- 作者:孟建 編
- ISBN:9787309037296
- 頁數:413
- 定價:36.00元
- 出版社:復旦大學
- 出版時間:2003-8
“第二屆中國影視高層論壇”是在中國成功地加入了WTO和中國影視事業取得了巨大成就的宏大背景下舉行的。這屆高層論壇在“衝突與和諧: 全球化空間中亞洲影視的新趨勢”這一國際性學術主題的統領下,對處於世界影視新格局中的亞洲影視業,特別是中國影視業,進行了廣泛和深入的研討。
一、 全球化與中國影視之新挑戰、新機遇
從奇蹟到幻滅: 中國電影在歐洲〔德〕 莫里茨·德·哈爾德
迪特爾·瓦爾里希演講稿〔德〕 迪特爾·魏因里希
——中國明星在國外形象的個案研究〔德〕 馬丁·吉澤爾曼
市場轉型中的影像重組: 新媒體與文化批評〔美〕 孫紹誼
想像空間與認同並裂: 媒介全球化的後果?(台) 李天鐸
韓國電影振興對中國的啟示陸地 郭淼
全球化: 文化差異與文化資本顏純鈞
全球化空間中的中國電影生存發展和獨立品格 周星
21世紀: 中國影視業的文化定位及其歷史使命 左芳
二、 亞洲影視文化之新讀解、新闡釋
好萊塢、全球化與亞洲電影市場: 給中國的啟示〔美〕 駱思典
東方鏡像的甦醒: 獨立精神及本土文化的弘揚
舉世矚目 轟動效應
——《英雄》的隱義 賈磊磊
——闡釋以影視為主導的視覺文化 孟建
宮崎駿動畫電影的迪斯尼情結 聶欣如
試論韓國影視的民族性及其美學呈現 張振華 秦玉蘭
——試論亞洲新電影在世界電影格局中的兩種策略 洪帆
三池崇史電影中的性別、類型觀念與亞洲〔美〕 斯坦芬尼·德波爾
——侯孝賢電影的長鏡頭風格與意境創造 袁玉琴
——論李安《臥虎藏龍》的文化定位〔紐西蘭〕 林勇
三、 中國影視業發展之新課題、新景觀
2002: 透視中國電影產業投資 黃升民 趙子忠
數字電影: 中國電影產業在數媒經濟時代的機會 劉軍
中國數碼影視的現狀及發展機遇 李亦中
——新紀錄運動在中國 呂新雨
——中國非職業影像運動的考察 胡智鋒
——論“五代後新生代導演”的現實境況、精神歷程與“電影策” 陳旭光
對第六代導演的期望 陳培湛
結構關係的歷史研究 陳犀禾 鄭潔
香港電影產業: 亟待拯救
——2002年暑期本土票房帶來的思考 張燕
建立中國電視批評的新秩序 歐陽宏生 段弘
Table of Contents
Globalization: New Challenges and Opportunities of Chinese Film and Television
From Miracle to Disillusion: Chinese Cinema in EuropeMoritz de Hadeln (German)
Speech by Prof. Dieter WeirichDieter Weirich (German)Exploring Factors of Success for Chinese Films from the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan in Germany: A Case Study about the Traveling Images of Chinese StarsMartin Gieselmann (German)
Cultural Studies and Chinese Film in the Context of GlobalizationWang NingTowards a Reorientation of Visual Images: New Media and Its Cultural ImplicationsSun Shaoyi (U.S.A.)
Chinas Entry to WTO and Its Impact on the Industries of Chinese Film and TelevisionJin GuanjunImaginary Spheres and Schizophrenic Identity: The Consequences of Media Globalization?Li Tianduo (Taiwan)
The Revitalization of Korean Cinema and Its Lessons for ChinaLu Di & Guo Miao
Globalization: Cultural Differences and Cultural CapitalsYan Chunjun〖CS〗
Surviving Globalization: Chinese Film and Its Independent QualityZhou XingChinese Film and Television in the New Millennium: Cultural Identity and Historical MissionZuo Fang
Conflict VS Harmony: Globalization and Asian Film & TV
Asian Cinema and Television: New Interpretations and Analyses
Hollywood, Globalization and Film Markets in Asia: Lessons for China?Stanley Rosen (U.S.A.)
The Wakening of the Eastern Mirror and Image: Cultural Significance of Asian “New Cinema”Huang ShixianThe Sensational Growth that Deserves Worldwide Attention: The Development of Chinese TV DramasZhang FengzhuThe Black Martial Artists: The Metaphorical Meanings of Zhang Yimous HeroJia Leilei
The Historical Turn of Filmic and Television Culture: Interpreting the Film and Television Based Visual CultureMeng Jian
The “Disney Complex” of Hayao Miyazakis Animation FilmsNie Xinru
An Exploration of the National Character and Its Aesthetic Reification of Korean Film and TelevisionZhang Zhenhua & Qin Yulan
Marching Towards International Film Festivals and International Cinema: Asian “New Cinema” and Its Two Strategies in the Context of World CinemaHong Fan
Exploding/Exploiting TransRegional Space: Gender, Genre, and Asia in the Films of Miike TakashiStephanie DeBoer (U.S.A.)
A Filmic Style that Speaks the Languages both East and West: The LongTake Style and Diegesis of Hou Hsiaohsiens FilmsYuan YuqinFierce Tiger Comes Out from the Mountain, Flood Dragon Jumps into the Sea: Ang Lees Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon and Its Cultural IdentificationLin Yong (New Zealand)
New Topics and Perspectives on the Chinese Film and Television Industries
The Year of 2002: An Overview of the Investment of the Chinese Film IndustryHuang Shengmin & Zhao ZizhongDigital Cinema: Opportunities of the Chinese Film Industry in the Age of Digital and Media EconomyLiu Jun
The Current Status and Future Opportunities of the Digital Film and Television of ChinaLi YizhongOn the Ruins of Utopia: New Documentary Movement of ChinaLu Xinyu
The “DV Generation:” An Exploration of the NonProfessional Movement of Chinese CinemaHu Zhifeng
The Beginning that Never Ends: The Current Status, Spiritual Journey, and Cinematic Strategies of the PostFifth Generation DirectorsChen Xuguang
Chinas Sixth Generation Filmmakers: Hopes and ExpectationsChen Peizhan
Aesthetics and Political Economy of Chinese Cinema: A Historical Study of Chinese Films Capital, Market, and Product Structures and Their RelationsChen Xihe & Zheng Jie
The WaitingToBeSaved Hong Kong Film Industry: Reflections on the 2002 Summer Box Office of Hong Kong FilmZhang YanEstablishing the New Order of TV Criticism in ChinaOuyang Hongsheng & Duan Hong
從奇蹟到幻滅: 中國電影在歐洲〔德〕 莫里茨·德·哈爾德
迪特爾·瓦爾里希演講稿〔德〕 迪特爾·魏因里希
——中國明星在國外形象的個案研究〔德〕 馬丁·吉澤爾曼
市場轉型中的影像重組: 新媒體與文化批評〔美〕 孫紹誼
想像空間與認同並裂: 媒介全球化的後果?(台) 李天鐸
韓國電影振興對中國的啟示陸地 郭淼
全球化: 文化差異與文化資本顏純鈞
全球化空間中的中國電影生存發展和獨立品格 周星
21世紀: 中國影視業的文化定位及其歷史使命 左芳
二、 亞洲影視文化之新讀解、新闡釋
好萊塢、全球化與亞洲電影市場: 給中國的啟示〔美〕 駱思典
東方鏡像的甦醒: 獨立精神及本土文化的弘揚
舉世矚目 轟動效應
——《英雄》的隱義 賈磊磊
——闡釋以影視為主導的視覺文化 孟建
宮崎駿動畫電影的迪斯尼情結 聶欣如
試論韓國影視的民族性及其美學呈現 張振華 秦玉蘭
——試論亞洲新電影在世界電影格局中的兩種策略 洪帆
三池崇史電影中的性別、類型觀念與亞洲〔美〕 斯坦芬尼·德波爾
——侯孝賢電影的長鏡頭風格與意境創造 袁玉琴
——論李安《臥虎藏龍》的文化定位〔紐西蘭〕 林勇
三、 中國影視業發展之新課題、新景觀
2002: 透視中國電影產業投資 黃升民 趙子忠
數字電影: 中國電影產業在數媒經濟時代的機會 劉軍
中國數碼影視的現狀及發展機遇 李亦中
——新紀錄運動在中國 呂新雨
——中國非職業影像運動的考察 胡智鋒
——論“五代後新生代導演”的現實境況、精神歷程與“電影策” 陳旭光
對第六代導演的期望 陳培湛
結構關係的歷史研究 陳犀禾 鄭潔
香港電影產業: 亟待拯救
——2002年暑期本土票房帶來的思考 張燕
建立中國電視批評的新秩序 歐陽宏生 段弘
Table of Contents
Globalization: New Challenges and Opportunities of Chinese Film and Television
From Miracle to Disillusion: Chinese Cinema in EuropeMoritz de Hadeln (German)
Speech by Prof. Dieter WeirichDieter Weirich (German)Exploring Factors of Success for Chinese Films from the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan in Germany: A Case Study about the Traveling Images of Chinese StarsMartin Gieselmann (German)
Cultural Studies and Chinese Film in the Context of GlobalizationWang NingTowards a Reorientation of Visual Images: New Media and Its Cultural ImplicationsSun Shaoyi (U.S.A.)
Chinas Entry to WTO and Its Impact on the Industries of Chinese Film and TelevisionJin GuanjunImaginary Spheres and Schizophrenic Identity: The Consequences of Media Globalization?Li Tianduo (Taiwan)
The Revitalization of Korean Cinema and Its Lessons for ChinaLu Di & Guo Miao
Globalization: Cultural Differences and Cultural CapitalsYan Chunjun〖CS〗
Surviving Globalization: Chinese Film and Its Independent QualityZhou XingChinese Film and Television in the New Millennium: Cultural Identity and Historical MissionZuo Fang
Conflict VS Harmony: Globalization and Asian Film & TV
Asian Cinema and Television: New Interpretations and Analyses
Hollywood, Globalization and Film Markets in Asia: Lessons for China?Stanley Rosen (U.S.A.)
The Wakening of the Eastern Mirror and Image: Cultural Significance of Asian “New Cinema”Huang ShixianThe Sensational Growth that Deserves Worldwide Attention: The Development of Chinese TV DramasZhang FengzhuThe Black Martial Artists: The Metaphorical Meanings of Zhang Yimous HeroJia Leilei
The Historical Turn of Filmic and Television Culture: Interpreting the Film and Television Based Visual CultureMeng Jian
The “Disney Complex” of Hayao Miyazakis Animation FilmsNie Xinru
An Exploration of the National Character and Its Aesthetic Reification of Korean Film and TelevisionZhang Zhenhua & Qin Yulan
Marching Towards International Film Festivals and International Cinema: Asian “New Cinema” and Its Two Strategies in the Context of World CinemaHong Fan
Exploding/Exploiting TransRegional Space: Gender, Genre, and Asia in the Films of Miike TakashiStephanie DeBoer (U.S.A.)
A Filmic Style that Speaks the Languages both East and West: The LongTake Style and Diegesis of Hou Hsiaohsiens FilmsYuan YuqinFierce Tiger Comes Out from the Mountain, Flood Dragon Jumps into the Sea: Ang Lees Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon and Its Cultural IdentificationLin Yong (New Zealand)
New Topics and Perspectives on the Chinese Film and Television Industries
The Year of 2002: An Overview of the Investment of the Chinese Film IndustryHuang Shengmin & Zhao ZizhongDigital Cinema: Opportunities of the Chinese Film Industry in the Age of Digital and Media EconomyLiu Jun
The Current Status and Future Opportunities of the Digital Film and Television of ChinaLi YizhongOn the Ruins of Utopia: New Documentary Movement of ChinaLu Xinyu
The “DV Generation:” An Exploration of the NonProfessional Movement of Chinese CinemaHu Zhifeng
The Beginning that Never Ends: The Current Status, Spiritual Journey, and Cinematic Strategies of the PostFifth Generation DirectorsChen Xuguang
Chinas Sixth Generation Filmmakers: Hopes and ExpectationsChen Peizhan
Aesthetics and Political Economy of Chinese Cinema: A Historical Study of Chinese Films Capital, Market, and Product Structures and Their RelationsChen Xihe & Zheng Jie
The WaitingToBeSaved Hong Kong Film Industry: Reflections on the 2002 Summer Box Office of Hong Kong FilmZhang YanEstablishing the New Order of TV Criticism in ChinaOuyang Hongsheng & Duan Hong