- 中文名:蘇妮
- 畢業院校:華東師範大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:東亞大陸邊緣風化及源匯沉積過程
- 東亞大陸邊緣風化及源匯沉積過程
- 河流和邊緣海海洋化學及同位素地球化學
- 1. 山溪性入海河流物源變異及對氣候事件的回響(編號41776062),2018.1–2021.12,70萬,國家自然科學基金面上項目,負責人:蘇妮
- 2. 多同位素示蹤極端事件對東海沉積物源匯關鍵過程的影響(編號QNLM2016ORP0211),2017.4–2020.3,100萬,青島海洋科學與技術國家實驗室2016年度開放基金項目,負責人:蘇妮
- 3. 鈾系同位素探究末次冰盛期以來東亞大陸邊緣的風化沉積記錄(編號41506058),2016.1–2018.12,20萬,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,負責人:蘇妮
- 4. 鈾系同位素研究浙閩流域典型風化殼化學風化速率(編號2014M551443),2014–2015,5萬,中國博士後科學基金項目,負責人:蘇妮
- Ni Su, Shouye Yang, Yulong Guo, Wei Yue, Xiaodan Wang, Ping Yin, Xiangtong Huang, Revisit of rare earth element fractionation during chemical weathering and river sediment transport, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2017, doi:10.1002/2016GC006659
- Ni Su, Shouye Yang, Wei Yue, Rare earth element chemistry indicates chemical alteration of zircons during the evolution of weathering profile, Acta Geochim, 2017, 36(3): 433–436
- Ni Su, Shouye Yang, Xiaodan Wang, Lei Bi, Chengfan Yang, Magnetic parameters indicate the intensity of chemical weathering developed on igneous rocks in China, Catena, 2015, 133, 328–341
- Ni Su, Jinzhou Du, Zonglian Duan, Bing Deng, Jing Zhang, Radium isotopes and their environmental implications in the Changjiang River system, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2015, 156, 155–164
- Ni Su, William C. Burnett, Hugh L. MacIntyre, Justin D. Liefer, Richard N. Peterson, Richard Visco, Natural radon and radium isotopes for assessing groundwater discharge into Little Lagoon, Alabama: implications for harmful algal blooms, Estuaries and Coasts, 2014, 37, 893–910
- Ni Su, Jinzhou Du, Sumei Liu, Jing Zhang, Nutrient fluxes via radium isotopes from the coast to offshore and from the seafloor to upper waters after the 2009 spring bloom in the Yellow Sea, Deep-Sea Research II, 2013, 97, 33–42
- Ni Su, Jinzhou Du, Ying Li, Jing Zhang, Evaluation of surface water mixing and associated nutrient fluxes in the East China Sea using 226Ra and 228Ra, Marine Chemistry, 2013, 156, 108–119
- Ni Su, Jinzhou Du, Willard S. Moore, Sumei Liu, Jing Zhang, An examination of groundwater discharge and the associated nutrient fluxes into the estuaries of eastern Hainan Island, China using 226Ra, Science of the Total Environment, 2011, 409, 3909–3918
- Ni Su, Jinzhou Du, Tao Ji, Jing Zhang, 226Ra and 228Ra tracer study on nutrient transport in east coastal waters of Hainan Island, China, Water Science and Engineering, 2011, 4(2): 157–169
- Kai Deng, Shouye Yang, Chao Li, Ni Su, Lei Bi, Yuan-Pin Chang, Su-Chin Chang, Detrital zircon geochronology of river sands from Taiwan: Implications for sedimentary provenance of Taiwan and its source link with the east China mainland, Earth-Science Reviews, 2017, 164, 31–47
- Ji’an Liu, Ni Su, Xilong Wang, Jinzhou Du, Submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into the Southern Yellow Sea: A case study for semienclosed and oligotrophic seas-implication for green tide bloom, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2016, doi:10.1002/2016JC012282
- Chengfan Yang, Shouye Yang, Ni Su, Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in mineral-bound water and the indication for chemical weathering intensity, Chemical Geology, 2016, 441, 14–23
- Chengfan Yang, Shouye Yang, Ni Su, The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of hydroxyl in clay mineral from a weathering profile: New proxies for paleo-climate change? Acta Geochim, 2017, 36(3): 370–373
- Justin D. Liefer, Hugh L. MacIntyre, Ni Su, William C. Burnett, Seasonal alternation between groundwater discharge and benthic coupling as nutrient sources in a shallow coastal lagoon, Estuaries and Coasts, 2013, 37, 925–940
- Tao Ji, Jinzhou Du, Willard S. Moore, Guosen Zhang, Ni Su, Jing Zhang, Nutrient inputs to a Lagoon through submarine groundwater discharge: the case of Laoye Lagoon, Hainan, China, Journal of Marine System, 2013, 111-112, 253–262
- Zhijun Dai, Jinzhou Du, Xiaoling Zhang, Ni Su, Jiufa Li, Variation of riverine material loads and environmental consequences on the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary in recent decades (1955-2008), Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(1), 223–227
- 蘇妮, 張磊, 張耀玲, 杜金洲. 沿岸地下水排放通量. 水文地質工程地質. 2009, 36(3): 45–50.
- 蘇妮, 杜金洲, 段宗煉. 長江中下游水體中核素Ra的沿程分布規律. 中國核學科學技術進展報告(第一卷). 2009, 4: 239–242.
- 趙峰, 蘇妮, 黃德坤, 張磊, 杜金洲, 張經. 海水中同位素Ra分析方法比較研究. 海洋環境科學. 2010, 29(3): 424–428.