藍德藍(Lander Blue Turquoise是著名美國綠松石礦,現已絕產,屬於頂級綠松石。
- 中文名:藍德藍
- 外文名:Lander Blue
Lander Blue是一個“帽子礦”,之所以這么稱呼,是因為他所出產的綠松石完全可以使用一個帽子裝下。該礦產松石是整個美國西南部綠松石中最稀少的“經典”綠松石,同時也是質地品位最好的綠松石,是世界上最貴的綠松石。
Lander Blue礦坑:Rita J. Hapgood是一個在battle Mountain的內華達酒吧的酒杯經銷商,1973年他在印第安河進行野餐是發現了這個綠松石礦坑。當她撿起一個鳥窩時發現一些她沒見過的黑色帶有藍色斑點的石頭。她使用一個咖啡館收集了一些礦石,並在不久後,她使用Mary Louise Lode Mining(瑪麗·路易絲礦脈)申請了採礦權並進行了命名。在那年晚些時候,她將這個礦坑賣給了Marvin Syme和Henry Dorian。他們聯合建立了Lander Blue綠松石公司。使用由Bob Johnson提供的舊的拖拉機和壓縮機,這對生意夥伴對這個礦坑進行了大約一年的開採,直到這個礦坑的綠松石被開採盡。
Lander Blue:Rita J. Hapgood, a blackjack dealer at the nevada Club at Battle Mountain, discovered this turquoise deposit in 1973 while picnicking at Indian Creek. Drawn to a bird's nest, she also noticed some unusual black rocksl studded with blue dots that were like none she had ever seen before. She collected some of these nuggets in a coffee can and later claimed the site as the Mary Louise Lode Mining Claim.
Later that year, she sold her claim to Marvin Syme and Henry Dorian, who formend the Lander Blue Turquoise Corporation. With an old tractor and a compressor contributed by Bob Johnson, the partners worked he claim for a year until the deposit of extraordinary turquoise ran out.
Lander Blue was a "hat mine", so called because you could cover it with a hat. Today, this rarest of all Southwestern turquoise "classics" is also of the highest grade and thus, pound for pound, the most waluable truquoise in the world.