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  • 中文名:藥理學
  • 作者:婁建石
  • 出版時間:2015年7月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302384830


《藥理學(留學生與雙語教學用 英文版)》系統地介紹了藥理學的基本知識,包括常用藥物的作用和原理、臨床套用、不良反應以及藥物相互作用等。內容簡明易懂,適合臨床醫學專業學生初步學習藥理學的入門教材,也可作為其他醫學相關專業學生學習藥理學的教材,如護理學、口腔醫學、麻醉學、中西醫結合醫學、醫學檢驗、醫學影像、公共衛生和藥學專業等。《藥理學(留學生與雙語教學用 英文版)》也可供醫藥衛生專業工作人員學習和套用藥理學的參考教材。


Chapter 1 Introduction
I. Development of Pharmacology
II. New Drug Research
Chapter 2 Pharmacodynamics
I. General Classification of Drug Effects
II. Dose-Effect Relationship
III. Receptor Theory and Drug Receptor Interaction
IV. Receptor Families and Their Transducer and Effector Molecules
V. Relationship Between Regulatory Mechanisms of Receptors and the Pharmacological Action
VI. Mechanism of Action
Chapter 3 Pharmacokinetics
I. Drug Transport across Membranes
II. The Dynamics of Drug Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination
II. General Principles of Pharmacokinetics
Chapter 4 Pharmacogenetics
I. The Objectives of Research in Pharmacogenetics
II. The Effect of Genetic Factors on Drug Reactions
III. The Racial Difference of Drug Reaction and Metabolism
Chapter 5 Autonomic Pharmacology
I. Anatomy and Neurotransmitter Chemistry of the Autonomic Nervous System
II. Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Transmitters
III. Locations of Autonomic Receptors
IV. Presynaptic Regulation of Transmitter Release
V. Functional Organization of Autonomic Activity
VI. Coupling Mechanism of Receptor-effect
VII. Mode of Action of Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
VIII. Classification of Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
Chapter 6 Cholinoceptor-Activating and Cholinesterase-lnhibiting Drugs
I. Direct-acting Cholinoceptor Stimulants
II. Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Chapter 7 Organophosphates Anticho:inesterase Intoxication and Cholinesterase Reactivators...
I. Organophosphates Anticholinesterase Intoxication
II. Cholinesterase Reactivator
Chapter 8 M CholinoceptorAntagonists
I. Natural M Cholinoceptor Blocking Drugs
II. Synthetic Spasmolytic Drugs
Chapter 9 N CholinoceptorAntagonists
Chapter 10 Adrenoceptor-Activating Drugs
Chapter 11 Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs
Chapter 12 Sedative-Hypnotics Drugs
Chapter 13 Antiepileptic Drugs
Chapter 14 Psychotropic Drugs
Chapter 15 Antiparkinsonism Drugs
Chapter 16 Antipyretic-Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Drugs
Chapter 17 Narcotic Analgesics
Chapter 18 Central Stimulants
Chapter 19 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Heart Failure
Chapter 20 Antihypertensive Drugs
Chapter 21 Anti-Angina Pectoris Drugs
Chapter 22 Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Chapter 23 Autihyperlipidemic Drugs
Chapter 24 Diuretic and Dehydrant Drugs
Chapter 25 Antiasthmatie Drugs
Chapter 26 Drugs Used in Gastrointestinal Diseases
Chapter 27 Drugs Affecting Uterine Motility
Chapter 28 Anticoagulants and Coagulants
Chapter 29 Histamine and Antihistamine Drugs
Chapter 30 Adrenocorticosteroids
Chapter 31 Drugs Affecting the Thyroid Gland
Chapter 32 Antidiabetic Drugs
Chapter 33 Introduction to Antibacterial Drugs
Chapter 34 SyntheticAntimicrobial Drugs
Chapter 35 β-Lactam Antibiotics
Chapter 36 Macrolides, Lincosamides and Glycopeptides
Chapter 37 Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics
Chapter 38 Aminoglycosides and Polypeptides
Chapter 39 Antifungal Drugs
Chapter 40 Antiviral Drugs
Chapter 41 Antimycobacterial Drugs
Chapter 42 Antimalarial Drugs
Chapter 43 Amebicides
Chapter 44 Anthelmintic Drugs
Chapter 45 Antineoplastic Drugs


