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蔣立勇,男,1982年出生,江蘇鹽城人,2004年南京理工大學套用物理專業本科畢業,2009年南京理工大學光學工程專業博士畢業,2013-2016年任新加坡南洋理工大學高級博士後研究員,現為南京理工大學理學院教授、碩士生導師,科技部國家科技專家庫成員,國家自然科學基金委通訊評審專家,美國光學學會會員,中國物理學會會員,中國微米納米技術學會高級會員。多年來從事微納光子學技術與套用研究,承擔國家自然科學基金青年項目、面上項目、江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目等科研項目研究,在國際光學和物理類學術期刊發表SCI論文50餘篇,擁有中國發明專利6項,先後獲“江蘇省優秀博士論文”、南京市第十屆自然科學優秀學術論文“優秀獎”、“南京理工大學科技工作先進個人”等獎勵,入選南京理工大學“紫金之星”人才計畫 和“青年拔尖“人才選聘計畫。


  • 中文名:蔣立勇
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:微納光子學技術與套用研究
  • 職務:碩士生導師
  • 職稱:南京理工大學理學院教授




2009.2-8 新加坡南洋理工大學訪問學者


國家自然科學基金面上項目2017.1-2020.12 (主持)國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目2013.1-2015.12 (主持)江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目2014.7-2017.7(主持)


1. Tingting Yin, Liyong Jiang (co-contribution), Zhaogang Dong, Joel K. W. Yang, and Zexiang Shen. Energy transfer and depolarization in the photoluminescence of a plasmonic molecule. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(5, 2082-2087.
2. Liyong Jiang, Wei Zhang, Hua Yuan, and Xiangyin Li. Super resolution from pure/hybrid nanoscale solid immersion lenses under dark-field illumination.Optics Express, 2016, 22(24): 25224-25232.
3. Tingting Yin, Zhaogang Dong, Liyong Jiang (co-contribution), Lei Zhang, Hailong Hu, Chengwei Qiu, Joel K. W. Yang, and Zexiang Shen. Anomalous shift behaviors in the photoluminescence of dolmen-like plasmonic nanostructures. ACS Photonics, 2016, 6(3): 979-984.
4. Liyong Jiang, Tingting Yin, Zhaogang Dong, Mingyi Liao, Shawn J. Tan, Xiao Ming Goh, David Allioux, Hailong Hu, Xiangyin Li, Joel K. W. Yang, and Zexiang Shen. Accurate modeling of dark-field scattering spectra of plasmonic nanostructures. ACS Nano, 2015, 9(10), 10039-10046.
5. Liyong Jiang, Tingting Yin, Zhaogang Dong, Hailong Hu, Mingyi Liao, David Allioux, Shawn J. Tan, Xiao Ming Goh, Xiangyin Li, Joel K. W. Yang, and Zexiang Shen. Probing vertical and horizontal plasmonic resonant states in the photoluminescence of gold nanodisks. ACS Photonics, 2015, 2 (8), 1217-1223.
6. Hong Wu, David S Citrin, Liyong Jiang, and Xiangyin Li. Polarization-independent single-mode waveguiding with honeycomb photonic crystals. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 8(27): 840-843.
7. Liyong Jiang, Hong Wu, Xiangyin Li. Dual negative refraction and imaging effects in normal two-dimensional photonic crystals with hexagonal lattices. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(11), 1829-1831.
8. Liyong Jiang, Wei Jia, Geige Zheng, Xiangyin Li. Design and fabrication of rod-type two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs with large high-order band gaps in near-infrared wavelengths. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(9), 1424-1426.
9. Liyong Jiang, Hong Wu, Geige Zheng, Xiangyin Li. All-angle negative refraction and imaging effects for both polarizations in pure dielectric composite two-dimensional photonic crystals. Applied Physics Express, 2012, 5(1), 012202(1-3).
10. Liyong Jiang, Hong Wu, Wei Jia, Xiangyin Li. Polarization-independent negative refraction effect in SiO2-GaAs annular photonic crystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111(2), 023508-(1-7).
11. Liyong Jiang, Hong Wu, Xiangyin Li. Polarization insensitive self-collimation and beam splitter based on triangular-lattice annular photonic crystals. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2013, 30(5): 1248-1255.
12. Hong Wu, David S Citrin, Liyong Jiang, and Xiangyin Li. Polarization-independent slow light in annular photonic crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102(14): 141112.
13. Wei Jia, Jun Deng, Ajeesh M. Sahadevan, Hong Wu, Liyong Jiang, Xiangyin Li, Charanjit S. Bhatia, Hyunsoo Yang, and Aaron J. Danner. Design and fabrication of high efficiency power coupler between different photonic crystal waveguides. Applied Physics Letters,2011, 98(3): 241102(1-3).
14. Liyong Jiang, Haipeng Li, Weijia, Xiangyin Li, and Zexiang Shen. Genetic optimization of photonic crystal waveguide termination for both on-axis and off-axis highly efficient directional emission. Optics Express, 2009, 17(12): 10126-10135.
15. Liyong Jiang, Wei Jia, Haipeng Li, Xiangyin Li, Chunxiao Cong, and Zexiang Shen. Inverse design for the directional emitter and power splitter based on a photonic crystal waveguide with surface corrugations. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2009, 26(11): 2157-2160.


