- 中文名:蘇招紅
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖南新邵
- 出生日期:1981年
- 學位/學歷:博士研究生
- 職務:湖南農業大學神農學者特聘教授助手
- 學位:博士
- 教學職稱:講師
2002.9-2006.7, 湖南文理學院,化學化工學系,本科;
2012.7-2019.9 湖南農業大學 理學院講師
2016.10-2017.10 公派留學美國布朗大學(Brown University)化學系訪問學者
2019.9-- 湖南農業大學 化學與材料科學學院 副教授
1. 李雲龍, 蘇招紅, 陳超, 孟越, 謝青季*, 聚多巴胺/多壁碳納米管/玻璃碳電極上多巴胺的電分析, 套用化學, 2011, 28, 1046-1051. (第二作者)
2. 蘇招紅, 陳莉, 劉穎, 何秀輝, 周亞平, 謝青季*, 姚守拙, 高頻石英晶體阻抗技術研究血管緊張素轉換酶與賴諾普利的相互作用, 第三屆全國生命分析會議, 北京, 2010年8月. (第一作者, 優秀牆報)
3. 蘇招紅,陳莉,何秀輝,傅迎春,陳超,譚月明,謝青季*,姚守拙, 基於巰基-烯化學和硫醇聚合物的安培化學/生物感測, 中國化學會第十一屆全國分析化學年會,青島,2012年10月. (第一作者, 大會報告)
4. 蘇招紅,劉穎,張議,謝青季*,陳莉,孟越,黃毅,傅迎春,姚守拙,基於巰基化聚合物生物納米複合物的電化學適體感測,中國化學會第十一屆全國分析化學年會,青島,2012年10月. (第一作者)
(1) Zhaohong Su, Xiaolin Xu, Yongbing Cheng, Yueming Tan, Langtao Xiao, Daili Tang, Hongmei Jiang, Xiaoli Qin*, Huixian Wang*, Chemical pre-reduction and electro-reduction guided preparation of a porous graphene bionanocomposite for indole-3-acetic acid detection, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 962–967
(2) Zhaohong Su*, Yongbing Cheng, Chaorong Li, Yuanfu Xiong, Langtao Xiao, Shu Chen and Xiaoli Qin*, Dispersing gold nanoparticles on thiolated polyaniline-multiwalled carbon nanotubes for development of an indole-3-acetic acid amperometric immunosensor, Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1, 3607–3613
(3) Zhaohong Su*, Yongbing Cheng, Xiaolin Xu, Huixian Wang, Langtao Xiao*, Daili Tang, Qingji Xie, Xiaoli Qin*, Preparation of porous thiolated polymer nanocomposite for construction of sensitive and selective phytohormone amperometric immunosensor, 2019, Microchemical Journal, doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2019.104380.
(4) Zhaohong Su*, Chaorong Li, Yongbing Cheng, Qingwen Gui, Yuanfu Xiong, Yueming Tan, Hongmei Jiang*, Xiaoying Liu*, Enhanced electrocatalytic performance of platinum nanoparticles on thiolated polyaniline multiwalled carbon nanotubes for methanol oxidation,RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 33742-33747.
(5) Qingwen Gui, Kang Han, Zhuoliang Liu, Zhaohong Su, Xiaoli He, Hongmei Jiang*, Bufan Tian, Yangyan Li*, E-Selective synthesis of vinyl sulfones via silver-catalyzed sulfonylation of styrenes, Organic Biomolecular Chemistry, 2018, 32, 5748-5751.
(6) Haitao Xu, Chaorong Li, Dongcheng Song, Xiaolin Xu, Yan Zhao*, Xiaoying Liu, Zhaohong Su*, Amperometric L-cysteine sensor using a gold electrode modified with thiolated catechol, Electroanalysis, 2017, 29, 2410-2416.
(7) Zhaohong Su*, Xiaolin Xu, Haitao Xu, Yi Zhang, Chaorong Li, Yan Ma, Dongcheng Song, Qingji Xie*, Amperometric thrombin aptasensor using a glassy carbon electrode modified with polyaniline and multiwalled carbon nanotubes tethered with a thiolated aptamer, Microchimica Acta, 2017,1-6.
(8) Zhaohong Su*, Haitao Xu, Xiaolin Xu, Yi Zhang, Yan Ma, Chaorong Li, Qingji Xie*, Effective covalent immobilization of quinone and aptamer onto a gold electrode via thiol additionfor sensitive and selective protein biosensing, Talanta, 2017, 164, 244-248.
(9) Zhaohong Su, Xiaolin Xu, Chaorong Li, Huixian Wang, Yan Ma, Langtao Xiao*, Recent advances in electrochemical sensing of phytohormones, Scientia Sinica Chimica, 2016, 46,759-767.
(10) Zhaohong Su, Ying Liu, Yi Zhang, Qingji Xie, Li Chen, Yi Huang,Yingchun Fu, Yue Meng, Xuejiao Li, Ming Ma, Shouzhuo Yao, Thiol-ene chemistry guided preparation of thiolated polymeric nanocomposite for sensitive stripping electroanalysis of Cd and Pb, Analyst, 2013, 138, 1180-1186.
(11) Zhaohong Su, Ying Liu, Qingji Xie, Li Chen, Yi Zhang, Yue Meng, YanLi, Yingchun Fu, Ming Ma, Shouzhuo Yao, Preparation of thiolated polymeric nanocomposite for sensitive electroanalysis of dopamine, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 36, 154-160.
(12) Zhaohong Su, Li Chen, Ying Liu, Xiuhui He, Yaping Zhou, Qingji Xie, Shouzhuo Yao, 35 MHz quartz crystal microbalance and surface plasmon resonance studies on the binding of angiotensin converting enzyme with lisinopril, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26, 3240-3245.
(13) Zhaohong Su, Jinhua Huang, Qingji Xie, Zhengfa Fang, Cong Zhou, Qingmei Zhou, Shouzhuo Yao, Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of covalent tethering of carboxylated thiol to polyaniline for electrocatalyzed oxidation of ascorbic acid in neutral aqueous solution, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009, 11, 9050-9061.
(14) Li Chen, Zhaohong Su , Xiuhui He, YingLiu, Cong Qin, Yaping Zhou, Zou Li, Lihua Wang, Qingji Xie, Shouzhuo Yao, Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Cd and Pb ions at a Bi/Nafion/thiolated polyaniline/glassy carbon electrode, Electrochemistry Communications, 2012, 15, 34-37.
(15) Ying Liu, Zhaohong Su, Yi Zhang, Li Chen, Tiean Gu, Siyu Huang, Yan Liu, Lingen Sun, Qingji Xie*, Shouzhuo Yao, Amperometric determination of ascorbic acid using multiwalled carbon nanotube thiolated polyaniline composite modified glassy carbon electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2013, 709, 19-25.
(16) Yan Zhao, Jingzhe Zhao*, Zhaohong Su, Xinli Hao, Yawen Li, Na Li, Yunling Li, SiO2 capsulized Cu active nanoparticles: synthesis and activity study,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 8029-8036.
(17) Li Chen, Zou Li, Yue Meng, Pei zhang, Zhaohong Su, Ying Liu, Yi Huang, Yaping Zhou, Qingji Xie*, Shouzhuo Yao, Sensitive square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Cd and Pb ions at Bi/Nafion/overoxidized 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate-tethered polypyrrole/glassy carbon electrode, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 191, 91-101.
(18) Yan Zhao, Jingzhe Zhao*, Zhaohong Su, Dechong Ma, Xinli Hao, Yan Lu, Jingnan Guo, Room temperature synthesis of Cu nanocages through Ni-induced electroless process, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, 431, 60-65.
(19) Yan Zhao, Jingzhe Zhao*, Zhaohong Su, Xinli Hao, Dechong Ma, Yan Lu, Jingnan Guo, Effect of surfactants on fabricating CuO nanoleaves and Cu nanocages at room temperature, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, 436, 34-40.
(20) Fangyun Xie, Zhao Huang, Chao Chen, Qingji Xie*, Yi Huang, Cong Qin, Yan Liu, Zhaohong Su, Shouzhuo Yao, Preparation of Au-film electrodes in glucose-containing Au-electroplating aqueous bath for high-performance nonenzymatic glucose sensor and glucose/O2 fuel cell, Electrochemistry Communications, 2012, 18, 108-111.
(21) Xiuhui He, Li Chen, Xuan Xie, Zhaohong Su, Cong Qin, Ying Liu, Ming Ma, Shouzhuo Yao, Le Deng, Qingji Xie*, Yun Tan, Dilan Qin, Yueping Luo, Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of lead(II) using a glassy carbon electrode modified with a lead ionophore and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Microchimica Acta, 2012, 176, 81-89.
(1)一種常溫下簡便合成氧化石墨烯的方法 (授權專利, ZL201510343691.X)
(2)多孔石墨烯製備方法 (授權專利, ZL201510406071.6)
(3)直接甲醇燃料電池電催化劑製備方法 (授權專利, ZL201510367588.9)
(4)直接甲醇燃料電池電催化劑製備方法 (授權專利, ZL201510362707.1)
(5)空心石墨烯製備方法 (授權專利, ZL201510669819.1)
(6) 一種超薄生物質碳的製備方法(授權專利,ZL201710636104.5)
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(9)一種現場監控螢光碳點合成過程品質的裝置 (專利授權, ZL201720218401.3)
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(12) 一種抗蛋白質粘附塗層的製備方法 (授權專利, ZL201610853403.X)
(13) 高通量壓電諧振晶片及測量系統 (授權專利, ZL201621104733.0)
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(主持):巰基點擊化學製備新型納米複合物用於植物激素高敏快速生物感測研究。(21305039, 2014.1-2016.12)
2. 湖南農業大學人才科學基金項目(主持):巰基-烯化學法導向合成新型複合材料及其化學/生物感測研究(12YJ05,2012.12-2014.12)
3. 湖南省科技廳重點項目(合作):多通道細胞力學分析平台關鍵技術的研究(213TT1009, 2013.9-2016.12)
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(參與):巰基化高分子納米複合材料的壓電電化學研究與化學/生物感測套用(21075036)
5. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目(參與):多參數壓電電化學技術研究微量靶-藥作用過程與機制(90713018)
6. 國家水處理專項子課題項目(參與):湘江流域重金屬線上與應急監測分析方法的研發與套用(2009ZX07212-001-06)
9. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(參與):基於功能化蛋白核殼納米編碼信標的核酸適體陣列感測技術研究 (20975037)
10. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(參與):基於磁調控信號放大的適體生物感測研究 (21105026)
(11) 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫(參與):植物中單細胞水平微量生長素的原位實時測定方法研究(91317312, 已結題)
(12) 國家自然科學基金面上項目(參與):石英晶體微天平技術用於水稻懸浮細胞重金屬脅迫及抗性機理的研究(31670955, 已結題)
(13) 湖南省科技廳重點項目(參與):多通道細胞力學分析平台關鍵技術的研究(213TT1009, 已結題)
(14) 國家大學生創新性實驗計畫項目(指導):碳點改性MOFs複合材料的製備及其對環境酚類物質的檢測(在研)
(15) 湖南省大學生創新性實驗計畫項目(指導):利用天然色素製備高亮碳量子點用於重金屬離子靈敏檢測(已結題)
(16) 湖南省研究生創新項目(指導):三維石墨烯納米複合材料的製備及其植物激素高敏生物感測套用(已結題)
(17) 湖南農業大學大學生創新性實驗計畫項目(指導):高分散貴金屬納米顆粒的巰基化聚苯胺-石墨烯複合材料的製備與表征(已結題)
1. 2012年湖南農業大學人才引進博士
2. 湖南師範大學優秀博士學位論文獎
3. 湖南省普通高校優秀學生黨員
4. 第三屆全國生命分析會議“安捷倫杯”優秀牆報獎
5. 湖南師範大學優秀博士研究生科研單項獎
6. 湖南師範大學優秀碩士研究生學習單項獎
中國化學會會員,湖南省項目評審專家庫專家,江西省項目評審專家庫專家,Nanoscale, Electrochimica Acta, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Ionics, Analytical Methods等SCI雜誌審稿人。