藤山柳假尾孢,該菌是四川, 陝西, 甘肅一帶引起獼猴桃科植物藤山柳病害的病原菌。
- 中文名:藤山柳假尾孢
- 外文名:Puccinia sinarundinariae J.Y.Zhuang & S.X.Wei sp. nov.
編號 | MYS-92-12 |
拉丁菌名 | Puccinia sinarundinariae J.Y.Zhuang & S.X.Wei sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 藤山柳假尾孢 |
定名人 | 劉錫[王+進] 郭英蘭 |
Nomencla | Zhuang Jianyun and Wei Shuxia |
發表文章 | 中國假尾孢屬的研究 VI. |
Article | Meterials for Study on Rust Fungi of Eastern Rimland of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau I. A New Species of Puccinia on Bamboo |
作者 | 郭英蘭 劉錫[王+進] |
Author | Zhuang Jianyun and Wei Shuxia |
作者單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究所真菌地衣系統學開放研 究實驗室, 北京 100080 |
摘要 | 本文報導中國假尾孢屬的16個種, 其中有3個新種: 藤山柳假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora clematoclethrae), 仙芽假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora curucliginis),豆付柴 假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora premnicola), 8個新組合: 金粟蘭假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora chloranthe), 溫勃 (山楂)假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora cydoniae),福崗假尾 孢 (Pseudocercospora fukuokaensis), 土連翹假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora hymenodictyonis), 南五味子假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora kadsurae),野島假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora nojimae), 繡線菊假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora spiraeicola), 球形假尾孢 (Pseudocercospora sphaeriiformis) 和3箇中國新紀錄. 文中對新種進行了描述並繪圖. 研究的標本保存在中國科 學院微生物研究所真菌標本室 (HMAS). |
Abstract | A new species of the genus Puccinia parasitic on bamboo, Puccinia sinarundinariae, collected from the mountationous regions of western Sichuan, is described and illustrated.The species is compared with those they are most like, and its taxonomic problems are briefly discussed. Comments on its possible distribution are also included.The type specimen is deposited in Herbarium Mycologicum Instituti Microbiologici Academiae Sinicae (HMAS), Beijing. |
關鍵字 | 假尾孢屬, 藤山柳尾孢, 仙芽假尾孢, 豆付柴 假尾孢, 金粟蘭假尾孢, 溫勃(山楂)假尾孢, 福崗假尾孢 , 土蓮翹假尾孢, 南五味子假尾孢, 野島假尾孢, 鄉線菊 假尾孢, 球形假尾孢 |
期刊 | 真菌系統(真菌地衣系統學開放研究實驗室年報) 5:99-108, 1992 |
Publication | MYCOSYSTEMA (Ann. Rep. of Syst. Mycol. Lichenol Lab.) (Chinese(English Abstract)/English), 5:pp.127-130, 1992 |
分享省市 | 浙江省杭州 市 |
Place | Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China |
採集地 | 杭州園 林風景區獼猴桃科植物藤山柳的葉片 |
Environment | The rest fungi grown on the leaves of Sinarundinariae nitidae (Mitf.) Nakai. collected from Wolonggou Natural Protection Area. |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候園林 |
寄主 | 獼猴桃科植物藤山柳的葉片 |
Habitat | subtropical mountain monsoon climate Sinarundinariae nitidae forest |
Host | on the leaves of Sinarundinariae nitidae (Mitf.) Nakai. |
採集人 | 劉錫進 馬啟明 |
Isolation Person | Li Bin et al. |
保存單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究所真菌標本室, 北京 100080 |
Preservation Unit | Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
Speciman No. | HMAS 44424 |
Note | The fungi is a impotant ill pathogen for Sinarundinariae nitidae (Mitf.) Nakai. The bamboo are panda's food at Wolong National Wild Panda Protection Region. |
備註 | 該菌是四川, 陝西, 甘肅一帶引起獼猴桃科植物藤山柳病害的病原菌 |