- 中文名:薛國強
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:研究員
- 性別:男
1989.7-1999.7 山西煤田地質綜合普查隊工作。
1999.9-2002.3 在長安大學就讀碩士研究生。
2002.3-2005.4 在西安交通大學就讀博士研究生。
2005.5-2008.1 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所固體地球物理專業博士後流動站
2008.1- 2013.12 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所固體礦產資源研究室,副研究員。
2013.12---- 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所固體礦產資源研究室,研究員。
4) 套用研究:瞬變電磁深部探礦套用; 瞬變電磁法煤礦採空區套用
- 自然科學基金面上項目,《基於時變點電荷載流微元的瞬變電磁場理論研究》,負責人 (2012--2015)
- 國家重大科研裝備研製項目,多通道大功率電法勘探子項目M-TEM資料處理及偏移成像軟體研製,負責人 (2013-2016)
- 973項目,華北克拉通前寒武紀重大地質事件與成礦(2012CB416605)前寒武紀優勢礦產成礦系列與找礦預測,骨幹(2012-2016)
- 中國科學院知識創新項目((KZC2-yw-113)
- 國家重點自然科學基金項目(50539080)
2.中國地球物理學會 工程地球物理專業委員會委員 常務副秘書長。
3.中國地球物理學會 煤礦安全地球物理學專業委員會委員 副主任委員。
4.《Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing》編委
5.《Journal of Geology & Geoscience Sensing》編委
6.《applied geophysics》(SCI) 編委
- 2013 西藏岡底斯東段銅多金屬資源評價與新方法技術研究,國土資源部 國土資源科學技術獎 二等 (排名第9)
- 2013 “華北型煤田深部複雜含水體瞬變電磁精細探測新技術”,中國地球物理學會科技進步二等獎,證書號:DK-2013-102-01(排名第1)
- 2013 “安徽省沿江地區典型礦床CSAMT異常模式構建”,安徽省第七屆自然科學優秀論文三等獎,(第2作者)
- 2012 “瞬變電磁虛擬波場的三維曲面延拓成像”,陝西省第十二屆自然科學優秀論文二等獎,證書號:20132005(第3作者)
- 2010 獲得中國地質學會2009十大科技進展獎(排名第9)
- 2008 “從瞬變電磁場到波場的最佳化算法”,陝西省第十屆自然科學優秀論文二等獎,證書號:2008102009(第2作者)
- 2006 《瞬變電磁快速成像解釋系統研究》(地球物理學報)獲陝西省有色金屬學會2006年度優秀論文一等獎(第3作者)
- 2006 “瞬變電磁對地成像理論分析與數值計算”第九屆陝西省優秀自然科學論文一等獎(第1作者)
- 2005 中國科學院王寬誠博士後基金獎勵
- 2005 獲得陝西省05屆優秀畢業生
- 2004 第八屆陝西省優秀自然科學論文三等獎(第2作者)
5)薛國強,李貅2011SR04521 任意角度CSAMT正演計算
7)薛國強,楊超 瞬變電磁發射裝置和瞬變電磁發射系統 ZL201220377224(實用新型)
8)薛國強,周楠楠,陳衛營 瞬變電磁探測接收功能主控裝置 ZL201220377322(實用新型)
9)薛國強,閆述,周楠楠,瞬變電磁直接時間域處理方法技術 ZL201110181011(發明專利)
10)薛國強,李貅 一種礦充水採空區檢測方法 ZL201110363286(發明專利)
11)薛國強,閆述,陳衛營電性源瞬變電磁法全場區探測方法 ZL201110181018(發明專利)
- Qinghua Cao,Margaret Richardson Ansah,Jianguo Zang,Guoqiang Xue. Wireless Remote High Temperature Monitoring System for Xinjiang Coal Fire Field. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P299-304
- Shu Yan,Guoqiang Xue,Weizhong Qiu. Conductor Shield and Prospecting for Water-filled Goaf in Multilayer. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P315-319.
- NanNan Zhou,Guoqiang Xue,He-yuan Wang. Direct Time-domain Solution Transient Electromagnetic Field in Homogeneous Conductive Full Space. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P406-411.
- Weiying Chen,Guoqiang Xue. Effective Skin Depth of whole EM Field Due to a Grounded Wire Source. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, p412-416
- Hai Li,Guoqiang Xue. Sensitivity Analysis of TEM to a Thin Layer. Near-Surface Geophysics and Urbanization, P418-422.
- G.Q Xue, L.J Gelius. ,P.A Sakyi, N.N.Zhou , W.Y.Chen, B.C.Su,H. Li, H.S. Zhong , and Y.P.Su Discovery of a hidden BIF deposit in Anhui province, China by integrated geological and geophysical investigations,2014 DOI: 10.1016/ j. oregeorev. 05. 0074
- Guoqiang Xue, Shu Yan Weiying Chen, Nannan Zhou,Li Hai. Revealing the study on electric-component CSAET method and its application to coal discovery in China JEEG 已錄用,2014年12月發表
- Guo-qiang Xue, Nan-Nan Zhou, Wei-ying Chen, Hai Li1, Shu Yan.2014. Research on the Application of a 3-m Transmitter Loop for TEM Survey in Mountainous Areas , Journal of Environmental and Engineering geophysics (JEEG) , JEEG 2014, 19(1), p.3-12
- XUE Guo-Qiang, WANG He-Yuan, YAN Shu, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Time-domain Green function solution for transient electromagnetic field. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2014, 57(2): 671-678
- XUE Guo-qiang, CHEN Wei-ying, ZHOU Nan-nan Li Hai and Zhong Hua-sen, Understanding of grounded-wire TEM soundingwith near-source configuration. J Geophys Remote Sensing, accepted
- Guo-Qiang X, Wei-Ying C, Nan-Nan Z, Hai L, Hua-Sen Z (2013) Understanding ofGrounded-Wire TEM Sounding with Near-Source Configuration. J Geophys RemoteSensing 2:113. doi:10.4172/2169-0049.1000113
- Guo-qiang Xue, Nan-Nan Zhou, Wei-ying Chen, Hai Li, Shu Yan Research on the Application of a 3-m Transmitter Loop for TEM Survey in Mountainous AreasJEEG 2013 , accepted
- G.Q. Xue, J.L.Cheng, N.N.Zhou, H.Li.2013. Detection and Monitoring of Coal water-filled Mined-out Voids Using Transient Electromagnetic Method - A Case Study in Shanxi, China Enviromental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2375-2(SCI)
- G.Q. Xue, J.L.Cheng, N.N.Zhou, H.Li Detection and Monitoring of Coal water-filled Mined-out Voids Using Transient Electromagnetic Method - A Case Study in Shanxi, China Enviromental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2375-2
- Zhou N N, Xue G Q. 2014. The ratio apparent resistivity definition of rectangular-loop TEM. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103(2014):152-160 (SCI) .
- Zhou Nan-nan, Xue Guo-qiang, Wang He-yuan. Comparison of the time-domain electromagnetic field from an infinitesimal point charge and dipole source. Applied Geophysics, 2013,10(3):349-356(SCI).
- G.Q. Xue, Gelius, L.Xiu 3-D Pseudo-seismic Imaging of TEM data– a Feasibility Study. Geophysical Prospecting, 2013, 61(S1), : 561–571doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012. 01109.
- G.Q.Xue X.Li 2012 Physical Simulation and Application of a New TEM Configuration, Enviromental Earth Sciences (2012) 67:1291–1298.DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1572-8
- G. Q. Xue, K.Z.Qin, X.Li ,G.M.Li,.Z.P Qi ,N.N.Zhou. 2012. Discovery of the Large-scale Porphyry Molybednum Deposit in Tibet through Modified TEM Exploration Method, Journal of Enviromental and Engineering geophysics (JEEG) , 17(1) 19-25
- G.Q.Xue, C.Y. Bai and S.Yan 2012. Deep sounding TEM investigation method based on a modified fixed central-loop system, Journal of Applied Geophysics 76(2012)23-32
- G.Q. Xue, C.Y BAI, and X. LI,2012.Extracting Virtual Reflection Wave From TEM data Based on Regularizing Method,pure and applied geophysics,69 (7) 1269-1282. DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0392-1
- B.Guo, G.Q. Xue , X. Li , Y.A Liu. 2012.Correlation analysis and imaging technique of TEM data.Exploration Geophysics.43:137-148, doi:org/10. 1071/EG11034
- Xue GQ, Zhou NN .2012. Transient Electromagnetic Method and Its Applications in China. J Geophys Remote Sensing 1:e106. doi:10.4172/2169-0049.1000e106
- Xue GQ. 2012. Control-source Electromagnetic Exploration and Open Access Journals. J Geophys Remote Sensing 1:e102. doi: 10. 4172 / jgrs. 1000e102
- Guo-Qiang Xue. 2012. Open Access Journals of Geo-science for Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration Journal of Geology & geoscience. doi. org/10.4172 /jgg.1000e106
- G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan and X. LI,2011 Control of Wave-Form Dispersion Effect and Applications in TEM Imaging Technique for Identifying Underground Objects, journal of geophysics and engineering, (JGE) 8 (2011 03) 195–201
- G. Q. Xue · Y. J. Yan · J. L. Cheng, 2011, Researches on detection of 3-D underground cave basedon TEM technique.Environ Earth Sci (2011) 64:425–430
- Zhou Nan-nan, Xue Guo-qiang Li Xiu. An Optimized Method for Transient Electromagnetic Field. Applied Informatics and Communication Communications in Computer and Information Science ,225, 2011, pp 82-87(EI) ,DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-23220-6_10
- G. Q. Xue, E.A Elzein ,S.Yan,W.Y.chen, N.N.Zhou 2011 Effect and application of CSAMT single components, Australian journal of basic and applied sciences5(7):833-842
- G. Q. Xue, E. A. Elzein Mohammed, W. B. Guo,The Response of Large-loop Transient Electromagnetic Method,university Africa journal of science (U.A.J.S., Vol.1, 18-31.)
- Guo Wenbo, Xue Guoqiang, 2010 study and application of the multiple small-aperture TEM system, DECEMBER PREVIEW 17-22.
- Guo wenbo,Xue guoqiang,Li xiu.Inversion of TEM Conductive Thin Layer Based on Genetic Algorithm. The 3rd Iinternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application.Wuhan City Chinese.December4-5,2010(PACIIA2010). IEEE Press.IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1048F-PRT.ISBN:978-1-4244-9945-8. P454-458
- XUE Guo-Qiang, CHEN Wei-Ying, ZHOU Nan-Nan, LI Hai. Short-offset TEM technique with a grounded wire source for deep sounding. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2013, 56(1): 255-261
- Li Xiu, XUE Guo-Qiang, LIU Yin-Ai, QIAN Jian-Bing. A research on TEM imaging method based on synthetic-aperture technology. Chinese journal of Geophysics, 2012, 55(1): 333-340
- XUE Guo-Qiang, YAN Shu, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Theoretical study on the errors caused by dipole hypothesis of large-loop TEM response. Chinese journal of geophysics, 2011, 54(9): 2389-2396
- XUE Guo-Qiang, LI Xiu, QI Zhi-Peng, FAN Tao, ZHOU Nan-Nan. Study of sharpen the wave-form of TEM pseudo-seismic. Chinese journal of Geophysics, 2011, 54(5): 1384-1390
- LI Xiu, QI Zhi-Peng, XUE Guo-Qiang, FAN Tao, ZHU Hong-Wei. Three dimensional curved surface continuation image based on TEM pseudo wave-field. Chinese journal of Geophysics , 2010, 53(12): 3005-3011
- Guo wenbo,Xue guoqiang,Li xiu. TEM S-inversion in Tunnel prediction. 2009年10月美國休斯頓第79屆SEG年會.
- G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan,X.Li, Pseudo-Seismic Wavelet Transformation of transient electromagnetic Response in geophysical exploration, Geophysical research letters. 2007, Vol. 34, L16405, doi:10.1029/2007GL031116,
- G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan,X.Li, Q.Y.Di Transient Electromagnetic S-inversion in Tunnelprediction , Geophysical research letters 2007, Vol. 34, L18403, doi:10.1029/2007GL031080,
- XUE Guo-Qiang;LI Xiu. The technology of TEM tunnel prediction imaging. Chinese journal of Geophysics , 2008, 51(3): 894-900
- GUO WenBo;SONG JianPing;LI Xiu;XUE GuoQiang;FAN JinSheng. Numerical calculation of borehole electrical survey in layered media and its applications. Progress in Geophysics, 2006, 49(5): 1561-1566.
- GUO WenBoLI XiuXUE GuoQiang SONG JianPingGU LinSheng. A study of the interpretation system for TEM tomography. Progress in Geophysics, 2005, 48(6): 1400-1405
- Li xiu, Xue guoqiang, Song jianping,Guo wenbo, Wu junjie, Sheng meifang. Conductive Sheet Inversion of TEM Data Using an Genetic Algorithm in the Feasible Region of Adaptive Shrinkage. Applied Geophysics.2005, 2(4)
- Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Lixiu. Calculate the Feature Parameter of TEM Imaging to Subsurface. 計算物理國際會議2004,5
- Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Quan Hongjuan, Yan Shu. Mathematical And Physical Analysis Of Transient Electromagnetic Method Detecting Underground Cave. 中國國際電磁會議
- Xue Guoqiang, Song Jianping, Yanshu. Detecting The Cavity with one of Non-seismic Methods, TLE 04 25(EI已檢索ISSN:1070-485X CODEN:LEEDFF)
- XueGuoqiang, SongJianping, LiXiu. Imaging The Electrical Interface of TEM by The Feature Parameter of Reflection Coefficient.CT理論與套用研究, 2002,11(4):39-42
- LI Xiu XUE Guo Qiang SONG JianPingGUO WenBo WU JunJie. An optimize method for transient electromagnetic fieldwave field conversion. Progress in Geophysics, 2005, 48(5): 1185-1190.
- XUE Guo Qiang LI Xiu SONG JianPing GUO WenBo. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of loop source transient electromagnetic imaging. Progress in Geophysics, 2004, 47(2): 338-343.