- 中文名:衛國英
- 出生日期:1977年10月
- 職業:教授
- 性別:女
1、國家自然科學基金:磁性多層膜的可控離子液體電沉積及層間磁耦合(21171155 ),2012.1-2015.12,負責人;
[1] Co-Pt-W thin films electrodepositedfrom sulphate-gluconate baths,Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2009, 118: 57-62
[2] Effect of organic additives on characterization of electrodeposited Co-Wthin films, Applied Surface Science 2007, 253(18): 7461-7466
[3] Influence of complexing agent on the electrodeposited Co-Pt-W magnetic thinfilms, Applied Surface Science 2008, 254(11):3425-3430
[4] Preparation of magnetite nanoparticle by co-precipitation with addition oforganic additives, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering;2008,37:355-357
[5] Electroless deposition of CoPtWP magnetic thin films, Thin Solid Films,2010, doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2010.09.011
[6] The effect of magnetic fields on the electroless deposition of Co-W-P film,Surface & Coatings Technology, 2010, 204(16-17): 2669-2676
[7] Preparation of Co-W-P magnetic thin films by electroless deposition,Surface Review & Letters, 2009, 16(4): 635-642
[8] Effects of Bath Temperature on Electrodeposited Permanent MagneticCo-Pt-W(P) Films, Bulletin of the Korean Chemistry Society, 2007, 28(12):2214-2218
[9] Influence of Bath Composition on Magnetic Materials of ElectrodepositedCo-Pt-W Thin Films, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2007,14(4): 65-68
[10] Formation of one-dimensional nickel wires by chemical reduction of nickelions under magnetic fields. Chemical Communications, 2007: 2844-2846
[11] Magnetic field effects on the formation and properties of nickelnanostructures. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009: 435-440
[12] Core-shell cylindrical magnetic domains in nickel wires prepared undermagnetic fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009,113: 2710-2714
[13] Magnetic-field-induced Formation of One-dimensional Magnetite Nanochains.Langmuir, 2009(25): 7135-7139
[14] Effects of External Current Constraint on the Belousov-Zhabotinskii SystemMeasured by a Pt Electrode, Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society,2005, 26(4): 543-547
[15] Effect of Phosphor Incorporation on Magnetic Properties ofElectrodeposited CoPtW Thin films,Journal of iron and steel research,2006
[16] Systematic-dynamic Analysis of Pt Electrode BZ Reaction System, ChemicalJournal of Chinese Universities,2004, 25(3): 693~696
[17] 外控弱周期電位約束近似下電極B-Z反應體系中極限環振盪的蛻變,化學物理學報,2005,18(3):367-371
[18] Controlled Externally by Weak-Periodical Current Constraint, ChineseJournal of Chemical Physics 2005, 18(6): 976-982
[2] Effect of organic additives on characterization of electrodeposited Co-Wthin films, Applied Surface Science 2007, 253(18): 7461-7466
[3] Influence of complexing agent on the electrodeposited Co-Pt-W magnetic thinfilms, Applied Surface Science 2008, 254(11):3425-3430
[4] Preparation of magnetite nanoparticle by co-precipitation with addition oforganic additives, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering;2008,37:355-357
[5] Electroless deposition of CoPtWP magnetic thin films, Thin Solid Films,2010, doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2010.09.011
[6] The effect of magnetic fields on the electroless deposition of Co-W-P film,Surface & Coatings Technology, 2010, 204(16-17): 2669-2676
[7] Preparation of Co-W-P magnetic thin films by electroless deposition,Surface Review & Letters, 2009, 16(4): 635-642
[8] Effects of Bath Temperature on Electrodeposited Permanent MagneticCo-Pt-W(P) Films, Bulletin of the Korean Chemistry Society, 2007, 28(12):2214-2218
[9] Influence of Bath Composition on Magnetic Materials of ElectrodepositedCo-Pt-W Thin Films, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2007,14(4): 65-68
[10] Formation of one-dimensional nickel wires by chemical reduction of nickelions under magnetic fields. Chemical Communications, 2007: 2844-2846
[11] Magnetic field effects on the formation and properties of nickelnanostructures. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009: 435-440
[12] Core-shell cylindrical magnetic domains in nickel wires prepared undermagnetic fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009,113: 2710-2714
[13] Magnetic-field-induced Formation of One-dimensional Magnetite Nanochains.Langmuir, 2009(25): 7135-7139
[14] Effects of External Current Constraint on the Belousov-Zhabotinskii SystemMeasured by a Pt Electrode, Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society,2005, 26(4): 543-547
[15] Effect of Phosphor Incorporation on Magnetic Properties ofElectrodeposited CoPtW Thin films,Journal of iron and steel research,2006
[16] Systematic-dynamic Analysis of Pt Electrode BZ Reaction System, ChemicalJournal of Chinese Universities,2004, 25(3): 693~696
[17] 外控弱周期電位約束近似下電極B-Z反應體系中極限環振盪的蛻變,化學物理學報,2005,18(3):367-371
[18] Controlled Externally by Weak-Periodical Current Constraint, ChineseJournal of Chemical Physics 2005, 18(6): 976-982