蘭嶼血藤Mucuna membranacea Hayata, 為APG IV系統下豆科(Fabaceae Lindl. = Leguminosae)黧豆屬(Mucuna Adans.)攀援木質藤本植物. 生於琉球群島及我國台灣地區的近海邊常綠闊葉林中.
- 中文名:蘭嶼血藤/蘭嶼血藤
- 外文名:Mucuna membranacea Hayata
- 命名者年:Hayata, 1913
- 界:植物界 Plantae
- 綱:木賊綱 Equisetopsida
- 演化支:被子植物 angiosperms
- 演化支:中生被子植物 mesangiosperms
- 演化支:真雙子葉植物 eudicots
- 演化支:核心真雙子葉植物 core eudicots
- 演化支:超薔薇類 superrosids
- 超目:薔薇超目 Rosanae
- 演化支:豆類 fabids
- 演化支:固氮分支 nitrogen-fixing clade
- 目:豆目 Fabales
- 科:豆科 Fabaceae Lindl.
- 亞科:蝶形花亞科 Papilionoideae DC.
- 屬:黧豆屬Mucuna Adans.
莖具細縱槽, 老皮有皺紋; 小枝無毛.
羽狀複葉具3小葉; 托葉鑽形, 脫落; 葉柄被毛, 長3-10厘米; 小葉膜質至紙質, 頂生小葉菱狀橢圓形或卵狀菱形, 長8-13厘米, 寬6-8厘米, 先端鈍, 漸狹成長1厘米尖頭, 並具細尖頭, 基部楔形至鈍圓, 側生小葉偏斜, 長達12厘米, 兩面被毛, 上面稀疏, 下面較密; 側脈4-6,在上面稍隆起, 在下面明顯凸起; 小托葉線形, 長2-3毫米; 小葉柄長4-6毫米.
花序長10-12厘米, 下垂, 通常每節有3花; 花梗長6-10厘米, 被毛; 苞片廣卵形, 舟狀, 長12-14毫米, 寬7-9毫米, 開花前脫落, 被灰白色伏貼短毛和褐色刺激性剛毛; 花萼寬鐘形, 兩面密被灰白色伏貼短毛, 外面並被褐色刺激性剛毛; 5裂但上部2裂片合生至近頂部, 下面3裂片長10-12毫米;花冠暗紫色, 旗瓣長3-3.5厘米, 寬圓形, 先端鈍, 凹缺, 基部具耳, 瓣柄長約3毫米, 翼瓣長約5厘米, 瓣柄長約7毫米, 耳長約4毫米, 龍骨瓣長約5厘米, 瓣柄長約10毫米; 雄蕊管長約4厘米,雄蕊二型; 短花葯長1.5毫米, 著生在較粗的花絲上, 長花葯長3毫米, 著生在較細的花絲上, 子房長約1厘米, 被毛, 具2胚珠.
果革質, 不對稱的橢圓狀卵形至長圓形, 長4-8厘米, 寬4-5厘米, 厚5-10毫米, 背腹縫翅的邊緣具齧蝕狀齒, 果的兩面有偏斜的9-12翅狀褶, 且多在中部間斷, 有褐色開展的螫毛.
種子1-2顆, 扁, 帶褐黑色, 近圓形,直徑約2厘米, 種臍長為種子周長3/4.
Mucuna membranacea Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 3: 73. 1913.
蘭嶼血藤 lan yu xue teng
Mucuna iriomotensis Ohwi.
Climbing woody vines.
Young stems glabrous. Leaves up to 22 cm; petiole 3-20 cm, with sparse short spreading soft pale hairs; stipels slender, 2-3 mm; leaflets membranous to papery with short fine spreading hairs on both sides, lateral veins 4-6, lower ones rather straight; terminal leaflet rhombic-elliptic or rhombic-ovate, 8-13 × 6-8 cm, base cuneate but at extreme base obtuse-rounded, apex obtuse with abrupt acumen to 1 cm; lateral leaflets up to 12 cm, width ratio of abaxial to adaxial halves 2:1.
Inflorescence 10-12 cm, pendulous with 5 or more nodes throughout most of length; pedicels 6-10 cm, with adpressed light brown short hairs; bracts broadly ovate, boat-shaped, 12-14 × 7-9 mm, bracteoles narrowly ovate, all caducous before flowering.Calyx tube ca. 8 × 13 mm, upper lip well marked, equaling lateral and lower lobes, all 10-12 mm. Corolla deep purple; standard 3-3.5 cm, ca. 2/3 keel length; wings ca. 5 × 2 cm; keel ca. 5 cm.
Legume asymmetric, elliptic-ovate to oblong in outline, (4-)6-9 × 4-5 cm, 5-10 mm thick, leathery, surface with abundant very short spreading pale hairs and brown irritant bristles, apex rounded or acute, both margins with pair of sinuate wings 6-10 mm wide, both surfaces of legume with 9-12 obliquely transverse slightly undulating but well-spaced shallow lamellae of irregular height up to 5(-10) mm high and mostly interrupted along midline, some extending onto marginal wings of fruit. Seeds 1 or 2, brownish black, flattened-discoid, ca. 2 cm in diam.; hilum ca. 3/4 of seed circumference.
Forests near rivers or seacoast; sea level to near sea level. Taiwan [Japan].
Mucuna membranacea is distinctive in the rhombic-ovate leaflets with rather straight veins, the short purple flowers with wide wings equaling keel, and the short broad legume with narrow marginal wings and simple lamellae interrupted along the midline of the legume.
Records of Mucuna nigricans Steudel from China (Taiwan) and Japan (e.g., Fl. Taiwan 3: 343. 1977) were based on misidentifications of this species.