
蔣科技,男,1979-02-06出生,主要從事生物技術在水產生物繁育、養殖、資源增殖、品質控制,以及水生環境保護中的套用基礎研究,研究方向涉及水產生物性狀的分子遺傳機制、功能基因套用與種質資源分析,模式生物斑馬魚基因功能研究與遺傳操作等。2001年畢業於復旦大學生命科學學院,獲生物學學士學位;2007年畢業於復旦大學遺傳工程國家重點實驗室,獲遺傳學博士學位;2013年-2014年作為Visiting Associate Professor在University of California, San Francisco從事合作研究。先後主持國家自然科學基金項目 2 項,中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業務費專項基金 2 項,中國水產科學研究院淡水生態與健康養殖重點開放實驗室開放課題 1 項,參與國家、省部級科研項目 10 餘項。發表SCI論文 30 余篇,並受邀為JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY、MARINE GENOMICS、CRUSTACEANA等國際學術期刊審稿。獲得國家發明專利 20項,實用新型專利 70 餘項,並獲上海市專利管理工程師證書。參與制定農業行業標準 2 項,參與編寫專著 1 部。上海海洋大學水生生物學研究方向碩士生導師。









一種多節連線水位控制管 (201210018548.X)
一種雙層水位調控管 (201210018549.4)
採用轉喜樹aoc基因提高喜樹愈傷組織中喜樹鹼含量的方法 (200910047611.0)
一種養殖池用多環節水位控制管(201210085181.3 )


Jiang K., Zhang F., Pi Y., Jiang L., Yu Z., Zhang D., Sun M., Gao L., Qiao Z., & Ma L. (2014). Amino acid, fatty acid, and metal compositions in edible parts of three cultured economic crabs, Scylla paramamosain, Portunus trituberculatus, and Eriocheir sinensis. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 23: 73-86. DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2012.695761
Jiang K., Zhang D., Zhang F., Sun M., Qi L., Zhang S., Qiao Z., & Ma L. (2012). Isolation of the c-type lectin like-domain cDNAs from the mud crab Scylla paramamosain Estampador, 1949, and its expression profiles in various tissues, during larval development, and under Vibrio challenge. Crustaceana, 85(7): 817-834.
Jiang K., Zhang F., Zhang D., Tao Q., Zhang Y., Pi Y., Qiao Z., & Ma L. (2011). Identification of a trypsin gene from Scylla paramamosain and its expression profiling during larval development. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(32): 6613-6621. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR11.784
Jiang K., Pi Y., Hou R., Huang Z., Zhang Z., Lin J., Sun X., & Tang K. (2009). Molecular cloning and mRNA expression profiling of the first specific jasmonate biosynthetic pathway gene allene oxide synthase from Hyoscyamus niger. Russian Journal of Genetics, 45(4): 430-439. (DOI: 10.1134/S1022795409040073)
Jiang K., Pi Y., Hou R., Jiang L., Sun X., & Tang K. (2009). Promotion of nicotine biosynthesis in transgenic tobacco by overexpressing allene oxide cyclase from Hyoscyamus niger. Planta, 229(5): 1057-1063. (DOI: 10.1007/s00425-009-0896-4)
Jiang K., Pi Y., Hou R., Zeng H., Huang Z., Zhang Z., Sun X., & Tang K. (2009). Molecular cloning and expression profiling of the first specific jasmonate biosynthetic pathway gene allene oxide synthase from Lonicera japonica. Molecular Biology Reports, 36(3): 487-493. (DOI: 10.1007/s11033-007-9205-0)
Jiang K., Liao Z., Pi Y., Huang Z., Hou R., Cao Y., Wang Q., Sun X., & Tang K. (2008). Molecular cloning and expression profile of a jasmonate biosynthetic pathway gene for allene oxide cyclase from Hyoscyamus niger. Molecular Biology, 42(3): 381-390. (DOI: 10.1134/S0026893308030059)
Jiang K., Zhang Y., Shao Z., Chen J., & Kuai B. (2004). Crystal Structure of 1-hydroxy -2, 3, 4, 7-tetramethoxyxanthone, a Xanthone Isolated from Halenia elliptica. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 23(3): 262-266.
Huang Z., Jiang K., Pi Y., Hou R., Liao Z., Cao Y., Han X., Wang Q., Sun X., & Tang K. (2007). Molecular cloning and characterization of the yew gene encoding squalene synthase from Taxus cuspidata. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40(5): 625-635.
Pi Y., Jiang K., Cao Y., Wang Q., Huang Z., Li L., Hu L., Li W., Sun X., & Tang K. (2009). Allene oxide cyclase from Camptotheca acuminata improves tolerance against low temperature and salt stress in tobacco and bacteria. Molecular Biotechnology, 41(2): 115-122. (DOI: 10.1007/s12033-008-9106-z)
Pi Y., Jiang K., Hou R., Gong Y., Lin J., Sun X., & Tang K. (2010). Examination of camptothecin and 10-hydroxycamptothecin in Camptotheca acuminata plant and cell culture, and the affected yields under several cell culture treatments. Biocell, 34(3): 139-143.
Zhang D., Jiang K., Zhang F., Ma C., Shi Y., Qiao Z., & Ma L. (2011). Isolation and characterization of a ferritin cDNA from the mud crab Scylla paramamosain. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31(2): 345-351. (DOI: 10.1651/10-3340.1)
Sun M., Jiang K., Zhang F., Zhang D., Shen A., Jiang M., Shen X., & Ma L. (2012). Effects of various salinities on Na+-K+-ATPase, Hsp70 and Hsp90 expression profiles in juvenile mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Genetics and Molecular Research, 11(2): 978-986. (DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/2012.April.19.3)
Zhang F., Jiang K., Zhang D., Ma C., Ma H. & Ma L. (2012). Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) from the mud crab Scylla paramamosain. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(23): 6296-6304. (DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.2088)
Pi Y., Jiang K., Lin J., Cao Y., Wang Q., Yang J., Sun X., & Tang K. (2012). Effects of over-expression of allene oxide cyclase on camptothecin production by cell cultures of Camptotheca acuminata. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(24): 6635-6541. DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.2789
Zhu H., Jiang K., Zhang F., Zhang D., Pi Y., & Ma L. (2012). Improved isolation of good-quality total RNA from the optic stalk of Scylla paramamosain. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 15(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.2225/vol15-issue2-fulltext-7.
Fang Y., Jiang K., Zhang F., Sun M., Hu J., & Ma L. (2013). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in mud crab Scylla paramamosain: molecular cloning and expression profiling in various tissues under Vibrio challenge. Molecular Biology, 47(4): 544-551.
Zhang F., Jiang K., Sun M., Zhang D., & Ma L. (2013). Multiplex immune-related genes expression analysis response to bacterial challenge in mud crab, Scylla paramamosain. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 34(2): 712-716.
Wang J., Jiang K., Zhang F., Zhao M., Wei H., Meng Y., Ma L. () Characterization and expression analysis of prophenoloxidase activating factor from mud crab Scylla paramamosain. Genetics and Molecular Research, Accepted.


