



  • 中文名:蔡剛
  • 專業方向:冷凍電鏡三維重構,基因組穩定性,染色質結構調控 
  • 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授 
  • 任職院校:中國科學技術大學 




近五年主要學術成墓牛嘗績為解析ATM和ATR激酶首個高解析度冷凍電鏡結構,揭示ATM/ATR激酶活性嚴謹調控和活化的分子元婆她機制;首次清晰解析轉錄中介體和乙醯化NuA4/Tip60複合體的模組和亞基架構。近五年發表希漏茅通訊作譽乃求章者論文11篇,包括Science 2017,Nature Communications 2016,2018,Cell Research,2014等;多次在國內外會議及科研單位作學估頁朽煮閥驗術報告並應邀為Current Opinion in Structural Biology、Nature Communications、Cell Research等多種國際、國內學術刊物審稿。




1) 3.9 Å structure of the yeast Mec1-Ddc2 complex, a homolog of human ATR-ATRIP - Science - 2017 - 2017.12
2) Architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NuA4/TIP60 complex - Nature Communications - 2018 - 2018
3) Structure of the intact ATM/Tel1 kinase - Nature Communications - 2016 - 2016
4) Redefining the modular organization of the core Mediator complex - Cell Research - 2014 - 2014.07
5) Architecture of SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex - Protein & Cell - 2018 - 2018
6) Structural flexibility and functional interaction of Mediator Cdk8 module(SCI收錄) - Protein Cell - 2013 - 4, 911-920
7) AI-2 quorum sensing negatively regulates rbf expression and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus - International Journal of Medical Microbiology - 2017 - 2017.06
8) Crystal and EM structures of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase I (PRS1) provide novel insights into the disease-associated mutations - PLos One - 2015 - 2015
9) Interaction of the mediator head module with RNA polymerase II. - Structure - 2012 - 2012
10) Crystal structure of DnaT84–153-dT10 ssDNA complex reveals a novel single-stranded DNA binding mode - Nucleic Acids Res - 2014 - 2014
11) Mediator head module structure and functional interactions. (SCI 收錄) - Nat Struct Mol Biol - (2010) - 17, 273-9
12) Architecture of the Mediator head module - Nature - 2011 - 475, 240-3
13) A TFIIH-associated mediator head is a basal factor of small nuclear spliced leader RNA gene transcription in early-diverged trypanosomes (SCI收錄) - Mol Cell Biol. - (2010) - 30, 5502-13
14) State-of-The-Art of Single Particle EM. - Acta Biophysica Sinica - (2010) - 26, 560-69
15) Mediator structural conservation and implications for the regulation mechanism (SCI收錄) - Structure - (2009) - 17, 559-67
16) Cloning, sequence analysis and expression of the gene encoding a novel wide-spectrum amidase belonging to the amidase signature superfamily from Achromobacter xylosoxidans (SCI收錄) - FEMS Microbiol Lett - 2005 - 249, 15-21
17) Cloning, overexpression, and characterization of a novel thermostable penicillin G acylase from Achromobacter xylosoxidans: probing the molecular basis for its high thermostability. - Appl Environ Microbiol - (2004) - 70, 2764-70
18) Structure and nucleosome interaction of the yeast NuA4 and Piccolo-NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes. - Nat Struct Mol Biol - 2011 - 18, 1196-203
19) Structural basis for receptor recognition and pore formation of a zebrafish aerolysin‐like protein - EMBO Reports - 2016 - 2016
20) Structural investigation of the interaction between the tandem SH3 domains of c-Cbl-associated protein and vinculin - Journal of Structural Biology - 2014 - 2014
9) Interaction of the mediator head module with RNA polymerase II. - Structure - 2012 - 2012
10) Crystal structure of DnaT84–153-dT10 ssDNA complex reveals a novel single-stranded DNA binding mode - Nucleic Acids Res - 2014 - 2014
11) Mediator head module structure and functional interactions. (SCI 收錄) - Nat Struct Mol Biol - (2010) - 17, 273-9
12) Architecture of the Mediator head module - Nature - 2011 - 475, 240-3
13) A TFIIH-associated mediator head is a basal factor of small nuclear spliced leader RNA gene transcription in early-diverged trypanosomes (SCI收錄) - Mol Cell Biol. - (2010) - 30, 5502-13
14) State-of-The-Art of Single Particle EM. - Acta Biophysica Sinica - (2010) - 26, 560-69
15) Mediator structural conservation and implications for the regulation mechanism (SCI收錄) - Structure - (2009) - 17, 559-67
16) Cloning, sequence analysis and expression of the gene encoding a novel wide-spectrum amidase belonging to the amidase signature superfamily from Achromobacter xylosoxidans (SCI收錄) - FEMS Microbiol Lett - 2005 - 249, 15-21
17) Cloning, overexpression, and characterization of a novel thermostable penicillin G acylase from Achromobacter xylosoxidans: probing the molecular basis for its high thermostability. - Appl Environ Microbiol - (2004) - 70, 2764-70
18) Structure and nucleosome interaction of the yeast NuA4 and Piccolo-NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes. - Nat Struct Mol Biol - 2011 - 18, 1196-203
19) Structural basis for receptor recognition and pore formation of a zebrafish aerolysin‐like protein - EMBO Reports - 2016 - 2016
20) Structural investigation of the interaction between the tandem SH3 domains of c-Cbl-associated protein and vinculin - Journal of Structural Biology - 2014 - 2014


