



  • 軟體名稱:藍移動
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:11.74MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
由於碳排放量的增加,全球冰蓋融化。如果這種情況持續下去,北極熊會無家可歸。為了幫助他們,大眾作出的App“MyBlueMobility”,以團結儘可能多的人儘可能地保護北極熊的家園! 如果的MyBlueMobility告訴你的駕駛環保通過跟蹤和分析您的駕駛時間,距離,速度,加速和減速行為。此外,你會學到很多實用的節油技巧,幫你省錢。 您可以邀請朋友下載這個應用程式,並與其他用戶進行比較。註冊完成後,您的行程數據將被上傳到大眾認為藍。的網站,這是一個平台為你檢查出更多的細節和跟蹤您的路由路徑! 這是更負責任的道路上,更環保意識!使用的App和保護熊的家!Due to the increase carbon emissions, the global ice caps are melting. If this continues, polar bears will be homeless. To help them, Volkswagen made the App “MyBlueMobility” in order to unite as many people as possible to protect the Polar Bears’ homes! MyBlueMobility tells if your driving is eco friendly by tracking and analyzing your driving duration, distance, speed, acceleration and deceleration behaviors. Also you will learn a lot of practical fuel saving tips that help you save money. You can invite friends to download this App and compare with other users. After registration, your trip data will be uploaded to Volkswagen Think Blue. website, which is a platform for you to check out additional detail and track your route paths! It’s about being more responsible on the road and more environmentally conscious! Use the App and protect the bears’ homes!


