
蘇泳嫻,廣東省科學院廣州地理研究所研究員,法國氣候與環境科學實驗室(Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et del'Environnement)高級訪問學者(合作者 Philippe Ciais),廣東省科學院青年促進會成員。主要從事全球變化與大氣-森林生態系統互動作用研究,以第一或通訊作者在《The Innovation 》、《Environment International》、《Remote Sensing of Environment》、《Renewable& Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Agricultural AndForest Meteorology》、《Journal of Hydrology》等刊物上發表SCI多篇,授權多項國家發明專利,研究成果榮獲廣東省自然科學一等獎、廣東省科技進步獎二等獎以及全國林業優秀工程諮詢成果一等獎等科研和行業獎勵10餘項,擔任廣東省自然資源廳“廣東省國土空間生態修復協會”城鄉生態專委會和生態系統監測與評價專委會委員。任《The Innovation》、《遙感技術與套用》青年編委。


  • 中文名:蘇泳嫻
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大學
  • 性別:女
  • 學歷/學位:博士
  • 職務:研究員、博導
  • 專業方向:環境科學




2004-09 至 2008-07,華南理工大學,環境科學,學士;
2008-09 至 2011-07,中國科學大學廣州地球化學研究所, 環境科學, 碩士;
2012-09 至 2015-07,中國科學大學廣州地球化學研究所, 環境科學, 博士。


2011-07 至 2013-10, 廣州地理研究所, 研究實習員;
2013-11 至 2016-11, 廣州地理研究所, 助理研究員;
2017-06 至 2019-06, 法國原子能委員會(CEA), 法國氣候與環境變化重點實驗室(LSCE), 高級訪問學者,合作導師:PhilippeCiais;
2016-12 至 2020-11, 廣東省科學院廣州地理研究所, 副研究員;
2020-12 至 今, 廣東省科學院廣州地理研究所, 研究員。




Su, Y., Liu, L., Wu, J.,Chen, X., Shang, J., Ciais, P., & Wang, Y. (2019).Quantifying the biophysical effects of forests on local air temperature using a novelthree-layered land surface energy balance model. Environment International,132, 105080.
Su, Y., Chen, X., Li, Y.,Liao, J., Ye, Y., Zhang, H., Huang, N. & Kuang, Y. (2014). China ׳s 19-year city-level carbon emissions of energy consumptions, driving forcesand regionalized mitigation guidelines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 35, 231-243.
Su, Y., Zhang, C., Chen, X.,Liu, L., Philippe, C., Peng, J., & Lafortezza, R. (2022).Aerodynamic resistance and Bowen ratio explain the biophysical effects of forest cover on understory air and soil temperatures at global scale. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309, 108615.
Su, Y., Liu, L., Liao, J.,Wu, J., Ciais, P., Liao, J., & Zhou, G. (2020). Phenology acts as a primary control of urban vegetation cooling and warming: A synthetic analysis of globalsite observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280,107765.
Su,Y*., Wan, Y., Zheng, B.,Philippe, C., Wu, J., Chen, X., W., & Zhang, C.(2020).Retrospect driving forces and forecasting reduction potentials of energy-related industrial carbon emissions from China's manufacturing at city level. Environmental Research Letter, 15(7), 074020.
Su, Y*., Wu, J., Zhang, C.,Wu, X., Li, Q., Liu, L., Bi, C., Zhang, H.,Lafortezza, R., Chen, X. (2022).Estimating the cooling effect magnitude of urban vegetation in different climate zones using multi-source remote sensing. Urban Climate, 308-309,108615.
Su, Y*., Wu, J., Ciais, P., Zheng, B., Wang,Y., Chen., X., …&Lafortezza, R. (2022).Differential impacts of urbanization characteristics on city-level carbon emissions from passenger transport on road:Evidence from 360 cities in China. Building and Environment, 219, 109165
Su, Y*., Yang, X., Gentine, P.,Maignan, F., Shang, J., & Ciais, P.(2022). Observed strong atmospheric water constraints on forest photosynthesis using eddy covariance and satellite-based data across the Northern Hemisphere. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 110, 102808
Su, Y., Chen, X., Su, H.,Liu, L., & Liao, J. (2017). Digitizing the thermal and hydrological parameters of land surface in subtropical China using AMSR-E brightness temperatures. International Journal of Digital Earth, 10(7), 687-700.
Su, Y., Chen, X., Liao, J.,Zhang, H., Wang, C., Ye, Y., & Wang, Y. (2016).Modeling the optimal ecological security pattern for guiding the urban constructed land expansions. UrbanForestry & Urban Greening, 19(1), 35-46. .
Su, Y., Chen, X., Wang, C.,Zhang, H., Liao, J., Ye, Y., & Wang, C. (2015). A new method for extracting built-up urban areas using DMSP-OLS nighttime stable lights: a case study in the Pearl River Delta, southern China. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 52(2), 218-238.
Yang, X., Wu,J., Chen, X., Philippe, C., Fabienne, M., Yuan,W., Piao, S.,, Gong,F., Su,Y*.,& S. J. Wright (2021). A comprehensive framework for seasonal controls of leaf abscission and productivity in evergreen, broadleaved tropicaland subtropical forests. The Innovation, 2(4), 100154.
Li, Q., Wu, J.,Su, Y*., Zhang, C., Wu, X., Wen, X., & Chen, X. (2022).Estimating ecological sustainability in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,China: Retrospective analysis and prospective trajectories. Journal of Environmental Management, 303, 114167.
Wu, J., Su,Y*., Chen, X., Liu, L., Yang, X., Gong, F., & Zhang, D. (2021). Leaf shedding of Pan-Asian tropical evergreen forests depends on the synchrony of seasonal variations of rainfall and incoming solar radiation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 311, 108691.
Chen, X., Liu,L., Su, Y*., Yuan, W., Liu, X., Liu, Z., & Zhou, G.(2021).Quantitative association between the water yield impacts of forest coverchanges and the biophysical effects of forest cover on temperatures. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126529.
Wu, J., Su,Y*., Chen, X., Liu, L., Sun, C., Zhang, H., & Wang, C.(2019).Redistribution characteristics of atmospheric precipitation in different spatial levels of Guangzhou urban typical forests in southern China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10(5), 1404-1411.
Wu, J., Liu,L., Sun, C., Su, Y*., Wang, C., Yang, J., & Zhang, H.(2019).Estimating Rainfall Interception of Vegetation Canopy from MODIS Imageries in Southern China. Remote Sensing, 11(21), 2468.
Liu, L., Liao,J., Chen, X,Zhou, G., Su, Y*.,Xiang, Z., & Xiong, X. (2017). The Microwave Temperature Vegetation DroughtIndex (MTVDI) based on AMSR-E brightness temperatures for long-term drought assessment across China (2003–2010). Remote Sensing of Environment, 199, 302-320.
Chen, X., Su,Y*.,Liao, J., Shang, J., Dong, T., Wang, C., ... & Liu, L. (2016).Detecting significant decreasing trends of land surface soil moisture in eastern China during the past three decades (1979–2010). Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 121(10), 5177-5192.
孫彩紅,蘇泳嫻*,韓留生,吳建平,劉禮楊,陳修治... & 林暉.(2020).廣東省2004—2016年植被冠層降雨截留模擬及時空變化特徵. 生態學報(07), 2252-2266.
蘇泳嫻,陳修治,葉玉瑤,吳旗韜,張虹鷗,黃寧生 & 匡耀求.(2013).基於夜間燈光數據的中國能源消費碳排放特徵及機理. 地理學報(11), 1513-1526.
蘇泳嫻,張虹鷗,陳修治,黃光慶,葉玉瑤,吳旗韜... & 匡耀求.(2013).佛山市高明區生態安全格局和建設用地擴展預案. 生態學報(05), 1524-1534.
蘇泳嫻,黃光慶,陳修治& 陳水森.(2010).廣州市城區公園對周邊環境的降溫效應. 生態學報(18), 4905-4918.
蘇泳嫻,黃光慶,陳修治,陳水森 & 李智山.(2011).城市綠地的生態環境效應研究進展. 生態學報(23), 302-315.




