

蔡德敏 ,男,博士,揚州大學動物科學與技術學院特聘教授。


  • 中文名:蔡德敏
  • 畢業院校:南京農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:動物分子營養學、單胃動物營養生理、營養基因組學
  • 任職院校揚州大學動物科學與技術學院



2014.09 – 2015.09美國加州大學戴維斯分校聯合培養博士,生化與分子醫學專業.
2012.09 – 2015.11南京農業大學,農業部動物生理生化重點實驗室,博士,動物生理生化專業.
2009.09 – 2012.07河南農業大學,農業部動物生化與營養重點實驗,碩士,動物生理生化專業
2005.09 – 2009.07揚州大學,獸醫學院 本科,動物醫學


2019.11-揚州大學 特聘教授
2019.01 - 2019.10美國加州大學戴維斯分校 助理科學家(Faculty)
2016.03 – 2019.01美國加州大學戴維斯分校 博士後
2015.12 – 2016.02瑞典農業科學大學, 動物科技學院,訪問學者


(1) 2017年23屆美國加州大學戴維斯分校醫學中心學術年會報告一等獎
(2)美國2016 Movement-PCF challenge award
(3) 2015長三角研究生論壇學術論文一等獎
(4) 2014博士研究生國家獎學金
(5) 2013南京農業大學韓正康獎學金
(6) 2013河南省第二屆自然科學學術獎學術論文二等獎
(7) 2012河南省優秀碩士研究生畢業論文獎
(8) 2012河南農業大學優秀碩士畢業生





(2) Movember Foundation-PCF Challenge Award.“Targeting ROR-gamma with Novel Therapeutics for Lethal Prostate Cancer”. 100萬美元。08/2016-08/2018。青年科學家。
(4)美國國立衛生院(NIH/NCI)。“Therapeutic targeting of orphan NR in ER-negative breast cancer(R01CA224900)”。216萬美元。11/08/2018-9/30/2023. Key investigator。
(5)美國國立衛生院(NIH/NCI)。“Targeting key orphan nuclear receptor in lethal prostate cancer(RO1CA206222)”。196萬美元。03/08/2016-02/28/2021.Key investigator。
(6) US Department of Veterans Affairs VA BLR&D MERIT award.“Novel epigenetic regulators in cancer resistance and as new targets(I01BX002237-01)”。163萬美元。04/01/2014-02/28/2018。Key investigator。
(7)美國國防部Department of Defense(DoD)“An NR axis as a novel determinate d of AR in CRPC(PC150758)”。59萬美元。07/01/2016-06/30/2019.Key investigator。


(1)Cai D, Wang J, Gao B, Li J, Wu F, Zou JX, Xu J, Jiang Y, Zou H, Huang Z, Borowsky AD, Bold RJ, Lara PN, Li JJ, Chen X, Lam KS, To KF, Kung HJ, Fiehn O, Zhao R, Evans RM, Chen HW. RORγ is a targetable master regulator of cholesterol biosynthesis in a cancer subtype.Nat Commun. 2019 Oct 11;10(1):4621.(綜合一區, IF: 11.87)
(2)Wang J, Zou JX, Xue X,Cai D, Zhang Y, Duan Z, Xiang Q, Yang JC, Louie MC, Borowsky AD, Gao AC, Evans CP, Lam KS, Xu J, Kung HJ, Evans RM, Xu Y, Chen HW. ROR-γ drives androgen receptor expression and represents a therapeutic target in castration-resistant prostate cancer.Nat Med.2016 May;22(5):488-96. (醫學一區,IF: 30.36)
(3)Cong R, Qu X, Zhang H, Hu Y, Ye S,Cai D*, Li X, Liu HY. Maternal high-protein diet modulates hepatic growth axis in weaning piglets by reprogramming the IGFBP-3 gene.Eur J Nutr.2019 Sep 30( *通訊作者, 營養學二區, IF: 4.45).
(4)Liu HY, Walden TB,Cai D*, Ahl D, Bertilsson S, Phillipson M, Nyman M, Holm L. Dietary Fiber in Bilberry Ameliorates Pre-Obesity Events in Rats by Regulating Lipid Depot, Cecal Short-Chain Fatty Acid Formation and Microbiota Composition.Nutrients. 2019 Jun 15;11(6). pii: E1350. (*通訊作者, 營養學二區,IF: 4.17)
(5)Cai D,Wang J, Jia Y, Liu H, Yuan M, Dong H, Zhao R. Gestational dietary betaine supplementation suppresses hepatic expression of lipogenic genes in neonatal piglets through epigenetic and glucocorticoid receptor-dependent mechanisms.BBA-MOL CELL BIOL L.2016 Jan;1861(1):41-50. (生物學二區, IF:5.55)
(6)Cai D, Yuan M, Jia Y, Liu H, Hu Y, Zhao R. Maternal gestational betaine supplementation-mediated suppression of hepatic cyclin D2 and presenilin1 gene in newborn piglets is associated with epigenetic regulation of the STAT3-dependent pathway.J Nutr Biochem. 2015 Dec;26(12):1622-31.(營養學一區, IF:4.68)
(7)Cai D, Yuan M, Liu H, Han Z, Pan S, Yang Y, Zhao R.Epigenetic and SP1-mediated regulation is involved in the repression of galactokinase 1 gene in the liver of neonatal piglets born to betaine-supplemented sows.Eur J Nutr. 2017 Aug;56(5):1899-1909.(營養學二區, IF: 4.42)
(8)Cai D, Yuan M, Liu H, Pan S, Ma M Hong J, Zhao R. Maternal Betaine Supplementation throughout Gestation and Lactation Modifies Hepatic Cholesterol Metabolic Genes in Weaning Piglets via AMPK/LXR-Mediated Pathway and Histone Modification.Nutrients. 2016 October.(營養學二區, IF: 3.76)
(9)Cai D, Jia Y, Lu J, Yuan M, Sui S, Song H, Zhao R. Maternal dietary betaine supplementation modifies hepatic expression of cholesterol metabolic genes via epigenetic mechanisms in newborn piglets.Br J Nutr.2014 Nov 14;112(9):1459-68.(營養學二區, IF: 3.34)
(10)Cai D, Jia Y, Song H, Sui S, Lu J, Jiang Z, Zhao R. Betaine supplementation in maternal diet modulates the epigenetic regulation of hepatic gluconeogenic genes in neonatal piglets.PLoS One. 2014 Aug 25;9(8):e105504.(綜合三區,IF: 3.53)
(11)Cai D, Liu H, Zhao R. Nuclear receptors in hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism during neonatal and adult life.Curr Protein Pept Sci.2016 Jun 26.(生物學三區, IF: 3.15)
(12)Cai D, Liu H, Yuan M, Pan S, Jia Y, Zhao R. Expression of hepatic miRNAs targeting porcine glucocorticoid receptor (GR) 3'UTR in the neonatal piglets under a maternal gestational betaine supplementation.Data Brief.2015 Nov 26;6:4-7.
(13)Cai D, Li H, Zhou B, Han L, Zhang X, Yang G, Yang G. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation caused reduction of Perilipin1 and aberrant lipolysis in epididymal adipose tissue”.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2012 Jun 15;422(4):621-6.(生物學三區, IF: 2.48)
(14)Cai D, Zhang X and Chen H. TNBC co-option of a new master regulator of cholesterol biosynthesis provides a unique therapeutic opportunity. 2019. Molecular & Cellular Oncology.
(15)Wang J, Wang H, Wang LY,Cai D, Duan Z, Zhang Y, Chen P, Zou JX, Xu J, Chen X, Kung HJ, Chen HW. Silencing the epigenetic silencer KDM4A for TRAIL and DR5 simultaneous induction and antitumor therapy.Cell Death Differ. 2016 Sep 9. (生物學一區, IF: 8.22)
(16)Zhang X, Yang R, Jia Y,Cai D, Zhou B, Qu X, Han H, Xu L, Wang L, Yao Y, Yang G. “Hypermethylation of Sp1 binding site links postnatal suppression of hypothalamic POMC gene and metabolic changes: impact of maternally dietary CLA”.Diabetes.2014 May; 63(5):1475-87.(醫學一區,IF: 8.47)


(1)Pan S, Jia Y, Yang X,Cai D, Liu Z, Song H, Zhao R.Amino acid starvation-induced autophagy is involved in reduced subcutaneous fat deposition in weaning piglets derived from sows fed low-protein diet during gestation and lactation : Autophagy is involved in reduced fat deposition in maternal low-protein piglets. Eur J Nutr. 2018 Apr;57(3):991-1001.
(2)Ma W, Lu J, Jiang S,Cai D, Pan S, Jia Y, Zhao R. Maternal protein restriction depresses the duodenal expression of iron transporters and serum iron level in male weaning piglets. Br J Nutr. 2017 Apr;117(7):923-929.
(3)Jia Y, Hong J, Li H, Hu Y, Jia L,Cai D, Zhao R. Butyrate stimulates adipose lipolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation through histone hyperacetylation-associated β3 -adrenergic receptor activation in high-fat diet-induced obese mice.Exp Physiol. 2017 Feb 1;102(2):273-281.
(4)Hu Y, Sun Q, Liu J, Jia Y, Cai D, Idriss AA, Omer NA, Zhao R. In ovo injection of betaine alleviates corticosterone-induced fatty liver in chickens through epigenetic modifications. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 6;7:40251.
(5)Yang Y, Li X, Sun Q, He B, Jia Y,Cai D, Zhao R. Folate deprivation induces cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase and apoptosis in hippocampal neuron cells through down-regulation of IGF-1 signaling pathway. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2016 Oct; 79:222-230.
(6)Hong J, Jia Y, Pan Sh, Jia L, Li H, Han Zh,Cai D, Zhao R. Butyrate alleviates high fat diet-induced obesity through activation of adiponectin-mediated pathway and stimulation of mitochondrial function in the skeletal muscle of mice.Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 12.
(7)Jia Y, Song H, Gao G,Cai D, Yang X, Zhao R. Maternal Betaine Supplementation during Gestation Enhances Expression of mtDNA-Encoded Genes through D-Loop DNA Hypomethylation in the Skeletal Muscle of Newborn Piglets. J Agric Food Chem. 2015 Nov 25;63(46):10152-60. PMID: 26527363
(8)Pan S, Yang X, Jia Y, Li Y, Chen R, Wang M,Cai D, Zhao R. Intravenous injection of microvesicle-delivery miR-130b alleviates high-fat diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6 mice through translational repression of PPAR-γ.J Biomed Sci. 2015 Oct 16;22:86.PMID: 26475357
(9)Jia Y, Gao G, Song H,Cai D, Yang X, Zhao R. Low-protein diet fed to crossbred sows during pregnancy and lactation enhances myostatin gene expression through epigenetic regulation in skeletal muscle of weaning piglets. Eur J Nutr. 2016 Apr;55(3):1307-14. PMID: 26066356
(10)Hu Y, Sun Q, Li X, Wang M,Cai D, Li X, Zhao R. In Ovo injection of betaine affects hepatic cholesterol metabolism through epigenetic gene regulation in newly hatched chicks. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 10;10(4):e0122643. PMID: 25860502
(11)Li X, Sun Q, Li X,Cai D, Sui S, Jia Y, Song H, Zhao R. Dietary betaine supplementation to gestational sows enhances hippocampal IGF2 expression in newborn piglets with modified DNA methylation of the differentially methylated regions. Eur J Nutr. 2015 Oct;54(7):1201-10. PMID: 25410747
(12)Sui S, Jia Y, He B, Li R, Li X,Cai D, Song H, Zhang R, Zhao R. Maternal Low-protein Diet Alters Ovarian Expression of Folliculogenic and Steroidogenic Genes and Their Regulatory MicroRNAs in Neonatal Piglets. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2014 Dec;27(12):1695-704. PMID: 25358362
(13)Sui S, He B, Jia Y, Li R,Cai D, Li X, Song H, Jia L, Zhao R. Maternal protein restriction during gestation and lactation programs offspring ovarian steroidogenesis and folliculogenesis in the prepubertal gilts. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2014 Sep;143:267-76. PMID: 24787658


Book chapter:Cai D, Liu H, Hu Y, Jiang Y, and Zhao R.“Gestational Betaine, Liver Metabolism, and Epigenetics”.Handbook of Nutrition, Diets and Epigenetics.Springer Nature;2017 July; pp1-14.10.1007/978-3-319-31143-2_82-1


“Methods for treating cancer with rorgamma inhibitors”. Hongwu Chen,June X.Zou,Junjian Wang,Demin Cai,Yong Xu,Xiaoqian Xue,Yan Zhang.申請號:PCT/US2017/013966。發表號:WO2017127442 A1,20170717。


