



  • 書名:衝擊波英語·英語專業4級知名報刊閱讀題源100篇(第2版)
  • 作者:張艷莉、禹一奇
  • 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787561180174
Politics and Economy 政治經濟類
1.Social Enterprises Play a Growing Role in Local Government社會性企業幫扶當地政府
2.Hollywood Farmers Market好萊塢農貿市場
3. Foxconn P1ans t0 Open Factories in USA富士康計畫在美國開設工廠
4.American Policy on Wildness美國荒地政策
5.The DreamAct《夢想法案》
6.The Secret F0rmula for a Great Cleantech Team清潔技術公司成功的秘方
7.How t0 Avoid Online Holiday Shopping Pitfalls如何避免節Et網購陷阱
8.Keeping It Local走本紙祖拘囑土路線
9.More Seniors Carry Credit Card Debt to Grave越來越多老年人將卡債帶人墳墓
10.The Financial Performance ofFacebook Facebook的運營狀況
11.Rise ofthe Machines機器來了
12.A Frugal Little Christmas聖誕,少花錢
13.Borrowed Trouble借貸的苦惱
14.Back to Work,祖棄犁Obama Is Greeted by Looming Crisis歐巴馬著手“財政懸崖”
15.Beer Enters the Dark Ages進入黑啤時代
16.How to Invest in Gold如何投資黃金
17.whoDpers of the Year年度謊言大盤點
18.Equality Myth平等是個神話
19.Who Will Miss Out After the Cuttotle Legal Aid?法律援助會遺漏誰?
20.The School Construction in New York紐約的學校建設
21.Freshman’S Suicide大一新生自殺事件
22.Chinese Education中國式教育
23.Education Opportunities for Students in Poor Counties貧困地區學生的受教育機會
24.The Common Application美國大學申請表
25.Lifelong Learning Is the Way to a“Big Society”終身教育承載“龐大機會”
26.Educators Should Embrace Extended School Hours教育人士應當採納延長教學日
27.The World’S Best Schools Offer Important Lessons世界名校提供了重要一課
28.Getting Into Teaching:汗慨催Where Are the Opportunities for Budding Educators?
29.Rules on School Expulsions“Will Fuel Bad Behaviour'’學校限制開除學生可遭惡果
30.0n How to Improve Cognitive Function of Humans如何提高人類的認識能力
31.Ways to Inspire People激勵他人的二三方法
32.Can You Trust College Rankings大學排名可信嗎?
33.Hudson Cleanup哈德遜河的清淤工程
34.Bariatric Surgery減肥手術
35.Cures for Coughs and Colds治療感冒咳嗽的良方
36.Psychiatric Emergency at College大學裡的精神病急救
37.Households Left With Month of Rubbish Atier Snow and Christmas Hit Collection 大雪和聖誕節後垃圾成堆
38.Preserving Parenthood for Young Cancer Patients為年輕癌症患者保存生育能力
39.The Impact of GLOF冰湖決洪的危害
40.The Characteristics ofTeens’Brain Development青少年大腦發育的特點
41.The Ways to Boost Cognitive Capacity改善大腦功能的途徑
42.Are Probiotics and Prebiotics Still Safe?益生菌的是與非
43.Edwards’Legal Career愛德華茲的律師生涯
44.The Pill That Prevents Cancer預防癌症的靈丹妙藥
45.Research on ME對慢性疲勞征的研究
46.IvF Pioneer Receives Nobel Prize試管嬰兒先鋒喜獲諾貝爾獎
47.Good Sleep Every Night每晚美美睡一覺
48.America’S Tough Stance at Climate Talks美國在氣候峰會上的強硬立場
49.Campaign Against Pesticide—Spraying反噴灑殺蟲劑運動
50.American Novelist——Gail Godwin美國小說家——蓋爾·戈德溫
52.TheKing’s Speech《國王的演講》
53.Javier Bardem賈維爾·巴登
55.The Cult of Celebrity Is as Old as Humanity Itself人類自古崇尚名人膜拜
56.The Hard Times in Unbroken《永不言棄》中的苦難生活
57.An Unimpecked Mysterious Journey一場突如其來的神秘之旅
58.The 4-hour Body a New Book from the Author of a Bestseller
59.An Introduction ofModemist Cuisine:The Art and Science ofCooking
60.Tips on Wedding Gifts結婚禮物買什麼?
61.Art or Offensive?藝術還是作秀?
62.Why Americans Claim to Be More Religious?美國人聲稱虔誠為哪般?
63.Scientific Drill in the Dead Sea死海的科學鑽探
64.Forbidden Planet被驅逐的行星
65.Siberian Fossils西伯利亞化石
66.Anger Flares as Recovery Inches Ahead救災緩慢惹眾怒
67.D.C.Council Member Advised Limiting TANF Benefits
68.America Got the Budget Problem美國面臨預算問題
69.Why It’S So Risky?何故如此危險?
70.Is It Good to Be a Beanty?美女就是好事?
72.Non.Traditional Artists Need Aid非傳統藝術家需要援助
73.When You Face These Guests當你面對這樣的客人
74.The Wonder Years?古稀之年?
75.Chicago Gets Its Michelin Guide芝加哥榮登《米其林指南》
76.When Is a Kids’Online Game Actually anAd?兒童網上遊戲何時變身廣告?
77.You’ve Got Cloud Mail您收到一封雲郵件
78.Sandy Exposes Gaps in Wireless System During Emergency“桑迪”來襲暴露無線通訊系統漏洞
79.The Performance ofBritain Coalition Government英國政府的執政現狀
80.The Building ofEnglish Character英國人的性格塑造
81.The Impact of Wikileaks維基泄密的社會效應
82.NASA Rover Finds That Soil on Mars Is Similar to Hawaii’S美國國家航空航天局 探測車“好奇號”探測結果:火星土壤成分似夏威夷的土壤
83.MalnutritionAmong Indian Children印度兒童營養的不良問題
84.The Success of Google and Apple谷歌、蘋果的成功之道
85.Nor’easter Set to Hit New York on Wednesday東北颶風將於周三席捲紐約
86.Victoria’S Secret Model Miranda Kerr Shares Her Diet and Fitness Secrets with Esquire UK
87.Decision——Making in a Wild Web網際網路時代的決策之態
88.Spending Cuts Threaten Disability Arts Festival縮減開支威脅殘障藝術節
89.A Day in the Life ofa Wizard魔法世界一日游
90.The Little Word That Could小小詞有來頭
91.An Introduction ofOWN奧普拉的無線電視網路
92.Winter Classic Shutdown:Why It Will Hurt the NHL勞資糾紛引發停賽
93.0’Neal in Boston奧尼爾在波士頓
94.Free Access to Public Data公共數據的無償使用
95.HOW One Charity Is Tackling Complex Mental Health Problems Using the Simple Power
96.The Heroine in the Drawing Room客廳里的女主角
97.Shampoos Are a Wast of Money用洗髮水是種浪費
98.Because They Lost Their Parents因為他們是孤兒
99.Is This Cinema’S Darkest Age?電影業最糟糕的時代到了嗎?
100.Goalkeeping Crisis Again?又一次守門員危機?
20.The School Construction in New York紐約的學校建設
21.Freshman’S Suicide大一新生自殺事件
22.Chinese Education中國式教育
23.Education Opportunities for Students in Poor Counties貧困地區學生的受教育機會
24.The Common Application美國大學申請表
25.Lifelong Learning Is the Way to a“Big Society”終身教育承載“龐大機會”
26.Educators Should Embrace Extended School Hours教育人士應當採納延長教學日
27.The World’S Best Schools Offer Important Lessons世界名校提供了重要一課
28.Getting Into Teaching:Where Are the Opportunities for Budding Educators?
29.Rules on School Expulsions“Will Fuel Bad Behaviour'’學校限制開除學生可遭惡果
30.0n How to Improve Cognitive Function of Humans如何提高人類的認識能力
31.Ways to Inspire People激勵他人的二三方法
32.Can You Trust College Rankings大學排名可信嗎?
33.Hudson Cleanup哈德遜河的清淤工程
34.Bariatric Surgery減肥手術
35.Cures for Coughs and Colds治療感冒咳嗽的良方
36.Psychiatric Emergency at College大學裡的精神病急救
37.Households Left With Month of Rubbish Atier Snow and Christmas Hit Collection 大雪和聖誕節後垃圾成堆
38.Preserving Parenthood for Young Cancer Patients為年輕癌症患者保存生育能力
39.The Impact of GLOF冰湖決洪的危害
40.The Characteristics ofTeens’Brain Development青少年大腦發育的特點
41.The Ways to Boost Cognitive Capacity改善大腦功能的途徑
42.Are Probiotics and Prebiotics Still Safe?益生菌的是與非
43.Edwards’Legal Career愛德華茲的律師生涯
44.The Pill That Prevents Cancer預防癌症的靈丹妙藥
45.Research on ME對慢性疲勞征的研究
46.IvF Pioneer Receives Nobel Prize試管嬰兒先鋒喜獲諾貝爾獎
47.Good Sleep Every Night每晚美美睡一覺
48.America’S Tough Stance at Climate Talks美國在氣候峰會上的強硬立場
49.Campaign Against Pesticide—Spraying反噴灑殺蟲劑運動
50.American Novelist——Gail Godwin美國小說家——蓋爾·戈德溫
52.TheKing’s Speech《國王的演講》
53.Javier Bardem賈維爾·巴登
55.The Cult of Celebrity Is as Old as Humanity Itself人類自古崇尚名人膜拜
56.The Hard Times in Unbroken《永不言棄》中的苦難生活
57.An Unimpecked Mysterious Journey一場突如其來的神秘之旅
58.The 4-hour Body a New Book from the Author of a Bestseller
59.An Introduction ofModemist Cuisine:The Art and Science ofCooking
60.Tips on Wedding Gifts結婚禮物買什麼?
61.Art or Offensive?藝術還是作秀?
62.Why Americans Claim to Be More Religious?美國人聲稱虔誠為哪般?
63.Scientific Drill in the Dead Sea死海的科學鑽探
64.Forbidden Planet被驅逐的行星
65.Siberian Fossils西伯利亞化石
66.Anger Flares as Recovery Inches Ahead救災緩慢惹眾怒
67.D.C.Council Member Advised Limiting TANF Benefits
68.America Got the Budget Problem美國面臨預算問題
69.Why It’S So Risky?何故如此危險?
70.Is It Good to Be a Beanty?美女就是好事?
72.Non.Traditional Artists Need Aid非傳統藝術家需要援助
73.When You Face These Guests當你面對這樣的客人
74.The Wonder Years?古稀之年?
75.Chicago Gets Its Michelin Guide芝加哥榮登《米其林指南》
76.When Is a Kids’Online Game Actually anAd?兒童網上遊戲何時變身廣告?
77.You’ve Got Cloud Mail您收到一封雲郵件
78.Sandy Exposes Gaps in Wireless System During Emergency“桑迪”來襲暴露無線通訊系統漏洞
79.The Performance ofBritain Coalition Government英國政府的執政現狀
80.The Building ofEnglish Character英國人的性格塑造
81.The Impact of Wikileaks維基泄密的社會效應
82.NASA Rover Finds That Soil on Mars Is Similar to Hawaii’S美國國家航空航天局 探測車“好奇號”探測結果:火星土壤成分似夏威夷的土壤
83.MalnutritionAmong Indian Children印度兒童營養的不良問題
84.The Success of Google and Apple谷歌、蘋果的成功之道
85.Nor’easter Set to Hit New York on Wednesday東北颶風將於周三席捲紐約
86.Victoria’S Secret Model Miranda Kerr Shares Her Diet and Fitness Secrets with Esquire UK
87.Decision——Making in a Wild Web網際網路時代的決策之態
88.Spending Cuts Threaten Disability Arts Festival縮減開支威脅殘障藝術節
89.A Day in the Life ofa Wizard魔法世界一日游
90.The Little Word That Could小小詞有來頭
91.An Introduction ofOWN奧普拉的無線電視網路
92.Winter Classic Shutdown:Why It Will Hurt the NHL勞資糾紛引發停賽
93.0’Neal in Boston奧尼爾在波士頓
94.Free Access to Public Data公共數據的無償使用
95.HOW One Charity Is Tackling Complex Mental Health Problems Using the Simple Power
96.The Heroine in the Drawing Room客廳里的女主角
97.Shampoos Are a Wast of Money用洗髮水是種浪費
98.Because They Lost Their Parents因為他們是孤兒
99.Is This Cinema’S Darkest Age?電影業最糟糕的時代到了嗎?
100.Goalkeeping Crisis Again?又一次守門員危機?


