
蘇本勛,男, 漢族,1982年8月出生於山東省鄄城縣,中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所副研究員。



地址: 北京市朝陽區邀榜鴉北土城西路19號,中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所


2009.3-2011.1 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所, 礦物學、岩石學、礦床學專業, 博士
2004.9-2007.7 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所, 岩肯囑狼永石地球化學專業, 碩士
2000.9-2004.7 中國地質大學(北京)舟甩, 地道驗少質學專業, 學士
2013.1-至今 中國科學院地台轎漿質與地球物理研究所, 副研究員
2013.1-至今 香港大學, 香江學者
2013.7-2013.10 美國華盛頓大學, 訪問學者
2010.10-2013.1 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所, 博士後
2012.2-2012.5 香港大學, 訪問學者
2011.5-2011.8 法國國家科學研究中心CRPG, 訪問學者
2007.4-2008.5 日本岡山大學地球物質科學研究所, 交流學習








2010年中國科學院研究生院-BHP Billiton 獎


Su B.X., 2014. Mafic-ultramafic Intrusions in South Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Petrogenesis, Mineralization and Tectonic Implication. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
74 Su, B.X., Chung, S.L., Zarrinkoub, M.H., Pang, K.N., Chen, L., Ji, W.Q., Brewer, A., Ying, J.F., Khatib, M.M., 2014. Composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle beneath NE Iran: Constraints from mantle xenoliths. Lithos
73 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Zhou, M.F., Sakyi, P.A., Thakurta, J., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., 2014. Petrological, geochemical and geochronological constraints on the origin of the Xiadong Ural-Alaskan type complex in NW China and tectonic implication for the evolution of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos
72 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Vigier, N., Hu, Y., Tang, Y.J., Xiao, Y., Sakyi, P.A., 2014. Distinguishing silicate and carbonatite mantle metasomatism by using lithium and its isotopes. Chemical Geology
71 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Vigier, N., Sakyi, P.A., 2014. Lithium elemental and isotopic variations in rock-melt interaction. Chemie der Erde/Geochemistry
70 Sakyi, P.A., Su, B.X., Anum, S., Kwayisi, D., Dampare, S.B., Anani, C.Y., Nude, P.M., 2014. Geochemistry and Geochronology of Paleoproterozoic Granites from the Lawra Volcanic Belt; Northwestern Ghana: Constraints on Petrogenesis and Geologic Implications. Precambrian Research
69 Dharmapriya, P.L., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Galli, A., Su, B.X., Subasinghe, N.D., Dissanayake, C.B., Nimalsiri, T.B., Zhu, B., 2014. P-T evolution of a spinel + quartz bearing khondalite from the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka: Implications for non-UHT metamorphism. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
68 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Su, B.X., Cheng, Z.L., Zhang, X.H., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wan, B., Song, D.F., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Neoarchean Algoma-type Banded Iron Formations from Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: SHRIMP U-Pb Age, origin and Tectonic Setting. Precambrian Research
67 Zhou, M.F., Robinson, P., Su, B.X., Gao, J.F., Li, J.W., Yang, J.S., Malpas, J., 2014. Compositions of chromite, associated minerals, and parental magmas of podiform chromite deposits: The role of slab contamination of asthenospheric melts in suprasubduction zone envrionments. Gondwana Research
66 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Su, B.X., Ying, J.F., Santosh, M., Xiao, Y., 2014. Abnormal lithium isotope composition from the ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Scientific Report
65 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wan, B., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Tectonic implications of Re-Os dating of molybdenum deposits in the Tianshan-Xingmeng Orogenic Belt, Central Asia. International Geology Review
64 Wang, Z.M., Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Song, D.F., Lin, L.N., 2014. The petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the granitoid gneisses from Xingxingxia in the eastern segment of Central Tianshan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
63 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Mao, Y.J., Xue, S.C., 2014. Petrogenesis and mineralization of the Hulu Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in Xinjiang, NW China: constraints from Sr-Nd isotopic and PGE compositions. International Geology Review
62 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., 2014. Re-Os isotopic age of the Hongqiling Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in Jilin Province, NE China and its geological significance. Journal of Geophysical Remote Sensing
61 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Ao, S.J., Wan, B., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Mid-Late Paleozoic metallogenesis and evolution of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar Orogenic Belt, NW China, Central Asia. Journal of Geosciences
60 Duan, X.Z., Sun, H., Yang, W., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y.L., Hou, Z.H., Shi, H., 2014. Melt-peridotite interaction in the shallow lithospheric mantle of the North China Craton: Evidence from melt inclusions in the quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite from Hannuoba. International Geology Review
59 Su, F., Xiao, Y., He, H.Y., Su, B.X., Wang, Y., Zhu, R.X., 2014. He and Ar isotope geochemistry of pyroxene megacrysts and mantle xenoliths in Cenozoic basalt from the Changle-Linqu area in western Shandong. Chinese Science Bulletin [蘇菲, 肖燕, 賀懷宇, 蘇本勛, 王英, 朱日祥. 2014. 山東昌樂-臨朐玄武岩中單斜輝石巨晶及地幔捕擄體的He-Ar同位素地球化學. 科學通報
58 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Santosh, M., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., 2013. The Early Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes in the Beishan Terrane, NW China: Alaskan-type intrusives or rift cumulates? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
57 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, P.P., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., 2013. Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusions in southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (NW China): insight into magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization in orogenic setting. Ore Geology Reviews
56 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Ao, S.J., Wan, B., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., 2013. SIMS U-Pb zircon dating and Re-Os isotopic analysis of the Hulu Cu-Ni deposit, eastern Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, and its geological significance. Journal of Geosciences
55 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Wan, B., 2013. Age and tectonic setting of magmatic sulfide Cu-Ni mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, Central Asia. Journal of Geosciences
54 Ying, J.F., Zhang, H.F., Tang, Y.J., Su, B.X., Zhou, X.H., 2013. Diverse crustal components in pyroxenite xenoliths from Junan, Sulu orogenic belt: implications for lithospheric modification invoked by continental subduction. Chemical Geology
53 Wang, Z.M., Han, C.M., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Sanjeewa, P.K.M., Ao, S.J., Wang, L.J., 2013. The metasedimentary rocks from the eastern margin of the Tarim Craton: petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and tectonic implications. Lithos
52 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su B.X., Li, X.H., Santosh, M., 2013. Rapid eruption of the Ningwu volcanics in eastern China: Response to Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
51 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, Y.S., Mao, Q., Santosh, M., Ma, Y.G., 2013. Magma source and tectonics of the Xiangshanzhong mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China, traced from geochemical and isotopic signatures. Lithos
50 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., 2013.Widespread refertilization of cratonic and circum-cratonic lithospheric mantle. Earth-Science Reviews
49 Zhang, H.F., Zhu, R.X., Santosh, M., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., Hu, Y., 2013. Episodic widespread magma underplating beneath the North China Craton in the Phanerozoic: Implications for craton destruction. Gondwana Research
48 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., Chu, Z.Y., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2013. Highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Zone of the North China Craton evolved from Archean mantle through diverse melt refertilization. Gondwana Research
47 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Santosh, M., 2012. Metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath Western Qinling, central China: insight into activity of carbonatite melts. The Journal of Geology
46 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Hu, Y., Santosh, M., Tang, Y.J., Xiao, Y., 2012. The genesis of mantle-derived sapphirine. American Mineralogist
45 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Yang, Y.H., Sakyi, P.A., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., 2012. Breakdown of orthopyroxene contributing to melt pockets in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Qinling, central China: constraints from in situ LA-ICP-MS mineral analyses. Mineralogy and Petrology
44 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Sakyi, P.A., Chu, Z.Y., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., 2012. Subduction-induced mantle heterogeneity beneath Eastern Tianshan and Beishan: insights from Nd-Sr-Hf-O isotopic mapping of Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic complexes. Lithos
43 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., Sakyi, P.A., 2012. Olivine compositional mapping of mafic-ultramafic complexes in Eastern Xinjiang (NW China): Implications for mineralization and tectonic dynamics. Journal of Earth Science
42 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Sakyi, P.A., Xiao, Y., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Ying, J.F., Liu, P.P., 2012. Extremely high Li and low δ7Li signatures in the lithospheric mantle. Chemical Geology
41 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Liu, P.P., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Ma, Y.G., Mao, Q., 2012. Occurrence of an Alaskan-type complex in the Middle Tianshan Massif, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Inferences from petrological and mineralogical studies. International Geology Review
40 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., 2012. Geochronologic-petrochemical studies of the Hongshishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion, Beishan area, Xinjiang (NW China): petrogenesis and tectonic implications. International Geology Review
39 Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Mao, Y.J., Xue, S.C., Tian, Y., Sun, H., San, J.Z., Xiao, Q.H., Deng, G., 2012. The tectonic setting, style, basic feature, relative erosion degree, ore-bearing evaluation sign, potential analysis of mineralization of Cu-Ni-bearing Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes, Northern Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology
38 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Su, B.X., Xiao, Q.H., 2012. The role of crustal contamination in the formation of Ni-Cu sulfide deposits in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, Northwest China: Evidence from trace element geochemistry, Re-Os, Sr-Nd, zircon Hf-O, and sulfur isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
37 Zhang, P.F., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Zhang, H.F., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y., Santosh, M., 2012. Review of melting experiments on carbonated eclogite and peridotite: insight into mantle metasomatism. International Geology Review
36 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Su, B.X., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., Hu, Y., 2012. Slab-derived lithium isotopic signatures in mantle xenoliths from northeastern North China Craton. Lithos
35 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Deng, G., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Lu, H.F., Dai, Y.C., 2011. Petrological features and implications for mineralization of the Poshi mafic-ultramafic intrusion in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
34 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Li, X.H., Yang, Y.H., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., 2011. U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopes of zircons from Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic units in southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: tectonic implications and evidence for an Early-Permian mantle plume. Gondwana Research
33 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, P.P., Tang, D.M., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Dai, Y.C., Hu, Y., 2011. Geochemistry and geochronology of acidic rocks in the Beishan region, NW China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
32 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Yang, Y.H., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Qin, K.Z., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2011. The origin of spongy texture of mantle xenolith minerals from the Western Qinling, Central China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
31 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Tang, Y.J., Chisonga, B., Qin, K.Z., Ying, J.F., Sayki, P.A., 2011. Geochemical syntheses among the cratonic, off-cratonic and orogenic garnet peridotites and their tectonic implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences
30 Ying, J.F., Zhou, X.H., Su, B.X., Tang, Y.J., 2011.Continental growth and secular evolution: constrains from U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of detrital zircons in Proterozoic Jixian section (1.8-0.8 Ga), North China Craton. Precambrian Research
29 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Li, C.S., Qi, L., Su, B.X., Qu, W.J., 2011. Zircon dating, Hf-Sr-Nd-Os isotopes and PGE geochemistry of the Tianyu sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China. Lithos
28 Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Tang, D.M., Li, X.H., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., 2011. SIMS Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Sr-Nd isotopes of Ni-Cu bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Eastern Tianshan and Beishan in correlation with flood basalts in Tarim Basin (NW China): constraints on a ca. 280 Ma mantle plume. American Journal of Science
27 Xiao, Y., Zhang, H.F., Shi, J.A., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Hu, Y., Zhang, Z., 2011. Late Paleozoic magmatic record of East Junggar, NW China and its significance: Implication from zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope. Gondwana Research
26 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Yang, W., Zhao, X.M., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y., 2011. Indicative significance of olivine in mantle peridotites. Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment
25 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Qin, K.Z., Liu, P.P., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2010. Formation of melt pockets in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Qinling (Central China): partial melting and metasomatism. Journal of Earth Science
24 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Qin, K.Z., Tang, Y.J., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., 2010. Garnet-spinel transition in the upper mantle: review and interpretation. Journal of Earth Science
23 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Yang, Y.H., Qin, K.Z., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2010. Compositionally stratified lithosphere and carbonatite metasomatism recorded in mantle xenoliths from the Western Qinling (Central China). Lithos
22 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Wang, H., 2010. Geochronological, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical studies of the Xuanwoling mafic-ultramafic intrusion in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
21 San, J.Z., Qin, K.Z., Tang, Z.L., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., 2010. Precise zircon U-Pb age dating of two mafic-ultramafic complexes at Tulargen large Cu-Ni district and its geological implications. Acta Petrologica Sinica
20 Sun, H., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., Lu, H.F., 2010. Olivine characteristics’ implication for magmatic evolution and sulfide segregation of Luodong complex in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Review Science and Technology
19 Xiao, Y., Zhang, H.F., Fan, W.M., Ying, J.F., Zhang, J., Zhao, X.M., Su, B.X., 2010. Evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the Tan-Lu fault zone, eastern North China Craton: evidence from petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths. Lithos
18 Xiao, Q.H., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., San, J.Z., Cao, M.J., Hui, W.D., 2010. Xiangshanxi composite Cu-Ni-Ti-Fe deposit belongs to comagmatic evolution product: evidences from microscopy, zircon U-Pb chronology and petrological geochemistry, Hami, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica
17 Liu, P.P., Qin, K.Z., Su, S.G., San, J.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., 2010. Characteristics of multiphase sulfide droplets and their implications for conduit-style mineralization of Tulargen Cu-Ni deposit, eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
16 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2009. Nature and processes of the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling: evidence from deformed peridotitic xenoliths in Cenozoic kamafugite from Haoti, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
15 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Qiao, Q.H., Cao, M.J., 2009. Petrological and mineralogical characteristics of Hongshishan mafic-ultramafic complex in Beishan area, Xinjiang: implications for assimilation and fractional crystallization. Acta Petrologica Sinica
14 Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., San, J.Z., Cao, M.J., Liu, P.P., Li, G.M., 2009. Evaluation of ore-bearing property for magmatic Cu-Ni deposits of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in eastern Tianshan. Acta Mineralogica Sinica
13 Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Fan, X., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., 2009. Advances of geochemical behaviour of chalcophile elements and applications in metallogeny of magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits. Geological Review
12 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Qi, L., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., 2009. PGE geochemical characteristics of Tianyu magmatic Cu-Ni deposit: implications for magma evolution and sulfide segregation. Acta Geologica Sinica
11 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Su, B.X., Xiao, Q.H., Cheng, S.L., Li, J., 2009. Lithological, chronological and geochemical characteristics of Tianyu Cu-Ni deposit, East Tianshan: Constraints on source and genesis of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in East Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
10 Sun, H., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Fan, X., Tang, D.M., Li, J., 2009. Discovery of komatiitic ultramafic intrusion in Mid-Tianshan terrain: Xiadong intrusion, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
9 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Wang, Q.Y., Sun, H., Xiao, Y., Ying, J.F., 2007. Spinel-garnet phase transition zone of Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China and western Qinling and its T-P condition. Acta Petrologica Sinica
8 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2006. Characteristics and geological significance of olivine xenocrysts in Cenozoic volcanic rocks from western Qinling. Progress in Natural Science
7 Su, B.X., Chen, Y.L., Liu, F., Wang, Q.Y., Zhang, H.F., Lan, Z.W., 2006. Geochemical characteristics and significance of Triassic sandstones of Songpan-Ganze block. Acta Petrologica Sinica
6 Su, B.X., Chen, Y.L., Lan, Z.W., Liu, F., Zhang, H.F., Wang, Q.Y., 2005. Sedimentary and geochemical study on the Precambrain-Triassic series of Songpan-Ganze block. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
5 Wang, Q.Y., Hu, R.Z., Peng, J.T., Bi, X.W., Wu, L.Y., Liu, H., Su, B.X., 2007. Characteristics and significance of the fluid inclusions from Yaogangxian tungsten deposit in south of Hunan. Acta Petrologica Sinica
4 Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Zhang, J., Zhao, X.M., Niu, L.F., Xiao, Y., Su, B.X., 2006. Heterogeneity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton: evidence from olivine compositional mapping. Acta Petrologica Sinica
3 Lan, Z.W., Chen, Y.L., Su, B.X., Liu, F., Zhang, H.F., 2006. The origin of sandstones from the SHRIMP U-Pb dating of clastic zircons. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
2 Wang, Q.Y., Yan, D.P., Su, B.X., Zhou, M., Hu, R.Z., 2006. Tectono-thermal evolution of the detachment fault along the southeastern margin of the Yunmeng Shan metamorphic core complex in the northern part of Beijing. Geological Bulletin of China
1 Liu, F., Chen, Y.L., Su, B.X., Lan, Z.W., Jiang, L.T., 2006. Geochemistry and zircon ages of Triassic detrital sedimentary rocks from the Ganze-Songpan Block. Acta Geoscientica Sinica
73 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Zhou, M.F., Sakyi, P.A., Thakurta, J., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., 2014. Petrological, geochemical and geochronological constraints on the origin of the Xiadong Ural-Alaskan type complex in NW China and tectonic implication for the evolution of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos
72 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Vigier, N., Hu, Y., Tang, Y.J., Xiao, Y., Sakyi, P.A., 2014. Distinguishing silicate and carbonatite mantle metasomatism by using lithium and its isotopes. Chemical Geology
71 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Vigier, N., Sakyi, P.A., 2014. Lithium elemental and isotopic variations in rock-melt interaction. Chemie der Erde/Geochemistry
70 Sakyi, P.A., Su, B.X., Anum, S., Kwayisi, D., Dampare, S.B., Anani, C.Y., Nude, P.M., 2014. Geochemistry and Geochronology of Paleoproterozoic Granites from the Lawra Volcanic Belt; Northwestern Ghana: Constraints on Petrogenesis and Geologic Implications. Precambrian Research
69 Dharmapriya, P.L., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Galli, A., Su, B.X., Subasinghe, N.D., Dissanayake, C.B., Nimalsiri, T.B., Zhu, B., 2014. P-T evolution of a spinel + quartz bearing khondalite from the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka: Implications for non-UHT metamorphism. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
68 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Su, B.X., Cheng, Z.L., Zhang, X.H., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wan, B., Song, D.F., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Neoarchean Algoma-type Banded Iron Formations from Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: SHRIMP U-Pb Age, origin and Tectonic Setting. Precambrian Research
67 Zhou, M.F., Robinson, P., Su, B.X., Gao, J.F., Li, J.W., Yang, J.S., Malpas, J., 2014. Compositions of chromite, associated minerals, and parental magmas of podiform chromite deposits: The role of slab contamination of asthenospheric melts in suprasubduction zone envrionments. Gondwana Research
66 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Su, B.X., Ying, J.F., Santosh, M., Xiao, Y., 2014. Abnormal lithium isotope composition from the ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Scientific Report
65 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wan, B., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Tectonic implications of Re-Os dating of molybdenum deposits in the Tianshan-Xingmeng Orogenic Belt, Central Asia. International Geology Review
64 Wang, Z.M., Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Song, D.F., Lin, L.N., 2014. The petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the granitoid gneisses from Xingxingxia in the eastern segment of Central Tianshan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
63 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Mao, Y.J., Xue, S.C., 2014. Petrogenesis and mineralization of the Hulu Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in Xinjiang, NW China: constraints from Sr-Nd isotopic and PGE compositions. International Geology Review
62 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., 2014. Re-Os isotopic age of the Hongqiling Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in Jilin Province, NE China and its geological significance. Journal of Geophysical Remote Sensing
61 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Ao, S.J., Wan, B., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., Wang, Z.M., 2014. Mid-Late Paleozoic metallogenesis and evolution of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar Orogenic Belt, NW China, Central Asia. Journal of Geosciences
60 Duan, X.Z., Sun, H., Yang, W., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y.L., Hou, Z.H., Shi, H., 2014. Melt-peridotite interaction in the shallow lithospheric mantle of the North China Craton: Evidence from melt inclusions in the quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite from Hannuoba. International Geology Review
59 Su, F., Xiao, Y., He, H.Y., Su, B.X., Wang, Y., Zhu, R.X., 2014. He and Ar isotope geochemistry of pyroxene megacrysts and mantle xenoliths in Cenozoic basalt from the Changle-Linqu area in western Shandong. Chinese Science Bulletin [蘇菲, 肖燕, 賀懷宇, 蘇本勛, 王英, 朱日祥. 2014. 山東昌樂-臨朐玄武岩中單斜輝石巨晶及地幔捕擄體的He-Ar同位素地球化學. 科學通報
58 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Santosh, M., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., 2013. The Early Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes in the Beishan Terrane, NW China: Alaskan-type intrusives or rift cumulates? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
57 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, P.P., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., 2013. Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusions in southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (NW China): insight into magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization in orogenic setting. Ore Geology Reviews
56 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Ao, S.J., Wan, B., Zhang, J.E., Zhang, Z.Y., 2013. SIMS U-Pb zircon dating and Re-Os isotopic analysis of the Hulu Cu-Ni deposit, eastern Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, and its geological significance. Journal of Geosciences
55 Han, C.M., Xiao, W.J., Zhao, G.C., Su, B.X., Ao, S.J., Zhang, J.E., Wan, B., 2013. Age and tectonic setting of magmatic sulfide Cu-Ni mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, Central Asia. Journal of Geosciences
54 Ying, J.F., Zhang, H.F., Tang, Y.J., Su, B.X., Zhou, X.H., 2013. Diverse crustal components in pyroxenite xenoliths from Junan, Sulu orogenic belt: implications for lithospheric modification invoked by continental subduction. Chemical Geology
53 Wang, Z.M., Han, C.M., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Sanjeewa, P.K.M., Ao, S.J., Wang, L.J., 2013. The metasedimentary rocks from the eastern margin of the Tarim Craton: petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and tectonic implications. Lithos
52 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su B.X., Li, X.H., Santosh, M., 2013. Rapid eruption of the Ningwu volcanics in eastern China: Response to Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
51 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, Y.S., Mao, Q., Santosh, M., Ma, Y.G., 2013. Magma source and tectonics of the Xiangshanzhong mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China, traced from geochemical and isotopic signatures. Lithos
50 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., 2013.Widespread refertilization of cratonic and circum-cratonic lithospheric mantle. Earth-Science Reviews
49 Zhang, H.F., Zhu, R.X., Santosh, M., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., Hu, Y., 2013. Episodic widespread magma underplating beneath the North China Craton in the Phanerozoic: Implications for craton destruction. Gondwana Research
48 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Su, B.X., Chu, Z.Y., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2013. Highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Zone of the North China Craton evolved from Archean mantle through diverse melt refertilization. Gondwana Research
47 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Santosh, M., 2012. Metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath Western Qinling, central China: insight into activity of carbonatite melts. The Journal of Geology
46 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Hu, Y., Santosh, M., Tang, Y.J., Xiao, Y., 2012. The genesis of mantle-derived sapphirine. American Mineralogist
45 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Yang, Y.H., Sakyi, P.A., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., 2012. Breakdown of orthopyroxene contributing to melt pockets in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Qinling, central China: constraints from in situ LA-ICP-MS mineral analyses. Mineralogy and Petrology
44 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Sakyi, P.A., Chu, Z.Y., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., 2012. Subduction-induced mantle heterogeneity beneath Eastern Tianshan and Beishan: insights from Nd-Sr-Hf-O isotopic mapping of Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic complexes. Lithos
43 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., Sakyi, P.A., 2012. Olivine compositional mapping of mafic-ultramafic complexes in Eastern Xinjiang (NW China): Implications for mineralization and tectonic dynamics. Journal of Earth Science
42 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Sakyi, P.A., Xiao, Y., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Ying, J.F., Liu, P.P., 2012. Extremely high Li and low δ7Li signatures in the lithospheric mantle. Chemical Geology
41 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Liu, P.P., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Ma, Y.G., Mao, Q., 2012. Occurrence of an Alaskan-type complex in the Middle Tianshan Massif, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Inferences from petrological and mineralogical studies. International Geology Review
40 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., 2012. Geochronologic-petrochemical studies of the Hongshishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion, Beishan area, Xinjiang (NW China): petrogenesis and tectonic implications. International Geology Review
39 Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Mao, Y.J., Xue, S.C., Tian, Y., Sun, H., San, J.Z., Xiao, Q.H., Deng, G., 2012. The tectonic setting, style, basic feature, relative erosion degree, ore-bearing evaluation sign, potential analysis of mineralization of Cu-Ni-bearing Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes, Northern Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology
38 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Su, B.X., Xiao, Q.H., 2012. The role of crustal contamination in the formation of Ni-Cu sulfide deposits in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, Northwest China: Evidence from trace element geochemistry, Re-Os, Sr-Nd, zircon Hf-O, and sulfur isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
37 Zhang, P.F., Tang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Zhang, H.F., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y., Santosh, M., 2012. Review of melting experiments on carbonated eclogite and peridotite: insight into mantle metasomatism. International Geology Review
36 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Deloule, E., Su, B.X., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., Hu, Y., 2012. Slab-derived lithium isotopic signatures in mantle xenoliths from northeastern North China Craton. Lithos
35 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Deng, G., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Lu, H.F., Dai, Y.C., 2011. Petrological features and implications for mineralization of the Poshi mafic-ultramafic intrusion in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
34 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Li, X.H., Yang, Y.H., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Liu, P.P., Xiao, Q.H., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., 2011. U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopes of zircons from Late Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic units in southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: tectonic implications and evidence for an Early-Permian mantle plume. Gondwana Research
33 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sakyi, P.A., Liu, P.P., Tang, D.M., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Q.H., Sun, H., Dai, Y.C., Hu, Y., 2011. Geochemistry and geochronology of acidic rocks in the Beishan region, NW China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
32 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Yang, Y.H., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Qin, K.Z., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2011. The origin of spongy texture of mantle xenolith minerals from the Western Qinling, Central China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
31 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Tang, Y.J., Chisonga, B., Qin, K.Z., Ying, J.F., Sayki, P.A., 2011. Geochemical syntheses among the cratonic, off-cratonic and orogenic garnet peridotites and their tectonic implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences
30 Ying, J.F., Zhou, X.H., Su, B.X., Tang, Y.J., 2011.Continental growth and secular evolution: constrains from U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of detrital zircons in Proterozoic Jixian section (1.8-0.8 Ga), North China Craton. Precambrian Research
29 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Li, C.S., Qi, L., Su, B.X., Qu, W.J., 2011. Zircon dating, Hf-Sr-Nd-Os isotopes and PGE geochemistry of the Tianyu sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China. Lithos
28 Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Tang, D.M., Li, X.H., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., 2011. SIMS Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Sr-Nd isotopes of Ni-Cu bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Eastern Tianshan and Beishan in correlation with flood basalts in Tarim Basin (NW China): constraints on a ca. 280 Ma mantle plume. American Journal of Science
27 Xiao, Y., Zhang, H.F., Shi, J.A., Su, B.X., Sakyi, P.A., Hu, Y., Zhang, Z., 2011. Late Paleozoic magmatic record of East Junggar, NW China and its significance: Implication from zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope. Gondwana Research
26 Tang, Y.J., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Yang, W., Zhao, X.M., Su, B.X., Xiao, Y., 2011. Indicative significance of olivine in mantle peridotites. Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment
25 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Qin, K.Z., Liu, P.P., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Malaviarachchi, S.P.K., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., Mao, Q., Ma, Y.G., 2010. Formation of melt pockets in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Qinling (Central China): partial melting and metasomatism. Journal of Earth Science
24 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Qin, K.Z., Tang, Y.J., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., 2010. Garnet-spinel transition in the upper mantle: review and interpretation. Journal of Earth Science
23 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Sakyi, P.A., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Yang, Y.H., Qin, K.Z., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2010. Compositionally stratified lithosphere and carbonatite metasomatism recorded in mantle xenoliths from the Western Qinling (Central China). Lithos
22 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Wang, H., 2010. Geochronological, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical studies of the Xuanwoling mafic-ultramafic intrusion in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
21 San, J.Z., Qin, K.Z., Tang, Z.L., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., Liu, P.P., 2010. Precise zircon U-Pb age dating of two mafic-ultramafic complexes at Tulargen large Cu-Ni district and its geological implications. Acta Petrologica Sinica
20 Sun, H., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., Lu, H.F., 2010. Olivine characteristics’ implication for magmatic evolution and sulfide segregation of Luodong complex in Beishan area, Xinjiang. Review Science and Technology
19 Xiao, Y., Zhang, H.F., Fan, W.M., Ying, J.F., Zhang, J., Zhao, X.M., Su, B.X., 2010. Evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the Tan-Lu fault zone, eastern North China Craton: evidence from petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths. Lithos
18 Xiao, Q.H., Qin, K.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., San, J.Z., Cao, M.J., Hui, W.D., 2010. Xiangshanxi composite Cu-Ni-Ti-Fe deposit belongs to comagmatic evolution product: evidences from microscopy, zircon U-Pb chronology and petrological geochemistry, Hami, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Petrologica Sinica
17 Liu, P.P., Qin, K.Z., Su, S.G., San, J.Z., Tang, D.M., Su, B.X., Sun, H., Xiao, Q.H., 2010. Characteristics of multiphase sulfide droplets and their implications for conduit-style mineralization of Tulargen Cu-Ni deposit, eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
16 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2009. Nature and processes of the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling: evidence from deformed peridotitic xenoliths in Cenozoic kamafugite from Haoti, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
15 Su, B.X., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Qiao, Q.H., Cao, M.J., 2009. Petrological and mineralogical characteristics of Hongshishan mafic-ultramafic complex in Beishan area, Xinjiang: implications for assimilation and fractional crystallization. Acta Petrologica Sinica
14 Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., San, J.Z., Cao, M.J., Liu, P.P., Li, G.M., 2009. Evaluation of ore-bearing property for magmatic Cu-Ni deposits of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in eastern Tianshan. Acta Mineralogica Sinica
13 Sun, H., Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Fan, X., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., 2009. Advances of geochemical behaviour of chalcophile elements and applications in metallogeny of magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits. Geological Review
12 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Qi, L., Xiao, Q.H., Su, B.X., 2009. PGE geochemical characteristics of Tianyu magmatic Cu-Ni deposit: implications for magma evolution and sulfide segregation. Acta Geologica Sinica
11 Tang, D.M., Qin, K.Z., Sun, H., Su, B.X., Xiao, Q.H., Cheng, S.L., Li, J., 2009. Lithological, chronological and geochemical characteristics of Tianyu Cu-Ni deposit, East Tianshan: Constraints on source and genesis of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in East Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
10 Sun, H., Qin, K.Z., Su, B.X., Fan, X., Tang, D.M., Li, J., 2009. Discovery of komatiitic ultramafic intrusion in Mid-Tianshan terrain: Xiadong intrusion, Xinjiang. Acta Petrologica Sinica
9 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Wang, Q.Y., Sun, H., Xiao, Y., Ying, J.F., 2007. Spinel-garnet phase transition zone of Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China and western Qinling and its T-P condition. Acta Petrologica Sinica
8 Su, B.X., Zhang, H.F., Xiao, Y., Zhao, X.M., 2006. Characteristics and geological significance of olivine xenocrysts in Cenozoic volcanic rocks from western Qinling. Progress in Natural Science
7 Su, B.X., Chen, Y.L., Liu, F., Wang, Q.Y., Zhang, H.F., Lan, Z.W., 2006. Geochemical characteristics and significance of Triassic sandstones of Songpan-Ganze block. Acta Petrologica Sinica
6 Su, B.X., Chen, Y.L., Lan, Z.W., Liu, F., Zhang, H.F., Wang, Q.Y., 2005. Sedimentary and geochemical study on the Precambrain-Triassic series of Songpan-Ganze block. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
5 Wang, Q.Y., Hu, R.Z., Peng, J.T., Bi, X.W., Wu, L.Y., Liu, H., Su, B.X., 2007. Characteristics and significance of the fluid inclusions from Yaogangxian tungsten deposit in south of Hunan. Acta Petrologica Sinica
4 Zhang, H.F., Ying, J.F., Tang, Y.J., Zhang, J., Zhao, X.M., Niu, L.F., Xiao, Y., Su, B.X., 2006. Heterogeneity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton: evidence from olivine compositional mapping. Acta Petrologica Sinica
3 Lan, Z.W., Chen, Y.L., Su, B.X., Liu, F., Zhang, H.F., 2006. The origin of sandstones from the SHRIMP U-Pb dating of clastic zircons. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
2 Wang, Q.Y., Yan, D.P., Su, B.X., Zhou, M., Hu, R.Z., 2006. Tectono-thermal evolution of the detachment fault along the southeastern margin of the Yunmeng Shan metamorphic core complex in the northern part of Beijing. Geological Bulletin of China
1 Liu, F., Chen, Y.L., Su, B.X., Lan, Z.W., Jiang, L.T., 2006. Geochemistry and zircon ages of Triassic detrital sedimentary rocks from the Ganze-Songpan Block. Acta Geoscientica Sinica


