



  • 書名:蓋蘇姍套用語言學自選集
  • 又名:Selected Works of Susan Gass on Applied Linguistics
  • 作者:蓋蘇姍(Susan Gass)
  • ISBN:9787560079431
  • 頁數:514
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年7月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 叢書名:世界套用語言學名家自選集
  • 正文語種:英語
  • 尺寸:22.6 x 15 x 2.6 cm
  • 重量:739 g




Autobiographical Statement and Research History
Volume 1
Part Ⅰ Linguistics and Processing
Language Transfer and Universal Grammatical Relations
L2 Data: Their Relevance for Language Universals
From Theory to Practice
Sentence Processing by L2 Learners
Second Language Acquisition and the Ontology of Language Universals
Development of Speech Perception and Speech Production Abilities in Adult Second Language Learners
A Review of Interlanguage Syntax: Language Transfer and Language Universals
An Interactionist Approach to L2 Sentence Interpretation
Lexical Constraints on Syntactic Acquisition
The Resolution of Conflicts Among Competing Systems:A Bidirectional Perspective
Incidental Vocabulary Learning
Language Universals and Second-Language Acquisition
Accounting for Interlanguage Subject Pronouns
Differential Effects of Attention
Part Ⅱ Language in Context
The Comprehensibility of Non-Native Speech
The Effect of Familiarity on the Comprehensibility of Non-Native Speech
Non-Native/Non-Native Conversations: A Model for Negotiation of Meaning
Miscommunication in Native/Non-Native Conversation
Variation in Native Speaker Speech Modification to Non-Native Speakers
Task Variation and Non-Native/Non-Native Negotiation of Meaning
Sex Differences in NNS/NNS Interactions
Interlocutor and Task Familiarity: Effects on Interactional Structure
Volume 2
Part Ⅱ Language in Context (Continued)
Input, Interaction and Second Language Production
Dancing a Waltz to Rock & Roll Music: Resolving Conflicting Discourse Expectations in Cross-Cultural Interaction
The Role of Interaction in Native Speaker Comprehension of
Nonnative Speaker Speech
The Effects of Task Repetition on Linguistic Output
How Do Learners Perceive Implicit Negative Feedback?
Conversation Analysis and Input-Interaction
Attention When? An Investigation of the Ordering Effect of Input and Interaction
Using Stimulated Recall to Investigate Native Speaker Perceptions
in Native-Nonnative Speaker Interaction
Perceptions of Interactional Feedback: Differences Between Heritage
Language Learners and Non-Heritage Language Learners
Part Ⅲ Research Methodology
The Development of L2 Intuitions
The Reliability of L2 Grammaticality Judgments
Non-Native Refusals: A Methodological Perspective
Replication and Reporting: A Commentary
Sentence Matching: A Re-examination
Task-Based Interactions in Classroom and Laboratory Settings
Part Ⅳ Papers of a General Nature
Integrating Research Areas: A Framework for Second Language Studies
Second Language Acquisition: Past, Present and Future
Learning and Teaching: The Necessary Intersection
Grammar Instruction, Selective Attention and Learner Processes
Apples and Oranges: Or, Why Apples Are Not Orange and Don't Need to Be
Second Language Acquisition: Perceptions, Origins and Boundaries


作者:(美國)蓋蘇姍(Susan Gass)
Susan Gass is University DistinguishedProfessor in the Department of Linguistics andLanguages at Michigan State University whereshe serves as Director of the English LanguageCenter and Co-Director of the Center forLanguage Education and Research. She isthe winner of numerous awards including theDistinguished Faculty Award at Michigan StateUniversity and the Distinguished Scholarshipand Service Award of the American Associationof Applied Linguistics. She served as Presidentof the American Association of AppliedLinguistics and as President of the InternationalAssociation of Applied Linguistics. She haspublished widely in the area of second languageacquisition. Her recent books are: SecondLanguage Acquisition: An Introductory Course(with Larry Selinker), Input, Interaction andthe Second Language Learner, and SecondLanguage Research: Methodology and Design(with Alison Mackey).


