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  • 中文名:衛薇
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:數學認知能力
  • 任職院校:浙江大學心理與行為科學系




2012年~至今,Siegler創新學習中心(Siegler Center for Innovative Learning)成員;
2011年7月,赴英國倫敦大學Goldsmith學院進行交流訪問,目前是Goldsmith學院InLab (International Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Investigations into Individual Differences in Learning)成員;
目前擔任Child Development, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Scientific Reports,心理科學,心理科學進展,套用心理學等期刊審稿人。




承擔了國家自然科學基金青年項目,浙江省自然科學基金青年項目等課題。以第一作者身份,先後在British Journal of Educational Psychology, Psychological Science, Human Brain Mapping, Frontiers in Psychology和Frontiersin Human Neuroscience等心理學期刊發表論文多篇。
1.Wei Wei, Hongbo Yuan, Chuansheng Chen, Xinlin Zhou (2012). Cognitive correlates of performance in advanced mathematics. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 82: 157-181. (SSCI, 5-YEAR IF=3.021)
WWei_12BJEP_CognitiveCorrelates of highermath.pdf
2.Wei Wei, Hao Lu, Hui Zhao, Chuansheng Chen, Qi Dong, Xinlin Zhou (2012). Gender differences in children’s arithmetic are accounted for by gender differences in language abilities. Psychological Science. 23 (3): 320-330. (SSCI, 5-YEAR IF=6.289)
WWei_12PS_gender difference_arithmetic_language.pdf
3.Wei Wei, Chuansheng Chen, Tao Yang, Han Zhang, Xinlin Zhou (2014). Dissociated Neural Correlates of Quantity Processing of Quantifiers, Numbers and Numerosities. Human Brain Mapping, 35: 444–454. (SCI, 5-YEAR IF=5.638)
WeiW_14HBM_Dissociated neural correlates of quantity processing of quantifiers, numbers, and numerosities.pdf
4. Malykh, S.B., Tikhomirova, T.N., Zhou, X.,Wei, W., Rodic, M., Misojnikova, Y.B., Davidova, Y.A., & Kovas, Y. (2012). The structure of the relationships among cognitive characteristics and mathematical achievement in preschoolers: a cross-cultural analysis.Voprosi Psihologii (Questions in Psychology), 5, 1-11.
5. Rodic, M., Zhou, X., Tikhomirova, T.,Wei, W.,Malykh, S., Ismatulina, V., Sabirova, E., Davidova, Y., Tosto, M. G., Lemelin, J.-P. and Kovas, Y. (2014), Cross-cultural investigation into cognitive underpinnings of individual differences in early arithmetic. Developmental Science. doi:10.1111/desc.12204.(SSCI, 5-YEAR IF=4.683)
Rodic_14DS_cross cultureal investigation early arithmetic.pdf
6. Xinlin Zhou,Wei Wei, Chuansheng Chen, Qi Dong (2012). Mathematical Processing and the Mathematical Brain in China. The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education: China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and India. Edited by Sriraman et al. Information Age Publishing, Inc.
7. Xinlin Zhou,Wei Wei, Yiyun Zhang, Jiaxin Cui, Chuansheng Chen (2015). Visual perception can account for the close relation between numerosity processing and computational fluency. Frontiers in Psychology.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01364. (SSCI, 5-YEAR IF=2.885)
XLZhou_15FronPsy_Visual perception can account for the close relation between numerosity processing and computational fluency.pdf
8.Wei Wei, ChuanshengChen, & XinlinZhou. (2016). Spatial Ability Explains the Male Advantage in Approximate Arithmetic. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:306.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00306. (SSCI, 5-YEAR IF=2.885)(該文章被“Associations between reading and mathematics: genetic, brain imaging, cognitive and educational perspectives”一書收錄)
WeiW_16FP_Spatial Ability Explains the Male Advantage in Approximate Arithmetic.pdf
9.Wei Wei, Chuansheng, Chen, Qi Dong, & Xinlin Zhou. (2016). Sex differences in gray matter volume of the right anterior hippocampus explain sex differences in three-dimensional mental rotation.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,10, 580. (SCI, 5-YEAR IF=4.040)
Wei_16FHN_Sex differences in gray matter volume of the right anterior hippocampus explain sex differences in three-dimensional mental rotation.pdf
10.Wei W*, Deng W, Chen C, He J, Qin J and Kovas Y (2018) A Mechanistic Study of the Association Between Symbolic Approximate Arithmetic Performance and Basic Number Magnitude Processing Based on Task Difficulty.Front. Psychol.9:1551. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01551
Wei_18FP_mechanistic of approximate arithmetic task difficulty.pdf
11.Wei Wei,Anna Budakova, Tomasz Bloniewski, Daria Matsepuro, & Yulia Kovas* (2018). Spatial Performance and Spatial Anxiety in Male and Female University Students in Russia and China. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences eISSN: 2357-1330. Icpe 2018: International Conference on Psychology and Education.
WeiW_18ICPE2018_gender difference in spatial anxiety.pdf
1. 國家自然科學基金“8-14歲兒童算術認知發展的腦機制”;
2. 國家自然科學基金“大腦中數字領域特異性加工的本質:數量還是形狀”;
3. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“基於認知的實時功能磁共振成像的理論與關鍵技術”子課題“基於實時功能磁共振成像技術探討視覺空間加工策略在數學認知與學習中的作用”;
4. 教育部創新團隊“高級認知功能與大腦可塑性”子課題“數學認知與數學學習的腦機制”;
5. 教育部“基於數學思維的‘情境-數學’結構映射模型改革數學教學的實驗研究”;
6. 教育部人文社會科學研究課題“數字模組化缺陷假設的發展性計算障礙常模製定及初步診斷”;
7. 北京師範大學自主科研基金重點重大項目“採用認知行為實驗和腦功能成像技術探索數字加工大腦皮層領域特異性的形成原因”;
8. 認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室標誌性成果建設任務“數學能力發展的認知、腦機制與評估研究”;
9. 認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室開放課題“Cross-Cultural Study of Children’s Numerical Processing in China and UK”。
1. The cognitive mechanism of mathematical cognition, 2015,Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China;
2.數學認知能力及其性別差異表現,2016-6-3, College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China;
3. The Cognitive Mechanism of Approximate Arithmetic, 2017-4-18, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China;
4. The role of language in mathematical cognition, 2017-6-16, School of Humanities of Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, China;
5. The Cognitive Mechanism of Approximate Arithmetic, 2017-12-06, Department of Psychology,Goldsmiths,University of London, London, UK.
6. The Role of Language in Mathematical Cognition, 2018-01-23, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
7. Gender Differences in Mathematics, 2018-5-16, Department of Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
8. Cross Culture in Mathematics, 2018-5-17, Department of Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
1. The 15International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Gender differences in children’s arithmetic are accounted for by gender differences in language abilities, oral report; 2011, London, UK.
2. Beijing International Conference on the Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognition and Learning(Beijing, China), Language ability has a long-term effect on gender difference of arithmetic, poster; 2012, Beijing, China.
3. The Ninth Biennial Meeting of theCognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting (Columbus, OH), Gender Difference in Approximate Arithmetic, poster; 2015, Columbus, USA.
4. 31International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016)(Yokohama, Japan), Spatial ability explains the male advantage in approximate arithmetic, poster, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
5. The 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Different Developmental Tendencies of Gender Differences in Number Semantic and Spatial Processing, poster; 2018, Oxford, UK.
6. SIG 22: Neuroscience & Education, Symbolic Approximate Arithmetic Relies More on Number Semantic Processing: A Training Study of Preschooler, poster, 2018, London, UK.


2. 2013年獲得國家獎學金;
3. 2012年獲得教育部“博士研究生學術新人獎”;
4. 2012年獲得北京師範大學研究生學術優秀獎;
5. 2012年獲得北京師範大學優秀博士論文培育基金。


