
蔣艷傑 女,1959年出生,教授,最高學位理學博士(1998年畢業於北京師範大學數學系),近年來擔任的主要課程有:研究生的現代數學基礎與方法,小波分析及其套用,泛函分析,矩陣論等,本科生的數學分析,複變函數與積分變換,高等數學,線性代數,數學模型等,主要研究方向:逼近理論及其套用。


1. Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov classes in Lp(R),Chinese Science Bulletin,1998, 43(8). SCI

2. Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average B-width and infinite-dimensional G-width of some smooth funtionn classes on the line,Chinese Science Bulletin,1998,43(7). SCI

3. Jiang Yanjie, Average widths of multivariate Besov class Spθ B(R ) in Lq(R), Advancesin Mathematics,1997,12(6).


  • 中文名:蔣艷傑
  • 出生日期:1959年
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學


蔣艷傑 女,1959年出生,教授,最高學位理學博士(1998年畢業於北京師範大學數學系),近年來擔任的主要課程有:研究生的現代數學基礎與方法,小波分析及其套用,泛函分析,矩陣論等,本科生的數學分析,複變函數與積分變換,高等數學,線性代數,數學模型等,主要研究方向:逼近理論及其套用。


1. Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov classes in Lp(R),Chinese Science Bulletin,1998, 43(8). SCI
2. Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average B-width and infinite-dimensional G-width of some smooth funtionn classes on the line,Chinese Science Bulletin,1998,43(7). SCI
3. Jiang Yanjie, Average widths of multivariate Besov class Spθ B(R ) in Lq(R), Advancesin Mathematics,1997,12(6).
4. Jiang Yanjie, Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov class SpθB(R ) in Lqp(R ), Northeastern Mathematical Journal, 1998,14(2).
6. Sun Yongsheng, Jiang Yanjie, Extremal problem for a convoluteion class of functions defined on the real line, East Journal on Approximation,1998,4(4).
7.蔣艷傑,康淑瑰,在Hōder 度量下一類指數型整插值運算元的逼近,北京師範大學學報(自然科學版),1998,34(1).
8.Jiang Yanjie ,Liu Yongping , Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov-Wiener classes, J. Math. Study, 1998,31(4).
9.Jiang Yanjie,Liu Yongping, Average B-width and infinite dimensional G- width of some smooth function classes on the line, Approx. and its Appl.,1999,15(1).
10. Jiang Yanjie, Average width of anisotropic Besov-Wiener classes, Science in China(A),2000,43(6). SCI
11. Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov classes in Lp(R),J.Approximation Theory. SCI
13.Jiang Yanjie, Liu Yangping, Average widths and optimal recovery of multivariate Besov classes in the amalgams of L andl, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications,2001,3(4).SCI
14. Jiang Yanjie, Average widths of anisotropic Besov classes with mixed norm, East Journal on Approximation, 2001,7(2).
15.Jiang Yanjie, Optimal recovery of anisotropic Besov-Wiener classes, Analysis Mathematica,2002, 28.
16. Jiang Yanjie, Optimal recovery of anisotropic Besov classes and samplingtheorem in vector norm, East Journal on Approximation, 2002,8(3).
17. Jiang Yanjie, The infinite dimensional G-width and average B-width of anisitropic Besov classes in vector norm, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2004,28.
19. Jiang Yanjie, Approximation of anisotropic classes by wavelets, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006,318.SCI
20.Jiang Yanjie, Approximation of anisotropic classes by standard information, Journal of complexity, 2007, in press .








