薺菜豬肉油豆腐是一道美食,味道非常好,製作工藝簡單,營養價值高,主要材料是薺菜 豬肉餡 胡蘿蔔 油豆腐等。薺菜有助於增強機體免疫功能。這道菜性味甘平,具有和脾、利水、止血、明目的功效。
- 中文名:薺菜豬肉油豆腐
- 原料:薺菜 豬肉餡 胡蘿蔔 油豆腐等
- 配料:鹽、油、澱粉、香油、蔥姜
- 相關:薺菜有助於增強機體免疫功能
原料:薺菜 豬肉餡 胡蘿蔔 油豆腐、木耳、小油菜配料:鹽、油、澱粉、香油、蔥姜
薺菜:每百克含水分85.1 克,蛋白質5.3 克,脂肪0.4 克,碳水化合物6克,鈣420 毫克,磷73 毫克,鐵6.3 毫克,胡蘿蔔素3.2 毫克,維生素B10.14毫克,維生素B20.19 毫克,尼克酸0.7 毫克,維生素C55 毫克,還含有黃酮甙、膽鹼、乙醯膽鹼等。薺菜含豐富的維生素C 和胡蘿蔔素,有助於增強機體免疫功能。還能降低血壓、健胃消食,治療胃痙攣、胃潰瘍、痢疾、腸炎等病。性味甘平,具有和脾、利水、止血、明目的功效。
Material: Shepherd's Purse pig meat tofu carrot oil, edible fungus, the rape Ingredients: Salt, oil, starch, sesame oil, Congjiang
1, the shepherd's purse with the water about Billy; to Shepherd's Purse, carrots, fungus, were cut into ultra-fine silk;
2, the meat added green onions, shepherd's purse, fungus, carrots, adding salt, cooking wine, sesame oil as filling.
3, all the oil tofu into two, the tofu inside out, and the stuffing together, then the above cook the pie, and embedded in the oil curd, do not insert too much.
4, in the steamer after the water is then put in a good filling of the oil has been embedded tofu plate filling, steam 5-6 minutes.
5, the water code on the rape fly around in the middle let beans soak, the oil well of the fresh tofu shepherd's purse.
Shepherd's Purse: hectogram with water 85.1 g, protein 5.3 g, 0.4 g fat, 6 grams carbohydrates, 420 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 73 mg, 6.3 mg iron, 3.2 mg carotene, vitamin B10.14 mg Vitamin B20.19 mg, niacin 0.7 mg, vitamin C55 mg, also contains glycoside, choline, acetylcholine, etc.. Shepherd's purse rich in vitamin C and carotene, helps enhance immune function. Can lower blood pressure, stomach digestion, treatment of stomach cramps, ulcers, diarrhea, enteritis and other diseases. Of sweet flat with and spleen, diuresis, bleeding eyes and effect.