今天,蝴蝶刀具公司為日益增長的熱愛刀的用戶生產刀具。進入21世紀,蝴蝶將為更加令人興奮的機遇、創新和保持產品世界一流品質做好準備。蝴蝶刀具信奉一個簡單的哲學--“Make it cool, make it solid, make it happen and definitely make it Benchmade”(做到最好,讓不可能成為可能,創造絕對的Benchmade品牌)。
Benchmade Knife Company, Inc. set-up shop in Clackamas, Oregon in 1990 (originallyfounded in California in 1988). The initial knives primarily consisted of the Bali-Song knives, using a combination of outside vendors and inside processing to build finished products. And like most companies, starting out meant scarce money and big plans, using second hand equipment and limited resources.Benchmade 910
Soon, a natural born fortitude and an undying passion to make it right and make it Benchmade, prospered into significant growth. As the product line grew so did the in-house capabilities. We began to acquire new machines and technologies including the first of several lasers, making Benchmade the first knife manufacturer to have such equipment in-house. Open minds and positive attitudes would lead to several more industry firsts over the course of the next several years.
This was only the beginning of Benchmade's breaking of new ground in the manufactured knife markets by using non-traditional materials and modern manufacturing methods in not only building knives better but, inevitably building better knives. The Designer Series was first introduced in 1991 with several custom designs being manufactured. By tapping into the custom knife makers' knowledge and combining it with our manufacturing expertise we were more readily able to offer more contemporary knife designs and innovations to the knife users.
Consecutive years of aggressive growth led to the next logical step in 1996 when Benchmade moved into its own 35,000 sq. ft. facility. A contemporary styled building complete with all of the modern equipment and amenities necessary to manufacture what has become recognized as a higher standard of specialty cutlery.
Today, Benchmade Knife Company, Inc. manufactures knives for a loyal and ever growing following of knife users. As we move into the 21st century we are poised for even more exciting opportunities, innovations and ongoing total world-class quality. Here at Benchmade we employ a simple philosophy -- "Make it cool, make it solid, make it happen and definitely make it Benchmade."
Bill McHenry和Stepson Jason Williams的小工作室建在東北部的郊外,在那裡他們傾注了所有時間和心血,致力於開發“帶鋒藝術”的傑作。他們兢兢業業的工作成果得到了藏家的賞識,Bill精湛的工藝和冶煉背景,與Jason的機械背景相結合,共同啟動了刀具製造業的一些非常值得注目的革新。Benchmade幸運地獲得這兩位設計師的合作,採用他們近年來最具革命意義的創造——AXIS鎖定系統。他們足足花了四年時間,才把這個系統改到自己覺得滿意的地步。有人把它稱為“有史以來最強勁的折刀鎖定裝置”,而且是最流暢的鎖定裝置之一。
ARREN OSBORNE是新近加入Benchmade開發隊伍的設計師,他也是一位對工作充滿激情的手工刀匠。Warren早年從事農業和牧場的工作經驗教給他很多東西,包括一把好刀的用處可以有多大。刀用起來是否稱手,刀刃的設計,刀鋒的構造,以及選材等等都是Osborne設計中考慮的重點。多年以來,他已在手工刀界脫穎而出,並憑著創新的設計和品質多次獲獎。