


  • 中文名:蘭盛昌
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:Automobile radar signal processing;
  • 任職院校:哈爾濱工業大學電子與信息工程學院


Sep 2001 - Jul 2005, BS. Electronic Engineering, Harbin Insititute of Technology
Sep 2005 - Jun 2011, PHD, Information and communication Engineering, Harbin Insititute of Technology
Dec, 2014- Now
Assistant prof, Department of Microwave Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
Jan,2012 - Dec, 2013
Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Aalto University
Team leader of a Cubesat spacescraft avionics system
Primary rapporteur for avionics system protocol speci cations.
Theoretical research in energy eciency network pathing and routing protocols design in the mobile wireless sensor swarm formation.
Apr, 2008 - Nov, 2014
Research Center of Satellite Technology, Harbin Insititute of Technology
HW development manager for a spacecraft redundant ERC 32 safety control system.
System design engineer for a spacecraft recon gurable safety control system.
System design engineer for Hardware-in-loop simulations for multi-agency system.
Theoretical research on pulsar navigation and sensor design.
Working on the spacecraft HW&SW development for an ARM7 embedded system.
Working on system simulation


Automobile radar signal processing;
UWB radar signal processing;
Deep learning in the microwave fields for sensing and medical applications;
Design of satellite Avionics and embedded systems.


[1]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Chao Tan, etc. The Front-End Design of a Hydrogen Spectral Line Receiver for Micro Satellite Navigation , 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[2]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Meng Xia, Lijia Chen. Active Countermeasure using EMI Honeypot against TEMPEST Eavesdropping in High-Speed Signalling. 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[3]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Haoyu Tang, etc. A 24GHz micropatch antenna array for human hand
gestures detection. 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[4]Shengchang Lan, Zonglong He, Weichu Chen, Lijia Chen. Hand Gesture Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks, 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[5]Shengchang Lan, Zonglong He, Kai Yao, Weichu Chen. Hand Gesture Recognition using a three-dimensional 24GHz Radar Array. International Microwave Symposium, 2018, Philadelphia, June 10-15.
[6]Lan Shengchang, He Zonglong, Haoyu Tang, Kai Yao, Wenshuang Yuan. A hand gesture recognition system based on 24GHz radars . 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-2
[7]Kai Yao; Shengchang Lan; Lingfei Xu. A high gain Fabry-Perot cavity antenna with a double-layered partially reflecting frequency selective surface structure. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[8]Kai Yao; Shengchang Lan; Chaofan Xu; Runbing Su; Xuechun Liu. A wearable EEG-based control network and emergency medical assistance system. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[9]Hao Li; Lijia Chen; Jinghui Qiu; Shengchang Lan; Caitian Yang. Half space radiation antenna for UWB ranging and localization application. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[10]Lijia Chen; Changlei Wang; Hao Li; Shengchang Lan, A miniaturized antipodal vivaldi antenna for microwave imaging. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[11]Li Jionghui, Lan Shengchang, et al. A novel superposed frame descriptor structure for VCM LEO satellite-ground communications. International Astronautical Congress 2017, Adelaide, Australia.
[12]Lan Shengchang, et al. Investigation on Traffic Flow Control by Using A Millimeter Wave Radiometric Imaging Syste, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference
[13]Lan Shengchang, Li Hao, Tang Haoyu, He Zonglong,Yang Caitian, Ma Jing. A time domain RCS measurement system by using an ultra-wide band radar, 2016 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, APACE 2016, p 384-387, 2016.
[14]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan, Shengchang, et al. In THz band Josephson junction can work as the super wide receiver, the frequency-meter and the tuner of generators. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016 41st International Conference.
[15]Chu Hongjun, Lan Shengchang, et al. Design and investigation of a compact slot antenna with WLAN band rejection for UWB systems, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[16]Liu Beijia, Qiu Jinghui; Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, Novel design of dual-band conical dielectric resonator antenna with circular patch feed, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[17]Lin Shu, Liu Guanjun, Zhang Yuwei, Zong Hua, Qiu Shuang, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, A low-profile vertical polarized omnidirectional radiated and broadband printed antenna, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[18]Lan, Shengchang; Duan, Lei; He, Zonglong; Yang, Caitian; Denisov, Alexander; Ivashov, Sergey; Anishchenko, Lesya,A 77GHz Bioradar antenna module design using microstrip arrays, 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings, p 1177-1178, October 25, 2016, 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings.
[19]Lan Shengchang, Caitian Yang, Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Alexander Denisov et al. Indoor Real-time Multiple Moving Targets Detection and Tracking Using UWB Antenna Arrays, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.
[20]Lan Shengchang, Yang Xu, et al. A Novel 24GHz Microstrip Array Module Design for Bioradars, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.
[21]Liu Beijia, Qiu Jinghui, Lin Shu, Wang Nannan, Lan Shengchang, Oleksandr Denisov, Ultra-wideband dielectric resonator antenna with circular patch feed, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2015.
[22]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, et al, About single block with receiver and frequency-meter in Terahertz band at the base of Josephson junction, 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2015
[23]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, Some minding about the creation of multi-spectrum passive terahertz imaging system. Proceedings of SPIE-international society for optical engineering 2015.
[24]Lan Shengchang, Denisov, Alexander; Qiu, Jinghui; Chu, Hongjun; Denisova, Kateryna Josephson junction as the pixel with voltage tuning of frequency in matrix passive imaging system, 2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2015
[25]Qiu Jing Hui, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, Francesco Soldovieri, Ming He, Josephson generation is good for pixel in the array of passive imaging system, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2015
[26]Lan Shengchang, Wang Nannan, et al, A new method towards traffic flow control by millimeter wave radiometers, 2015 IEEE MTT-S International conference on microwaves for intelligent mobility.
[27]Xu Yang, Qiu Jinghui, Yang Caitian, Chu Hongjun Lan Shengchang Alexander Denisov, A novel millimeter-wave antenna module design for automotive radar sensors, 2015 IEEE MTT-S International conference on microwaves for intelligent mobility.
[28]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, Some opinion about matrix terahertz imaging system based on Josephson junctions, SPIE Defense+security 2015
[29]丁玉葉,蘭盛昌,華伊,李夢立,潘瑞,徐國棟,小衛星PD 姿態控制器IP 核的FPGA 實現 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2012,44(3),23-28
[30]蘭盛昌,王松,徐國棟,一種面向任務最佳化的多核心星務管理系統設計 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2012,11(9),40-45。
[31]蘭盛昌, 葉東, 林傑, 徐國棟, 曹星慧. X射線脈衝星矢量多平面觀測的姿態測量. 光學精密工程. 2010, 18(2):397~406.
[32]蘭盛昌, 徐國棟, 張錦繡.基於脈衝星相關的編隊太空飛行器間相對距離確定. 系統工程與電子技術. 2010,32(3): 57~61.
[33]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. Synchronization of Spacecraft in Formation Flying by Pulsar Timing. International Aerospace Congress, 2010, Prague.
[34]LAN Shengchang, WANG Jihe, SUN Rui and XU Guodong. Intersatellite Range Determination Using Multi-detector Observation of Pulsars. ISIT, 2009. Japan.
[35]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. A Method to Calibrate the On-Board Timing Based on Pulsar Observation. 2011 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,Beijing.
[36]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. A Triple-Plane Attitude Measurement Method based on X-Ray Pulsar Observation. 2011 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Beijing.
[37]蘭盛昌, 孫蕊, 鄔樹楠, 王繼河, 徐國棟. 基於SoC的“微型核”星載電子系統設計. 哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2008, 40(7): 1026~1031.
[38]Lan Shengchang, Rui Sun, Jin-xiu Zhang, Ji-he Wang, Guo-dong Xu. Satellite Position Calibration in Distributed Spacecraft System by Multi-Dimensional Scaling. 2nd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, ISSCAA 2008 .
[39]Lan Shengchang, Wang Jihe, Wang Feng, and Xu Guodong. Applications of General Cell Platform in Satellite Design for Formation Flying. 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications .
[40]蘭盛昌, 趙丹, 徐國棟. 星載電子系統數位化設計仿真平台. 系統仿真學報. 2007, 8(8): 15~22.
[4]一種基於單粒子效應的X射線脈衝星探測器設計:中國,. 2011.01.25,排名第2
[6]可重構星載計算機的正餘弦函式IP核:中國. 2011.4.27,排名第3
[7]一種集群飛行模組太空飛行器系統及其控制方法:中國, 2012.12.19,排名第4
[9]一種可重構星載計算機永久性故障電路的線上修複方法 :2011.12.28排名第6
[13]基於星間信息交換的星間相對距離測量裝置:中國, 2012.1.25 排名第3
[14]一種基於FPGA的自適應星載計算機及套用所述計算機實現內部資源動態分配的方法:中國, 2012.8.1,排名第4
[15]三維低溫超導薄膜線圈超導特性測試設備與測試方法:中國,0. 2012.11.21,排名第6
[16]試驗衛星用RS485雙匯流排通信方法:中國,. 2013.5.8,排名第3
[18]一種時變計算機及其實現方法:中國, 2011.10.12排名第6
[19]一種衛星姿態定向系統及方法:中國,2010.10.13 排名第8
[20]一種太陽矢量測量方法及其裝置:中國, 2009.7.29 排名第6
Deep learning in the microwave fields for sensing and medical applications;
Design of satellite Avionics and embedded systems.


[1]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Chao Tan, etc. The Front-End Design of a Hydrogen Spectral Line Receiver for Micro Satellite Navigation , 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[2]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Meng Xia, Lijia Chen. Active Countermeasure using EMI Honeypot against TEMPEST Eavesdropping in High-Speed Signalling. 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[3]Kai Yao, Shengchang Lan, Haoyu Tang, etc. A 24GHz micropatch antenna array for human hand
gestures detection. 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[4]Shengchang Lan, Zonglong He, Weichu Chen, Lijia Chen. Hand Gesture Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks, 2018 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference. 2018, Boston, July 9-14.
[5]Shengchang Lan, Zonglong He, Kai Yao, Weichu Chen. Hand Gesture Recognition using a three-dimensional 24GHz Radar Array. International Microwave Symposium, 2018, Philadelphia, June 10-15.
[6]Lan Shengchang, He Zonglong, Haoyu Tang, Kai Yao, Wenshuang Yuan. A hand gesture recognition system based on 24GHz radars . 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-2
[7]Kai Yao; Shengchang Lan; Lingfei Xu. A high gain Fabry-Perot cavity antenna with a double-layered partially reflecting frequency selective surface structure. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[8]Kai Yao; Shengchang Lan; Chaofan Xu; Runbing Su; Xuechun Liu. A wearable EEG-based control network and emergency medical assistance system. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[9]Hao Li; Lijia Chen; Jinghui Qiu; Shengchang Lan; Caitian Yang. Half space radiation antenna for UWB ranging and localization application. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[10]Lijia Chen; Changlei Wang; Hao Li; Shengchang Lan, A miniaturized antipodal vivaldi antenna for microwave imaging. 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),1-2
[11]Li Jionghui, Lan Shengchang, et al. A novel superposed frame descriptor structure for VCM LEO satellite-ground communications. International Astronautical Congress 2017, Adelaide, Australia.
[12]Lan Shengchang, et al. Investigation on Traffic Flow Control by Using A Millimeter Wave Radiometric Imaging Syste, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference
[13]Lan Shengchang, Li Hao, Tang Haoyu, He Zonglong,Yang Caitian, Ma Jing. A time domain RCS measurement system by using an ultra-wide band radar, 2016 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, APACE 2016, p 384-387, 2016.
[14]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan, Shengchang, et al. In THz band Josephson junction can work as the super wide receiver, the frequency-meter and the tuner of generators. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2016 41st International Conference.
[15]Chu Hongjun, Lan Shengchang, et al. Design and investigation of a compact slot antenna with WLAN band rejection for UWB systems, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[16]Liu Beijia, Qiu Jinghui; Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, Novel design of dual-band conical dielectric resonator antenna with circular patch feed, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[17]Lin Shu, Liu Guanjun, Zhang Yuwei, Zong Hua, Qiu Shuang, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, A low-profile vertical polarized omnidirectional radiated and broadband printed antenna, 2016 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference.
[18]Lan, Shengchang; Duan, Lei; He, Zonglong; Yang, Caitian; Denisov, Alexander; Ivashov, Sergey; Anishchenko, Lesya,A 77GHz Bioradar antenna module design using microstrip arrays, 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings, p 1177-1178, October 25, 2016, 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings.
[19]Lan Shengchang, Caitian Yang, Beijia Liu, Jinghui Qiu, Alexander Denisov et al. Indoor Real-time Multiple Moving Targets Detection and Tracking Using UWB Antenna Arrays, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.
[20]Lan Shengchang, Yang Xu, et al. A Novel 24GHz Microstrip Array Module Design for Bioradars, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.
[21]Liu Beijia, Qiu Jinghui, Lin Shu, Wang Nannan, Lan Shengchang, Oleksandr Denisov, Ultra-wideband dielectric resonator antenna with circular patch feed, 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2015.
[22]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, et al, About single block with receiver and frequency-meter in Terahertz band at the base of Josephson junction, 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2015
[23]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, Some minding about the creation of multi-spectrum passive terahertz imaging system. Proceedings of SPIE-international society for optical engineering 2015.
[24]Lan Shengchang, Denisov, Alexander; Qiu, Jinghui; Chu, Hongjun; Denisova, Kateryna Josephson junction as the pixel with voltage tuning of frequency in matrix passive imaging system, 2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2015
[25]Qiu Jing Hui, Lan Shengchang, Alexander Denisov, Francesco Soldovieri, Ming He, Josephson generation is good for pixel in the array of passive imaging system, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2015
[26]Lan Shengchang, Wang Nannan, et al, A new method towards traffic flow control by millimeter wave radiometers, 2015 IEEE MTT-S International conference on microwaves for intelligent mobility.
[27]Xu Yang, Qiu Jinghui, Yang Caitian, Chu Hongjun Lan Shengchang Alexander Denisov, A novel millimeter-wave antenna module design for automotive radar sensors, 2015 IEEE MTT-S International conference on microwaves for intelligent mobility.
[28]Alexander Denisov, Qiu Jinghui, Lan Shengchang, Some opinion about matrix terahertz imaging system based on Josephson junctions, SPIE Defense+security 2015
[29]丁玉葉,蘭盛昌,華伊,李夢立,潘瑞,徐國棟,小衛星PD 姿態控制器IP 核的FPGA 實現 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2012,44(3),23-28
[30]蘭盛昌,王松,徐國棟,一種面向任務最佳化的多核心星務管理系統設計 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2012,11(9),40-45。
[31]蘭盛昌, 葉東, 林傑, 徐國棟, 曹星慧. X射線脈衝星矢量多平面觀測的姿態測量. 光學精密工程. 2010, 18(2):397~406.
[32]蘭盛昌, 徐國棟, 張錦繡.基於脈衝星相關的編隊太空飛行器間相對距離確定. 系統工程與電子技術. 2010,32(3): 57~61.
[33]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. Synchronization of Spacecraft in Formation Flying by Pulsar Timing. International Aerospace Congress, 2010, Prague.
[34]LAN Shengchang, WANG Jihe, SUN Rui and XU Guodong. Intersatellite Range Determination Using Multi-detector Observation of Pulsars. ISIT, 2009. Japan.
[35]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. A Method to Calibrate the On-Board Timing Based on Pulsar Observation. 2011 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,Beijing.
[36]LAN Shengchang, PAN Rui, et al. A Triple-Plane Attitude Measurement Method based on X-Ray Pulsar Observation. 2011 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Beijing.
[37]蘭盛昌, 孫蕊, 鄔樹楠, 王繼河, 徐國棟. 基於SoC的“微型核”星載電子系統設計. 哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2008, 40(7): 1026~1031.
[38]Lan Shengchang, Rui Sun, Jin-xiu Zhang, Ji-he Wang, Guo-dong Xu. Satellite Position Calibration in Distributed Spacecraft System by Multi-Dimensional Scaling. 2nd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, ISSCAA 2008 .
[39]Lan Shengchang, Wang Jihe, Wang Feng, and Xu Guodong. Applications of General Cell Platform in Satellite Design for Formation Flying. 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications .
[40]蘭盛昌, 趙丹, 徐國棟. 星載電子系統數位化設計仿真平台. 系統仿真學報. 2007, 8(8): 15~22.
[4]一種基於單粒子效應的X射線脈衝星探測器設計:中國,. 2011.01.25,排名第2
[6]可重構星載計算機的正餘弦函式IP核:中國. 2011.4.27,排名第3
[7]一種集群飛行模組太空飛行器系統及其控制方法:中國, 2012.12.19,排名第4
[9]一種可重構星載計算機永久性故障電路的線上修複方法 :2011.12.28排名第6
[13]基於星間信息交換的星間相對距離測量裝置:中國, 2012.1.25 排名第3
[14]一種基於FPGA的自適應星載計算機及套用所述計算機實現內部資源動態分配的方法:中國, 2012.8.1,排名第4
[15]三維低溫超導薄膜線圈超導特性測試設備與測試方法:中國,0. 2012.11.21,排名第6
[16]試驗衛星用RS485雙匯流排通信方法:中國,. 2013.5.8,排名第3
[18]一種時變計算機及其實現方法:中國, 2011.10.12排名第6
[19]一種衛星姿態定向系統及方法:中國,2010.10.13 排名第8
[20]一種太陽矢量測量方法及其裝置:中國, 2009.7.29 排名第6


