
蔡志全,男,2000年6月畢業於南京林業大學,獲碩士學位。2007年3月畢業於荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學(Wageningen University),獲博士學位。


  • 中文名:蔡志全
  • 性 別:男
  • 職 稱:研究員(自然科學)
  • 通訊地址:雲南省勐臘縣勐侖鎮


姓 名: 蔡志全
職 稱:研究員(自然科學)


主持國家自然科學青年基金、國家自然科學基金面上項目、中科院-雲南省院合作項目、中科院‘西部之光’、 中國科學院支撐服務國家戰略性新興產業科技行動計畫專項等科研課題各1項。主要從事植物資源學和植物生理生態學的研究。


Plant resources, Ecophysiology


Cai ZQ*, Jiao DY, Lei YB, Xiang MH, Li WG. 2013. Growth and yield responses of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) plants to planting density. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology (in press)
Cai ZQ*, Zhang T, Jian HY, 2013. Chromosome number variation in a promising oilseed woody crop, Plukenetia volubilis L. (Euphorbiaceae). Caryologia (in press)
Tian Y, Lei YB, Zheng Y, Cai ZQ*. 2013. Synergistic effect of colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improves growth and drought tolerance of Plukenetia volubilis seedlings. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
Jiao DY, M. H. Xiang MH, Li WG, Cai ZQ*. 2012. Dry-season irrigation and fertilisation affect the growth, reproduction, and seed traits of Plukenetia volubilis L. plants in a tropical region. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
Cai ZQ*, Jiao DY, Tang XS, Dao XS, Cai CT. 2012. Leaf photosynthesis, growth and seed chemicals of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) plants cultivated along an altitude gradient. Crop Science
Cai ZQ*. 2011. Shade delayed flowering and decreased photosynthesis, growth and yield of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) plants. Industrial Crops and Products
Cai ZQ*, Wang H, Yang J. Cai CT. 2009. Growth, photosynthesis and root reserpine concentrations of two Rauvolfia species in response to a light gradient. Industrial Crops and Products
Cai ZQ, Schnitzer SA*, Bongers F. 2009. Seasonal differences in leaf-level physiology give lianas a competitive advantage over trees in a tropical seasonal forest. Oecologia
Chen YJ, Bongers F, Cao KF, Cai ZQ*. 2008. Above- and below-ground competition in high and low irridaince: tree seedling responses to a competing liana Byttneria grandifolia. Journal of Tropical Ecology
Cai ZQ*, Poorter L, Han Q, Bongers F. 2008. Effects of light and nutrients on seedlings of tropical Bauhinia lianas and trees. Tree Physiology
Cai ZQ*, Poorter L, Cao KF, Bongers F. 2007. Seedling growth strategies in Bauhinia species: comparing lianas and trees. Annals of Botany
Cai ZQ*, Chen YJ, Bongers F. 2007. Seasonal changes in photosynthesis and growth of Zizyphus attopensis seedlings in three contrasting microhabitats in the tropical seasonal rain forest. Tree Physiology,
Cai ZQ*, Bongers F. 2007. Contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiencies in trees and lianas from a tropical montane rain forest in Xishuangbanna, south-west China. Journal of Tropical Ecology,
Cai ZQ*, Rijkers T, Bongers F. 2005. Photosynthetic acclimation to light changes of six tropical monsoon forest species differing in adult stature. Tree Physiology
蔡志全*, 楊清, 唐壽賢, 刀祥生. 2011. 木本油料作物星油藤種子營養價值的評價. 營養學報
蔡志全*. 2011. 特種木本油料作物星油藤的研究進展. 中國油脂
焦冬英, 譚運紅,唐壽賢,刀詳生,蔡志全*. 2011. 星油藤種子萌發的生態學特性研究. 熱帶亞熱帶學報


