal of Arid Environments 63: 191–202.
39)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Zhang WH, Wan SQ. 2005. Variation in nitrogen use traits of two Stipa species in a semi-arid region of northern China. Journal of Arid Environments 61:13–25.
40)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Wan SQ. 2005. Effect of nitrogen supply on the nitrogen use efficiency of an annual herb, Helianthus annuus L. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47: 539–548.
41)Niu SL, Yuan ZY, Zhang YF, Liu WX, Zhang L, Huang JH, Wan SQ*. 2005. Photosynthetic responses of C3 and C4 species to seasonal water variability and competition. Journal of Experimental Botany 56: 2867–2876.
42)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Jiang FH, Zhao MX, Lin GH. 2004. Effects of plant sizes on the nitrogen use strategy in an annual herb, Helianthus annuus (Sunflower). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 46: 889–895.
43)Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG. 2004. Effects of simulating grazing pattern and nitrogen supply on plant growth in a semi-arid region of Northern China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 46: 1032–1039.
44)Yuan ZY, Li XL, Gao DS. 2003. Effects of temperature and several chemicals on metabolic changes during dormancy release in 'NJ72' nectarine. Agricultural Science in China 2: 549–555
45)Zhang Y, Li LH*, Tang F, Chen QS, Yang J, Yuan ZY, Dong YS. 2003. Comparison of soil respiration in two grass-dominated communities in the Xilin River Basin: Correlations and controls. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 45: 1024–1029.
46)劉桂要, 陳莉莉, 袁志友*. 2019. 氮添加對黃土丘陵區油松人工林根際土壤微生物群落結構的影響. 套用生態學報, 30: 117–126.
47)韓士傑*, 袁志友, 方運霆, 王智平. 2016. 中國北方森林和草地生態系統碳氮耦合循環與碳源匯效應研究. 北京林業大學學報 12: 128–130.
48)陳莉莉, 袁志友*, 穆興民, 焦峰, 鄧強. 2015. 森林細根生產力研究進展. 西北林學院學報 30: 70–75.
49)李婷, 鄧強, 焦峰, 袁志友. 2015a. 黃土高原高原緯度梯度下草本植物生物量的變化及其氮, 磷化學計量學特徵. 植物營養與肥料學報 21: 743–751.
50)李婷, 鄧強, 袁志友, 焦峰. 2015b. 黃土高原高原緯度梯度上的植物與土壤碳堯 氮堯 磷化學計量學特徵. 環境科學 36: 253–261.
51)鄧強, 李婷, 袁志友, 焦峰. 2014. 黃土高原高原 4 種植被類型的細根生物量和年生產量. 套用生態學報, 25: 3091–3098.
52)黃菊瑩, 余海龍, 袁志友*, 李凌浩. 2011. 氮、磷和水分供給對羊草枯葉分解質量的影響. 植物生態學報 35: 808–815
53)黃菊瑩, 袁志友*, 李凌浩. 2009. 羊草綠葉氮、磷濃度和比葉面積沿氮、磷和水分梯度的變化. 植物生態學報 33: 442–448
54)任麗昀, 袁志友*, 任立飛, 王洪義, 溫增軍. 2005. 中國北部半乾旱區喬木、灌木和草本三種不同生活型植物的氮素回收特徵. 西北植物學報 25: 497–502.
55)袁志友, 李凌浩, 韓興國. 2004. 高密度種群中藜的氮素利用效率. 植物生態學報 28: 294–299
56)李凌浩, 李鑫, 白文明, 王其兵, 閆志丹, 袁志友, 董雲社. 2004. 錫林河流域一個放牧羊草群落中碳素平衡的初步估計. 植物生態學報 28: 312–317
57)袁志友, 李憲利, 孫慶華. 2003. 巨峰葡萄花芽分化的研究. 西北植物學報 24: 389–394
58)陳全勝, 李凌浩, 韓興國, 閻志丹, 王艷芬, 袁志友. 2003. 水熱條件對錫林河流域典型草原退化群落土壤呼吸的影響. 植物生態學報 27: 202–209
59)陳全勝, 李凌浩, 韓興國, 閻志丹, 王艷芬, 張焱, 袁志友, 唐芳. 2003. 溫帶草原11個植物群落夏秋土壤呼吸對氣溫變化的回響. 植物生態學報 27: 441–447
60)袁志友, 李憲利, 閆田力. 2002. 幾種化學藥劑對‘NJ72’油桃休眠解除的影響. 植物學通報 19: 601–606
61)李憲利, 袁志友, 閆田力. 2002. 低溫在誘導油桃芽解除休眠過程中對代謝的影響. 中國生態農業學報 10: 27–29
62)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2002. 葡萄的成花過程及其影響因素. 果樹學報 19: 330–335
63)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2002. 高等植物成花分子機理研究現狀及展望. 西北植物學報 22: 173–183
64)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2001. 影響落葉果樹芽休眠的因素.
山東農業大學學報 32: 386–392
65)袁志友, 李憲利, 高東升. 2000. 影響葡萄花芽分化的主要因素. 河北林果研究 15: 367–372
1)袁志友 2015. 黃土高原高原植被恢復過程中的生產力及養分特徵變化. 杜盛劉國彬(主編). 黃土高原高原植被恢復的生態功能. 科學出版社 p42-97
2)袁志友(副主編), 黃菊瑩. 2012. 內蒙古草地植物養分策略. 韓興國(主編). 草地生態系統維持機理與適應性管理.
中國農業大學出版社 p192-238
3)袁志友, 李凌浩, 黃建輝. 2003. 植物養分利用效率的概念與原理. 李承森主編. 植物科學進展 (第五輯). 北京:高等教育出版社(第五輯) 187-200.
4)袁志友, 韓興國, 黃建輝. 2003. 不同尺度上的植物養分利用效率. 李承森主編. 植物科學進展 (第五輯). 北京:高等教育出版社201-214.
53)黃菊瑩, 袁志友*, 李凌浩. 2009. 羊草綠葉氮、磷濃度和比葉面積沿氮、磷和水分梯度的變化. 植物生態學報 33: 442–448
54)任麗昀, 袁志友*, 任立飛, 王洪義, 溫增軍. 2005. 中國北部半乾旱區喬木、灌木和草本三種不同生活型植物的氮素回收特徵. 西北植物學報 25: 497–502.
55)袁志友, 李凌浩, 韓興國. 2004. 高密度種群中藜的氮素利用效率. 植物生態學報 28: 294–299
56)李凌浩, 李鑫, 白文明, 王其兵, 閆志丹, 袁志友, 董雲社. 2004. 錫林河流域一個放牧羊草群落中碳素平衡的初步估計. 植物生態學報 28: 312–317
57)袁志友, 李憲利, 孫慶華. 2003. 巨峰葡萄花芽分化的研究. 西北植物學報 24: 389–394
58)陳全勝, 李凌浩, 韓興國, 閻志丹, 王艷芬, 袁志友. 2003. 水熱條件對錫林河流域典型草原退化群落土壤呼吸的影響. 植物生態學報 27: 202–209
59)陳全勝, 李凌浩, 韓興國, 閻志丹, 王艷芬, 張焱, 袁志友, 唐芳. 2003. 溫帶草原11個植物群落夏秋土壤呼吸對氣溫變化的回響. 植物生態學報 27: 441–447
60)袁志友, 李憲利, 閆田力. 2002. 幾種化學藥劑對‘NJ72’油桃休眠解除的影響. 植物學通報 19: 601–606
61)李憲利, 袁志友, 閆田力. 2002. 低溫在誘導油桃芽解除休眠過程中對代謝的影響. 中國生態農業學報 10: 27–29
62)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2002. 葡萄的成花過程及其影響因素. 果樹學報 19: 330–335
63)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2002. 高等植物成花分子機理研究現狀及展望. 西北植物學報 22: 173–183
64)李憲利, 袁志友, 高東升. 2001. 影響落葉果樹芽休眠的因素.
山東農業大學學報 32: 386–392
65)袁志友, 李憲利, 高東升. 2000. 影響葡萄花芽分化的主要因素. 河北林果研究 15: 367–372
1)袁志友 2015. 黃土高原高原植被恢復過程中的生產力及養分特徵變化. 杜盛劉國彬(主編). 黃土高原高原植被恢復的生態功能. 科學出版社 p42-97
2)袁志友(副主編), 黃菊瑩. 2012. 內蒙古草地植物養分策略. 韓興國(主編). 草地生態系統維持機理與適應性管理.
中國農業大學出版社 p192-238
3)袁志友, 李凌浩, 黃建輝. 2003. 植物養分利用效率的概念與原理. 李承森主編. 植物科學進展 (第五輯). 北京:高等教育出版社(第五輯) 187-200.
4)袁志友, 韓興國, 黃建輝. 2003. 不同尺度上的植物養分利用效率. 李承森主編. 植物科學進展 (第五輯). 北京:高等教育出版社201-214.