中文版:蜻蜓王子(Dragonfly Prince)源自法國,時尚的設計,富有想像的創意, 深深凝聚著細膩的歐洲風格。風度翩翩的名流紳士,穿梭於潮流與繁華之間的商界精英,氣質非凡的伯爵貴族,蜻蜓王子用柔軟料質盡顯男人體格身線無聲的傳達法國紳士特有的剛毅與氣度·設計上強調以人體工學為基礎, 製造出可修正體形的版型,配以歐洲、日本及國內優良的素材,加上精緻的生產工藝,使款式、面料得到完美結合,創造出風格獨特的時尚精品·
- 中文名:蜻蜓(法國)國際服飾有限公司
- 國家:法國
- 性質:民營
- 類別:服飾
蜻蜓王子(Dragonfly Prince)的風格一向被時尚紳士垂青,時尚之餘不失高雅, 這個France牌子的服飾一直以簡單設計為主,尤其是當季的男裝,剪裁新穎,瀰漫著十八世紀巴黎風情,再融入潮流的搖滾巨星色彩,讓豪邁中帶點不羈,散發無窮魅力。
英文版:Dragonfly Prince from the French, fashion design, Imag inative ideas, a deep pool with exquisite European style.Wind Degree trippingly celebrity gentleman, shuttling between the trend and the bustling business fine British aristocrat Count extraordinary temperament, dragonfly prince man with a soft material quality Jinxian Human cell body lines to convey a silent French gentleman characteristic fortitude and magnanimity.
Emphasis on ergonomic design is based, to create a body shape may beamended The version type, accompanied by Europe, Japan and domestic good material, coupled with Refined production process, so that style, and fabric are the perfect combination, the highest zaochu unique fashion boutique. Dragonfly Prince’s style has always been fashionable gentleman look to lose more than elegant fashion, the France brand of clothing has been mainly simple design, especially the men’s quarter, tailoring novel,filled with the eighteenth century, Paris style, and then integrated into the mainstream of the rock star colors, so bold in a little unruly, distribute endless charm.
蜻蜓王子(Dragonfly Prince)源自法國。由時尚開始,承載著紳士特有的剛毅與氣度,剛刃了國人的生活。上個世紀八十年代,還是在那個廣泛使用雪花膏的歲月里,漸漸開放的中國激勵著年輕一代的青春與夢想。自從有了蜻蜓王子,以前在國人眼中所謂的內衣奢侈品,已經不再遙不可及。從公司創立的那一天起,蜻蜓王子一直秉承“時尚,高雅,平民價格”,這個France牌子的服飾一直以簡單設計為主,尤其是當季的男裝,剪裁新穎,瀰漫著十八世紀巴黎風情,再融入潮流的搖滾巨星色彩,讓豪邁中帶點不羈,散發無窮魅力。
蜻蜓王子用柔軟料質盡顯男人體格身線無聲的傳達法國紳士特有的剛毅與氣度.設計上強調以人體工學為基礎, 製造出可修正體形的版型,配以歐洲、日本及國內優良的素材,加上精緻的生產工藝,使款式、面料得到完美結合,創造出風格獨特的時尚精品。