“Hunshandake Sand area/Xilin Gol Biosphere Reserve in China”, UNESCO Project Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD),(2004.01-2011.12), 資助金額10萬美元,person in charge。
1 Jiang Gaoming, Tang Haiping, Yu Mei, Dong Ming & Zhang Xinshi. 1999. Response of photosynthesis of different plant functional types to environmental changes along Northeast China Transect. Trees, 14: 72-82.
2 Jiang G.M., Hao N.B., Bai K.Z., Zhang Q.D., Sun J.Z., Guo R.J., Ge Q.Y. & Kuang T.Y. 2000. Chain correlation between variables of gas exchange and yield potential in different winter wheat cultivars. Photosynthetica, 38(2).
Jiang Gaoming & Lin Guanghui. 1997. Changes of photosynthetic capacity of some plant species under very high CO2 concentrations in Biosphere 2. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(10): 859~863.
4 Jiang Gaoming, Huang Yinxiao & Lin Shunhua. 1992. Designing for nature in cities: a case study of the Hill Area of the Summer Villa estate, Chengde, China. Environmental Conservation, 19(3): 219-225.
5 Jiang Gaoming & He Weiming. 1999. Species- and habitat- variations in the ecophysiological variables of different sandy plant species in an arid shrub ecosystem. Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research (American) 12(2):159~173.
6 Jiang Gaoming & Zhu Guijie. 2000. Characteristics of photosynthesis of some desert species under strong light intensity and high temperature. Journal of Experimental and Environmental Botany (submitted).
7 蔣高明、Putwain P.D. & Bradshaw A.D. 1993. 英國聖·海倫斯 Bold Moss Tip 煤礦廢棄地植 被 恢復實驗研究. 植物學報, 35(12): 951-962.
9 Jiang Gaoming, Putwain P.D. & Bradshaw A.D.. 1994. Response of Agrostis stonlonifera to limestone and fertilizer in restoration of colliery spoils. Chinese Journal of Botany, 6(2): 155~162.
10 Jiang Gaoming & Lin Guanghui. 1996. Photosynthetic responses to light intensity in intact leaves of some desert and tropical rain forest plant species in atmospheres with different CO2 concentrations. Acta Botanica Sinica, 38(12): 972~981.
11蔣高明、林光輝 & Bruno BV Marino. 1997. 美國生物圈二號內生長在高CO2濃度下的10種植物氣孔導度、蒸騰速率及水分利用效率的變化. 植物學報, 39(6): 546~553.
12 Jiang Gaoming, Han Xingguo & Zhou Guangsheng. 1997. Changes of atmospheric CO2, photosynthesis of the grass layer and soil CO2 evolution in a typical temperate forest stand in the Mountainous Areas of Beijing. Acta Botanica Sinica, 39(7): 653~660.
13 Jiang Gaoming & He Weiming. 1999. Species and Habitat-variability of photosynthesis, transpiration and water use efficiency of different plant species in Maowusu Sand Area. Acta Botanica Sinica, 41(10): 1114~1124.
14 Jiang Gaoming & Dong Ming. 2000. A comparative study on the characteristics of photosynthesis and water use efficiency between clonal and non-clonal plant species along Northeast China Transect. Acta Botanica Sinica (in printing).
Jiang Gaoming. 1996. Tree analysis for determination of pollution history of Chengde City, North China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 8(1): 77~85.
29 Jiang Gaoming, Huang Yinxiao, Lin shunhua, Han Ronzhuang & Gao Leiming. 1995. Chracteristics of phosphorus chemistry and its geographocal distribution in the Haihe River Valley, North China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(1):12~23.
84 Francesco, T. N., Jiang Gaoming, Lin Guanghui, Rosenthal Y. & Marino B.D.V.. 1996. Changes in whole-system daily water-use efficiency for two biomes of Biosphere 2 under different CO2 concentrations. The 81th Confenrence of Ecological Society of Americal, New York.
85 Lin Guanghui, Jiang Gaoming & Bruno D.V. Marino. 1996. Comparative study of foliar respiration response to elevated CO2 in twenty-eight terrestrial plant species grow in Biosphere 2. The 2nd IGBP-GCTE Workshop (May 19-23, Lake Tahoe, California, U.S.A.)
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