



  • 書名:行業會話即學即用·健康英語
  • ISBN:9787506289733
  • 類別:圖書
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2008年2月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:42




Chapter 1 Useful Sentences in Seeing a Doctor 就醫常用語
Unit 1 Sentences Normally Used by the Doctor 醫生學用語
Unit 2 Sentences Normally Used by the Nurse 護士常用語
Unit 3 Sentences Normally Used by the Patient 病人常用語
Chapter 2 Seeing a Doctor Step by step 就醫步驟
Unit 1 Making an Appointment 預約
Part 1 Making an Appointment for Others 為他人預約
Part 2 Making an Appointment for Oneself 為自己預約
Unit 2 Seeing a Doctor 看醫生
Part 1 Seeing a Doctor in the Out-patient Depart ment 在門診看醫生
Part 2 Seening a Doctor in the Hospital 在醫院看醫生
Unit 3 Taking Medicine 拿藥
Part 1 Taking Western Medicine 拿西藥
Part 2 Taking Chinese Medicine 拿中藥
Unit 4 Admission to Hospital 住院
Part 1 Preparation for Admission to Hospital 住院準備
Part 2 In Hospital 住院期間
Unit 5 Discharging from Hospital 出院
Part 1 Preparation for Discharging from Hospital 準備出院
Part 2 Go through the Discharge Formalities 辦理出院手續
Chapter 3 Specific Diseases 疾病
Unit 1 Emergency 急診
Part 1 Traffic Accident 交通事故
Part 2 Suffering from a Stomachache 肚子痛
Unit 2 Medical Department 內科
Part 1 Cold 感冒
Part 2 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 上呼吸道感染
Part 3 Bronchial Asthma,Asthmatic Bronchitis 支氣管哮喘,哮喘性運氣管炎
Unit 3 Gastroenterology Department 腸胃科
Part 1 Peptic Ulcer 消化性潰瘍
Part 2 Vomiting and Diarrhea 嘔吐和腹瀉
Unit 4 Urology Department 泌尿科
Part 1 Acute Pyelonephritis 急性腎盂腎炎
Part 2 Urinary Trouble 泌尿科疾患
Part 3 Chronic Prostatitis 慢性前列腺炎
Unit 5 Cardiology Department 心臟病科
Part 1 Anaemia 貧血
Part 2 Hypertension 高血壓
Part 3 Heart Failure 心力衰竭
Unit 6 Surgical Department 外科
Part 1 Cervical Spondylosis 頸椎關節僵硬
Part 2 Pain of the Joints 關節疼痛
Part 3 Lumbar Pain and Sciatica 腰疼和坐骨神經疼
Unit 7 Metabolism Specialty Department 代謝科
Part 1 Diabetes 糖尿病
Part 2 Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺機能亢進
Part 3 Gout 痛風
Unit 8 Dental Department 牙科
Part 1 Filling a Tooth 補牙
Part 2 Mount an Trtificial Tooth 鑲假牙
Unit 9 Dermatology Department 皮膚科
Part 1 Hair Loss 脫髮
Part 2 Herpes Zoster 帶狀皰疹
Part 3 Neurodermatitis 神經性皮炎
Unit 10 Psychiatry and Neurology Departmen 精神神經科
Part 1 Insomnia 失眠症
Part 2 Psychoneurosis 神經官能症
Part 3 Syncope 暈厥
Unit 11 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department 婦產科
Part 1 Abortion 墮胎
Part 2 Morning Sickness 妊娠嘔吐
Part 3 Menstrual Irregularity 月經不調
Unit 12 Pediatrics Department 小兒科
Part l Pneumonia 肺炎
Part 2 Scarlet Fever 猩紅熱
Part 3 German Measles 風疹
Chapter 4 Complementary Vocabulary 補充辭彙
Unit 1 Specific Terms 專用名詞
Unit 2 Memorizing Quickly Medical English—Suffix 醫學英語快速記憶——後綴


