蘇州大學計算機科學與技術學院創建於1984年,是江蘇省較早的計算機科學與技術院系專業之一 。蘇州大學計算機專業開設於1984年,1987年成立工學院計算機工程系,2002年正式成立蘇州大學計算機科學與技術學院。經過二十多年的發展,學院目前擁有計算機科學與技術博士後科研流動站,計算機科學與技術、軟體工程2個一級學科博士點,計算機科學與技術、軟體工程、管理科學與工程3個一級學科碩士點,計算機技術、軟體工程2個碩士專業學位點。學院設有計算機科學與技術、信息管理與信息系統、軟體工程、網路工程、物聯網工程5個本科專業,其中軟體工程專業在全國第4輪學科評估中並列全國第9名,其中四個本科專業為江蘇省重點專業,其中軟體工程專業為國家特色專業建設點,同時是教育部卓越工程師教育培養計畫專業,物聯網工程專業為國家首批戰略性新興產業相關專業。學院已形成了從本科、碩士到博士三個階段完整的高級人才培養序列。
- 中文名:蘇州大學計算機科學與技術學院
- 外文名:School of Computer Science & Technology, Soochow University
- 創辦時間:1987年
- 院長:楊季文
1999年 因學科建設需要,成立蘇州大學計算機工程系
2002年 成立蘇州大學計算機科學與技術學院
序號 | 項目名稱及下達編號 | 經費來源 |
1 | 蛋白質柔性對接計算機科學與技術學院模擬方法研究(61170125) | 國家自然科學基金 |
2 | 面向Deep Web的大規模知識庫自動構建方法研究(61170020) | 國家自然科學基金 |
3 | 條件BC網路上獨立生成樹及其性質的研究961170021) | 國家自然科學基金 |
4 | 基於二型模糊機率圖模型的多攝像頭目標跟蹤研究(61170124) | 國家自然科學基金 |
5 | 多目標約束下的回歸測試用例最佳化策略研究(61103045) | 國家自然科學基金 |
6 | 混合天線模式下的無線自組織網MAC 協定研究(61103236) | 國家自然科學基金 |
7 | 物聯網系統最佳化機理研究(2011CB302-905) | 973子專題 |
8 | 無線感測器網路中基於多路徑數據傳送的容錯檢測研究(20103201110018) | 教育部博士學科點基金 |
9 | 增強的CSS形狀檢索技術 | 教育部留學回國人員基金 |
10 | 測度學習的全局與局域平衡問題研究(BK2011284) | 江蘇省自然科學基金 |
11 | 高可信嵌入式並發軟體分析與驗證方法研究(BK2011281) | 江蘇省自然科學基金 |
12 | 自然語言的覆蓋域界定方法研究及套用(BK2011282) | 江蘇省自然科學基金 |
13 | 基於信息抽取的實體間語義關係網構建方法及套用研究(11KJA520003) | 江蘇省高校重大項目 |
14 | 統計數據質量控制方法研究與套用 | 浙江省統計局(重點) |
15 | 多核網路處理器無冗餘流量加密算法研究(11KJB520017) | 江蘇省高校自然科學基金 |
16 | 基於二型模糊邏輯的多核程式時序分析方法研究(11KJB520018) | 江蘇省高校自然科學基金 |
17 | 基於DVC的無線網路視頻傳輸錯誤隱藏技術研究(SYG201116) | 蘇州市套用基礎(工業) |
18 | 基於雲計算的多文檔信息融合關鍵技術研究及套用(SYG201112) | 蘇州市套用基礎(工業) |
19 | 多感測器集成拓撲映射與信息融合關鍵技術研究(SYG201118) | 蘇州市套用基礎(工業) |
20 | 基於傾向性演化學習的新聞話題變種檢測方法研究(SYG201030) | 蘇州市套用基礎(工業) |
號 | 作者 | 題名 | 刊名 | 發表時間 |
1 | 樊建席 | Efficient unicast in bijective connection networks with the restricted faulty node set | Information Sciences | 2011.6 |
2 | 王喜/樊建席 | Embedding meshes into twisted-cubes | Information Sciences | 2011.7 |
3 | 張莉 | Density-induced margin support vector machines | Pattern Recognition | 2011.7 |
4 | 張莉 | Generalized Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis and Its Small Sample Size Problems | Neurocomputing | 2011.1 |
5 | 周國棟 | Tree kernel-based semantic role labeling with enriched parse tree structure | Information Processing and Management | 2011.3 |
6 | 樊建席 | An efficient fault-tolerant routing algorithm in bijective connection networks with restricted faulty edges | Theoretical Computer Science | 2011.7 |
7 | 周吳軍/樊建席 | The spined cube: A new hypercube variant with smaller diameter | Information Processing Letters | 2011.6 |
8 | 李壽山 | Multi-domain Sentiment Classification with Classifier Combination | Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) | 2011.1 |
9 | 周國棟 | Learning noun phrase anaphoricity in coreference resolution via label propagation | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 2011.1 |
10 | 周國棟 | Kernel-based semantic relation detection and classification via enriched parse tree structure | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 2011.1 |
11 | 李壽山 | Semi-supervised learning for Imbalanced Sentiment Classification | the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2011) | 2011.7 |
12 | 孔芳 | Improve Tree Kernel-based Event Pronoun Resolution with Competitive Information | IJCAI2011 | 2011.1 |
13 | 李壽山 | Imbalanced Sentiment Classification | IJCAI2011 | 2011.10 |
14 | 貢正仙 | Cache-based Document-level Statistical Machine Translation | EMNLP 2011 | 2011.7 |
15 | 洪宇 | using cross-entity inference to improve event extraction | ACL 2011 | 2011.11 |
16 | 錢龍華 | the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP"2011) | IJCNLP"2011 | 2011.11 |
17 | 張莉 | Ordinal prior knowledge-based ranking SVM | Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing | 2011.2 |
18 | 劉純平 | Extraction Salience Structure of Dot Cloud using Closeness and Distribution-based Tensor Voting | Journal of Computer Science Applications and Education | 2011.1 |
19 | 吳健 | Moving Object Classification Method Based on SOM and K-means | Journal of Computers | 2011.3 |
20 | 吳健 | Adaptive Detection of Moving Vehicle Based on On-line Clustering | Journal of Computers | 2011.4 |
21 | 吳健 | A Clustering-based Motion Understanding Method for Traffic Vehicle | Journal of Computational Information Systems | 2011.5 |
22 | 吳健 | A Video Vehicle Tracking Algorithm Based on Polar Fourier Descriptor | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence | 2011.7 |
23 | 張鞠濤/龔聲蓉 | The GPU-based parallel implementation of phase information extraction of multi-view images | Advanced Materia1s Research | 2011.5 |
24 | 張樂/劉全 | A Bit-decomposition Adaptive Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Multi-Polar Mask | Key Engineering Materials | 2011.6 |
25 | 徐雲龍 | Research on Care of Postoperative Patient based on Rough Sets Theory | International Journal of Computer Applications | 2011.5 |
26 | 張廣泉 | Mismatch Detection of Timed Asynchronous Web Services | IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference 2011 | 2011.12 |
27 | 張莉 | Support vector novelty detection in hidden space | Journal of Computational Information Systems | 2011.12 |
28 | 王曉燕/劉全 | Double Elite Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm. | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering | 2011.1 |
29 | 傅啟明/劉全 | Relevance feedback techniques and genetic algorithm for image retrieval based on multiple features | International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control | 2011.1 |
30 | 李軍輝/周國棟 | Unified semantic role labeling for verbal and nominal predicates in Chinese language | ACM Transaction on Asian Language Information Processing | 2011年3期 |
31 | 錢龍華 | Employing constituent dependency information for tree kernel-based semantic relation extraction between named entities | ACM Transaction on Asian Language Information Processing | 2011年3期 |
32 | 樊建席 | On reliable unicast and broadcast in bijective connection networks with the restricted node/edge faults | International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) | 2011.3 |
33 | 楊政/劉純平 | A Saliency Detection Model Based on Multi-feature Fusion | Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). 2011 | 2011,12 |
34 | 王小鮑/劉純平 | Pedestrian Recognition Based on Saliency Detection and Karman Filter Algorithm in Aerial Video | Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). 2011 | 2011,12 |
35 | 劉純平 | Pedestrian Recognition Based on Saliency Detection and Kalman Filter Algorithm in Aerial Video | Computational Inteligence and Security | 2011.12 |
36 | 方靜/崔志明 | Color identifying of vehicles based on color container and BP network | BMEI 2011 | 2011.1 |
37 | 辛潔/崔志明/ | A Solution of Web Crawling Bottlenecks Based on Virtualization Technology | ICCNT 2011 | 2011.8 |
38 | 張廣銘/崔志明 | A Novel Image Fusion Method using Beamlet Transform and Graph Cuts | Key Engineering Materials | 2011.11 |
39 | 吳健 | Research on Vehilce Tracking Algorithm Using Contourlet Transform | IEEE ITSC 2011 | 2011.9 |
40 | 陳冬火 | FormalTCGenerator: a Tool of Automatically Generating Test Cases for Infinite States Reactive Systems | The 15th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications(SEA2011) | 2011.12 |
41 | 紀其進 | One More Server for Supporting Random Seeking in a P2P Video-on-Demand System | ICOEIS 2011 | 2011.7 |
42 | 紀其進 | Utility-Maximizing Task Scheduling for Partially Observable Multiagent Systems | CAR 2011 | 2011.11 |
43 | 李培峰 | A Clustering and Ranking Based Approach for Multi-document Event Fusion | IEEE SNPD 2011 | 2011 |
44 | 李培峰 | A Dependency Tree Based Approach for Sentence-Level Sentiment Classification | IEEE SNPD 2011 | 2011 |
45 | 李培峰 | An Approach of Chunk-based Task Runtime Prediction for Self-Scheduling on Multi-core Desk Grid | JCP | 2011 |
46 | 楊華智/李培峰 | The Application Layer Protocol Identification Method Based on Semisupervised Learning | IEEE SNPD 2011 | 2011 |
47 | 徐凡/朱巧明 | Detecting Text Similarity over Chinese Research Papers Using MapReduce | IEEE SNPD 2011 | 2011 |
48 | 王仲慶/周國棟 | Imbalanced Sentiment Classification with Multi-Strategy Ensemble Learning | IALP 2011 | 2011 |
49 | 張寧/李培峰 | Research of Event Pronoun Resolution | IALP 2011 | 2011 |
50 | 張玉華 | An Approach of Mining Parallelizable Points for Multi-core Computing | iEEE ICCNT 2011 | 2011.2 |
51 | 劉貞/李鎣 | Dual Channel Competition (DCC) Scheme for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks | ICCSNT 2011 | 2011.12 |
52 | 陳浩/劉全 | An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Based on Dynamic Evaporation Rare Fitting | 3 International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, 2011 | 2011.5 |
53 | 陳世剛/馬小虎 | AdaBoost Face Detection Based on Haar-like Intensity Features and Multi-threshold Features | 2011 International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing | 2011.5 |
54 | 譚延琪/馬小虎 | Contourlet-Based Feature Extraction with LLP for Face Recognition | 2011 International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing | 2011.5 |
55 | 錢龍華 | 2011 International Conference on Asian Language Processing(IALP"2011) | COLIPS | 2011.11 |
56 | 王宏 | Research on Fusion of China’s Higher Information Technology Education and Teaching with Information Technology enterprise Innovation | The 2nd International Conference on E-Business & E-Government (ICEE 2011) | 2011.5 |
57 | 王岩 | Construction of Independent Spanning Trees on Twisted-Cubes | CSAE2011 | 2011.2 |
58 | 王岩 | An Algorithm to Find Optimal Independent Spanning Trees on Twisted-cubes | PAAP 2011 | 2011.12 |
59 | 吳瑾 | The paging mechanism and MMC module in XS128 Flash | ICMEE2011 | 2011.9 |
60 | 吳瑾 | Protection Mechanisms And Security Operations Of XS128 Flash Memory | ICEIE2011 | 2011.9 |
61 | 王宜懷 | Programming Flash Memory in Freescale S08/S12/ColdFire MCUs Family. | Published by InTech 2011 | 2011 |
62 | 王宜懷 | Programming Flash Memory in Freescale S12XS Serial MCUs | IEEE Computer Society,2011 | 2011 |
63 | 吳嫻 | Scheduling Model of Access Requests in Open Storage Architectures | in proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science & Education | 2011.8 |
64 | 李菲菲/徐汀榮 | Energy-aware data gathering and routing protocol based on doublecluster-heads | 2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet) | 2011 |
65 | 張小倩/周國棟 | Polarity Shifting:Corpus Construction and Analysis | IALP 2011 | 2011.11 |
66 | 張廣泉 | Specification and Verification of Data and Time in Web Service Composition | WISM2011 | 2011.9 |
67 | 張廣泉 | Model Checking for Asynchronous Web Service Composition Based on XYZ/ADL | WISM2011 | 2011.9 |
68 | 張廣泉 | Exploration and Practice of Software Engineering Core Curriculum Construction | ICCSE2011 | 2011.8 |
69 | 王喜燕/張廣泉等 | A Method for Detecting Mismatch of Time-Aware Web Services Based on SMT | ICCSE2011 | 2011.8 |
70 | 吳劍峰/張廣泉 | Counterexample Generation and Representation in Model Checking for Probabilistic Timed Automata, | ICCSE2011 | 2011.8 |
71 | 朱稷涵/張廣泉 | Verifying Web Services Composition Based on LTL and Colored Petri Net, | ICCSE2011 | 2011.8 |
72 | 陸棟樑/張宏斌 | Evolutionary analysis of effective time steps in well-mixed multi-agent snowdrift game | ICMSIC2011 | 2011.9 |
73 | 張莉 | Nonlinear Nearest Subspace Classifier, | ICONIP 2011 | 2011.11 |
74 | 洪宇 | Factual or Satisfactory: What Search Results are Better? | PACLIC 2011 | 2011.12 |
75 | 馮艷卉/姚建民 | using html tags to improve parallel resources extraction | IALP 2011 | 2011.11 |
76 | 張劍峰/姚建民 | Thread Cleaning and Merging for Microblog Topic Detection | IJCNLP 2011 | 2011.11 |
77 | 張志強 | A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method for examination mode evaluation | Energy Procedia | 2011.7 |
78 | 張志強 | Network intrusion detection based on robust wavelet RVM algorithm | Journal of Information and Computational Science | 2011.7 |
79 | 章曉芳 | An improved metric for test case prioritization | WISA 2011 | 2011.11 |
80 | 朱曉旭 | Design and Implementation of Input Method Based on SCIM. | The 2011 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering | 2011.1 |
81 | 周梅晨/朱斐 | Protein Biological Function Clustering with GO and KO | 2011, 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering | 2011.5 |
82 | 王健/朱斐 | Biological entity boundary detection using ME mode | 2011 International Conference on Computer and Management | 2011.5 |
83 | 琚政斐/朱斐 | Named entity recognition from biomedical text using SVM | 2011, 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering | 2011.5 |
84 | 徐亮亮/朱斐 | Protein protein interaction visualization using VisANT | 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System | 2011.6 |
85 | 汪建/朱斐 | Biological terms boundary identification by maximum entropy model | Proceedings of the 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2011 | 2011.5 |
86 | 林慧/朱斐 | On Intact and Inparanoid | 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN 2011 | 2011.6 |
87 | 朱斐 | Developing software using a novel event-condition-state pattern framework: Taking mobile input method system As A Case Study | Journal of Software | 2011.8 |
88 | 朱斐 | Enriched format text categorization using a component similarity approach | Journal of Software | 2011.9 |
89 | 徐亮亮/朱斐 | A flexible visualization tool for interaction | 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks | 2011.5 |
90 | 琚政斐/朱斐 | Identifying biological terms from text by support vector machine | Proceedings of the 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2011 | 2011.5 |
91 | 嚴建峰 | Ant colony optimization for wireless sensor networks routing | Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics | 2011.6 |
92 | 秦凱偉/李培峰 | Chinese Zero Anaphor Detection: Rule-based Approach | ISKE2011 | 2011.5 |
93 | 倪吉/李培峰 | Research on Cross-document Coreference of Chinese Person Name | IALP2011 | 2011.5 |
94 | 張寧/李培峰 | Research of Event Pronoun Resolution | IALP2011 | 2011.6 |
95 | 高俊偉/李培峰 | Research of Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution | IALP2011 | 2011.6 |
96 | 孔芳 | Combining Dependency and Constituent-based Syntactic Information for Anaphoricity Determination in Coreference Resolution | Paclic2011 | 2011.5 |
97 | 孫涌 | Research and Implementation of Color Schemes in Color Digital Jacquard CAD | Key Engineering Materials | 2011.4 |
98 | 花嶺/朱艷琴 | A Lightweight Model for Consuming Linked Data for Commercial Application | 3rd Internationl Conference on E-Business and Information System Security | 2011.5 |
99 | 卞建軍,朱艷琴 | A hybrid scheduling algorithm in P2P VoD | 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Information Management | 2011.4 |
100 | 張文哲 | Autonomous Target Interception using Hybrid Sensor | Intelligent Control&Automation | 2011.8 |
101 | 貢正仙 | Employing topic modeling for statistical machine translation | CSAE 2011 | 2011.6 |
102 | 貢正仙 | Improve SMT with Source-Side “Topic-Document” Distributions | Proceedings of the 13th Machine Translation Summit(MTSummit XIII) | 2011.9 |
103 | 楊凌雲/呂強 | GPCR-Ligand Docking with Refining Receptor Interface | MCCMB’2011 | 2011.7 |
104 | 張健/陳建明 | Design of standard managing system in clothes manufacturing | ICINA2011 | 2011.10 |
105 | 殷俊偉/陳建明 | The System Design of the Apparel’s Pattern Knowledge Database Oriented to Intelligent Manufacture | TBIS 2011 | 2011.6 |
106 | 黃立/陸建德 | Hops Adaptive Algorithm for TCP Vegas in Mobile Ad Hoc Network | MEC2011 | 2011.8 |
107 | 楊吉喆/陸建德 | Linked IPS on Octeon Multi-core Processor for New Generation Network | MEC2011 | 2011.8 |
108 | 吳虎/陸建德 | Research on Routing Optimization in Nested NEMO | ICECC2011 | 2011.9 |
109 | 王玲玲/陸建德 | IPTV Quality Monitoring System Based on Hierarchical Feedback of RTCP | ICECC2011 | 2011.9 |
110 | 孫常龍/姚建民 | 基於維基百科的未登錄詞譯文挖掘 | 計算機研究與發展 | 2011年6期 |
111 | 劉全 | 一種基於啟發式獎賞函式的分層強化學習方法 | 計算機研究與發展 | 2011年12期 |
112 | 張侃/張廣泉 | 一種可信的CPS系統設計框架 | 計算機研究與發展 | 2011年9期 |
113 | 李軍輝/周國棟 | 中文名詞性謂詞語義角色標註研究 | 軟體學報 | 2011年8期 |
114 | 黃 旭/呂強 | 一種用於蛋白質結構聚類的聚類中心選擇算法 | 自動化學報 | 2011年6期 |
115 | 張廣泉 | 時間感知Web服務互動行為建模與失配檢測方法研究 | 電子學報 | 2011年11期 |
116 | 張廣泉 | 基於XYZ/ADL的Web服務組合描述與驗證 | 電子學報 | 2011年3期 |
117 | 范自立/李凡長 | 一種選擇標註分層流形學習算法 | 模式識別與人工智慧 | 2011年5期 |
118 | 張書奎 | 具有偏好隨機遊動能量均衡的數據傳輸算法 | 通信學報 | 2011年2期 |
119 | 周恩策/劉純平 | 基於時間窗的自適應核密度估計運動檢測方法 | 通信學報 | 2011年3期 |
120 | 乾楠/龔聲蓉 | 基於張量投票的空域錯誤隱藏算法 | 通信學報 | 2011年10期 |
121 | 辛潔/崔志明 | 基於MapReduce虛擬機的Deep Web數據源發現方法 | 通信學報 | 2011年7期 |
122 | 劉全 | 最小狀態變元平均獎賞的強化學習方法 | 通信學報 | 2011年1期 |
123 | 劉全 | 基於角點特徵的集契約步數字水印算法 | 通信學報 | 2011年4期 |
124 | 李 嬌/劉全 | 分散式資料庫中基於局部CON模型的記錄匹配方法 | 通信學報 | 2011年7期 |
125 | 李衛偉/劉純平 | 基於SSCL的模糊C均值圖像分類方法 | 中國圖象圖形學報 | 2011年2期 |
126 | 傅啟明/劉全 | 遺傳反饋的多特徵圖像檢索 | 中國圖象圖形學報 | 2011年10期 |
127 | 吳方磊/朱巧明 | 基於樹核函式的中文語義角色分類研究 | 中文信息學報 | 2011年3期 |
128 | 倪吉/朱巧明 | 基於可信度模型的中文人名識別研究 | 中文信息學報 | 2011年3期 |
129 | 劉兵/錢龍華 | 依存信息在蛋白質關係抽取中的作用 | 中文信息學報 | 2011年2期 |
130 | 馮艷卉/姚建民 | 基於搜尋引擎的雙語混合網頁識別新方法 | 中文信息學報 | 2011年1期 |
131 | 陸玉清/姚建民 | 基於上下文的真詞錯誤檢查及校對方法 | 中文信息學報 | 2011年1期 |
132 | 李紹燕/鄧偉 | KL距離的變長馬爾可夫模型識別人類剪接位點 | 生物物理學報 | 2011年8期 |
133 | 趙雅英/馬小虎 | 基於樣本擴充和改進2DPCA的單樣本人臉識別 | 計算機套用 | 2011年10期 |
134 | 王三虎/姚望舒 | 基於SIFT和角點特徵的商標檢索算法 | 計算機套用 | 2011年7期 |
135 | 張悅/凌興宏 | 基於改進相似度傳播算法的本體匹配 | 計算機套用 | 2011年9期 |
136 | 徐靖/ 周國棟 | 中文名詞性謂詞語義角色標註的特徵研究 | 計算機套用 | 2011年6期 |
137 | 李麟青/朱艷琴 | 一種混合式BitTorrent流量檢測方法 | 計算機套用 | 2011年12期 |
楊季文 | 院長 | 主持學院行政全面工作,分管人事工作、學科建設工作、實驗室建設工作 |
胡新華 | 黨委書記 | 主持院黨委全面工作,分管黨建、組織、工會、退休教職工協會、研究生學生工作 |
朱艷琴 | 副院長 | 協助院黨委書記和院長分管紀檢工作、本科生(含公共)教學工作、繼續教育(含成人教育、助學自考、第二學位)教學工作 |
陸偉中 | 副院長 | 協助院黨委書記和院長分管保密工作、財務工作、繼續教育(成人教育、助學自考、專接本、工程碩士)招生與日常管理工作、培訓中心工作、學院培訓部工作、學院辦公室工作、安全與消防工作 |
李凡長 | 副院長 | 協助院黨委書記和院長分管研究生(含工程碩士)培養工作、科研工作 |
沈雲彩 | 黨委副書記、副院長 | 協助院黨委書記和院長分管本科生學生工作、宣傳、青年工作、對外合作辦公室工作 |