休斯醫學研究所HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)研究員;

嵌合體(Interspecies Chimera)研究
表觀遺傳、模式動物等多個領域均取得了突破性成果。發表國際論文約90 篇(平均 影響因子 11.5,其中Science / Nature / Cell 系列共18 篇)。
Embryonic stem cells induce pluripotency in somatic cell fusion through biphasic reprogramming.
Foshay KM, Looney TJ, Chari S, Mao FF, Lee JH, Zhang L, Fernandes CJ, Baker SW, Clift KL, Gaetz J, Di CG, Xiang AP, Lahn BT
(Apr 2012) Molecular cell 46(2):159-70 PMID:22445485
Evidence for a critical role of gene occlusion in cell fate restriction.
Gaetz J, Clift KL, Fernandes CJ, Mao FF, Lee JH, Zhang L, Baker SW, Looney TJ, Foshay KM, Yu WH, Xiang AP, Lahn BT
(May 2012) Cell research 22(5):848-58 PMID:22124232 (Full Text)
The "occlusis" model of cell fate restriction.
Lahn BT
(Jan 2011) BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 33(1):13-20 PMID:20954221
Nestin is required for the proper self-renewal of neural stem cells.
Park D, Xiang AP, Mao FF, Zhang L, Di CG, Liu XM, Shao Y, Ma BF, Lee JH, Ha KS, Walton N, Lahn BT
(Dec 2010) Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 28(12):2162-71 PMID:20963821
Chromatin analysis of occluded genes.
Lee JH, Gaetz J, Bugarija B, Fernandes CJ, Snyder GE, Bush EC, Lahn BT
(Jul 2009) Human molecular genetics 18(14):2567-74 PMID:19380460 (Full Text)
Systematic identification of cis-silenced genes by trans complementation.
Lee JH, Bugarija B, Millan EJ, Walton NM, Gaetz J, Fernandes CJ, Yu WH, Mekel-Bobrov N, Vallender TW, Snyder GE, Xiang AP, Lahn BT
(Mar 2009) Human molecular genetics 18(5):835-46 PMID:19050040 (Full Text)
Genetic basis of human brain evolution.
Vallender EJ, Mekel-Bobrov N, Lahn BT
(Dec 2008) Trends in neurosciences 31(12):637-44 PMID:18848363 (Full Text)
Critical role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade in adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells.
Yu W, Chen Z, Zhang J, Zhang L, Ke H, Huang L, Peng Y, Zhang X, Li S, Lahn BT, Xiang AP
(Mar 2008) Molecular and cellular biochemistry 310(1-2):11-8 PMID:18060476
Extensive contribution of embryonic stem cells to the development of an evolutionarily divergent host.
Xiang AP, Mao FF, Li WQ, Park D, Ma BF, Wang T, Vallender TW, Vallender EJ, Zhang L, Lee J, Waters JA, Zhang XM, Yu XB, Li SN, Lahn BT
(Jan 2008) Human molecular genetics 17(1):27-37 PMID:17913699
Proteomic identification of differently expressed proteins responsible for osteoblast differentiation from human mesenchymal stem cells.
Zhang AX, Yu WH, Ma BF, Yu XB, Mao FF, Liu W, Zhang JQ, Zhang XM, Li SN, Li MT, Lahn BT, Xiang AP
(Oct 2007) Molecular and cellular biochemistry 304(1-2):167-79 PMID:17530189
Evidence that the adaptive allele of the brain size gene microcephalin introgressed into Homo sapiens from an archaic Homo lineage.
Evans PD, Mekel-Bobrov N, Vallender EJ, Hudson RR, Lahn BT
(Nov 2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(48):18178-83 PMID:17090677 (Full Text)
Trak1 mutation disrupts GABA(A) receptor homeostasis in hypertonic mice.
Gilbert SL, Zhang L, Forster ML, Anderson JR, Iwase T, Soliven B, Donahue LR, Sweet HO, Bronson RT, Davisson MT, Wollmann RL, Lahn BT
(Feb 2006) Nature genetics 38(2):245-50 PMID:16380713
Robust signals of coevolution of interacting residues in mammalian proteomes identified by phylogeny-aided structural analysis.
Choi SS, Li W, Lahn BT
(Dec 2005) Nature genetics 37(12):1367-71 PMID:16282975
Microcephalin, a gene regulating brain size, continues to evolve adaptively in humans.
Evans PD, Gilbert SL, Mekel-Bobrov N, Vallender EJ, Anderson JR, Vaez-Azizi LM, Tishkoff SA, Hudson RR, Lahn BT
(Sep 2005) Science(New York, N.Y.) 309(5741):1717-20 PMID:16151009
Ongoing adaptive evolution of ASPM, a brain size determinant in Homo sapiens.
Mekel-Bobrov N, Gilbert SL, Evans PD, Vallender EJ, Anderson JR, Hudson RR, Tishkoff SA & Lahn BT.
(Sep 2005) Science 309(5741):1720-2.
Rate of molecular evolution of the seminal protein gene SEMG2 correlates with levels of female promiscuity.
Dorus S, Evans PD, Wyckoff GJ, Choi SS, Lahn BT
(Dec 2004) Nature genetics 36(12):1326-9 PMID:15531881
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of microcephalin, a gene controlling human brain size.
Evans PD, Anderson JR, Vallender EJ, Choi SS, Lahn BT
(Jun 2004) Human molecular genetics 13(11):1139-45 PMID:15056607
Adaptive evolution of ASPM, a major determinant of cerebral cortical size in humans.
Evans PD, Anderson JR, Vallender EJ, Gilbert SL, Malcom CM, Dorus S, Lahn BT
(Mar 2004) Human molecular genetics 13(5):489-94 PMID:14722158
How mammalian sex chromosomes acquired their peculiar gene content.
Vallender EJ & Lahn BT
(2004) BioEssays 26:159
Positive selection on the human genome.
Vallender EJ & Lahn BT
(2004) Human Molecular Genetics 13:R245
Accelerated evolution of nervous system genes in the origin of Homo sapiens.
Dorus S, Vallender EJ, Evans PD, Anderson JR, Gilbert SL, Mahowald M, Wyckoff GJ, Malcom CM & Lahn BT
(2004) Cell 119:1027
The CDY-related gene family: coordinated evolution in copy number, expression profile, and protein sequence.
Dorus S, Gilbert SG, Forster M, Barndt RJ & Lahn BT
(2003) Human Molecular Genetics 12:1643
Previously uncharacterized histone acetyltransferases implicated in mammalian spermatogenesis.
Lahn BT, Tang ZL, Zhou J, Barndt RJ, Parvinen M, Allis CD & Page DC
(2002) PNAS 99:8707
The human Y chromosome, in the light of evolution.
Lahn BT, Pearson NM & Jegalian K
(2001) Nature Reviews Genetics 2:207
Apaf-1deficiency and neural tube closure defects are found in fogmice.
Honarpour N, Gilbert SL, Lahn BT, Wang X & Herz J
(2001) PNAS 8:9683
A human sex-chromosomal gene family expressed in male germ cells and encoding variably charged proteins.
Lahn BT & Page DC.
(2000) Human Molecular Genetics 9:311
Four evolutionary strata on the human X chromosome.
Lahn BT & Page DC.
(1999) Science 286:964
Retroposition of autosomal mRNA yielded testis-specific gene family on human Y chromosome.
Lahn BT & Page DC.
(1999) Nature Genetics 21:429
Functional coherence of the human Y chromosome.
Lahn BT & Page DC.
(1997) Science 278:675
Xq-Yq interchange resulting in supernormal X-linked gene expression in severely retarded males with 46,XYq Karyotype.
Lahn BT, Ma N, Breg WR, Stratton R, Surti U & Page DC.
(1994) Nature Genetics 8:243
· 1999:入選 TechnologyReview 雜誌評選的世界 Top 100 最有實力的年輕創新者;
· 2004:入選芝加哥商報評選的芝加哥 40 名 40 歲以下的商業、政界和科學明星;
· 2005:入選Esquire雜誌評選的美國精英;
· 2005:論文被列入Science雜誌評選的“2005 年度發現:Evolution in Action”;
· 2005:論文入選 Discovery 雜誌評選的“2005 年 Top 100 科學發現”;
· 2006:個人傳記刊登在Science雜誌年終期;
· 2012:中組部“千人計畫”創業人才;
· 2012:姑蘇領軍人才;
· 2012:江蘇省高層次創新創業人才。