

蒲慕州,1952年生,台灣大學歷史系畢業,美國布朗大學埃及學研究所、約翰霍浦金斯大學近東研究所碩士,埃及學博士。 現任台灣“中央研究院”歷史語言研究所研究員,台灣大學歷史系兼職教授。著有《尼羅河畔的文采》、《墓葬與生死:中國古代宗教之省思》、《中國文化史》等。

先後獲得文學士(國立台灣大學,1975),哲學碩士(約翰霍普金斯大學,1978),博士(約翰霍普金斯大學, 1984);香港中文大學人文學科研究所比較古代文明研究中心主任、香港中文大學歷史系學部主任(第二學期)、歷史學講座教授。


  • 中文名:蒲慕州
  • 外文名:POO Mu-chou
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:中國台灣
  • 職業:教授,學者
  • 畢業院校:約翰霍普金斯大學,約翰霍普金斯大學
  • 主要成就:《追尋一己之福-中國古代的信仰世界》,《法老的國度》
  • 代表作品:世界文化史,西洋文明發展史


蒲慕州教授的專長是古代埃及史,中國古代宗教社會史,以及比較古代史。在來到香港之前,他曾在台北中央研究院及美國加州大學,哥侖比亞大學,葛林耐學院等地工作教學。他是少數能夠從事埃及學及漢學研究的中國學者,近來亦致力於比較古代史的研究。在上述每一個範圍內,他都已經有專書發表,中文方面如《墓葬與生死 -- 中國古代宗教之省思》, 《追尋一己之福-中國古代的信仰世界》,《法老的國度》,英文方面如Wine and Wine Offering in the Religion of Ancient Egypt, In Search of Personal Welfare-A View of Ancient Chinese Religion, Enemies of Civilization: Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China等等。他的近作,Daily Life in Ancient China, 將由劍橋大學出社。


  1. 古代近東史
  2. 比較古代史
  3. 古代及中古中國歷史及宗教


行政院新聞局優良學術著作出版補助(NT$ 200,000)
行政院新聞局優良學術著作出版補助(NT$ 200,000)
第七屆國際埃及學大會最佳跨領域論文獎, Cambridge, England
中華基金會講座US$ 20,000
國科會傑出研究獎NT $ 900,000
教育部學術獎 NT $ 600,000
傑出人才基金會講座 NT$ 2,750,000
美國宗教學會年會主題講演: “Making Sense by Comprehending Sensibility: A View of Chinese Religions.” Nov. 18, 2007, San Diego.


  1. 中國古代鬼文化
  2. 中國漢唐時期的巫術、政治與文化
  3. 鬼與怪的跨文化比較研究
  4. 古代死後世界之跨文化比較研究
  5. 尊古與好古:一個文化傳統之建立與發展
  6. A Comparative Study of the Attitude toward Foreigners in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia
  7. 先秦兩漢民間信仰研究
  8. 漢代墓葬綜合研究


  1. History of the Ancient Near East
  2. History of Ancient Egypt
  3. Western Civilization
  4. Graduate Seminar on Society and Religion in Ancient and Medieval China
  5. Readings in Ancient Western History
  6. Graduate Seminar on Comparative Ancient History
  7. Graduate Seminar on Intellectual and Religious Tradition of Early Imperial China
  8. Graduate Seminar on Chinese Religion
  9. Readings in Ancient Egyptian Art
  10. The Construction of Antiquity in Early Modern Europe and China
  11. In Search for an Explanation: Religious Piety in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia


[甲] 中文書籍:
  1. 世界文化史A History of World Civilizations, 2 vols., (A textbook for the Senior High School in the Republic of China) (Taipei: National Bureau of Publication, 1986).
  2. 西洋文明發展史A History of Western Civilization, Chapters 1-18, co-authored with Tuan Ch'ang-kuo, Wu Chun-i & Chuang Shang-wu, (Taipei: National Open University, 1990).
  3. 墓葬與生死 -- 中國古代宗教之省思Burial Styles and Ideas of Life and Death -- Reflections on the Religion of Ancient China, (Taipei: Lianjing, 1993; 2nd ed., Bejing: Zhonghua shuju, 2008).
  4. 尼羅河畔的文采 -- 古埃及文選Literature by the Nile: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Literature(Taipei: Yuanliu, 1993).
  5. 追尋一己之福-中國古代的信仰世界In Search of Personal Welfare:The World of Beliefs in Ancient China(Taipei: Yunchen, 1995) (2nd edition, Taipei: Maitian Chubanshe, 2004; Shanghai: Guji Chubanshe, 2007).
  6. 中國文化史A History of Chinese Culture(co-authored with Ping-chen. Hsiung) (Taipei: Donghua, 1997).
  7. 法老的國度--古埃及文化史The Land of the Pharaohs: A Cultural History of Ancient Egypt(Taipei: Maitian, 2001; Guilin: Guanxi Normal University Press: 2003).
  8. 古代宗教與信仰Ancient Religion and Society(Taipei: National Taiwan University, 2003).
  9. 鬼魅神魔—中國通俗文化側寫 (編) (Ed.)Ghosts, Demons, Deities and Mara: A View of Chinese Common Culture(Taipei: Maitian, 2005)
  10. 生活與文化(編) (Ed.)Life and Culture(Beijing: Zhongguo dabaike quanshu chubanshe, 2005).
  11. 西洋上古史A History of the Ancient West(Taipei: Sanmin Publishing, 2009).
[乙] 英文書籍
  1. Wine and Wine Offering in the Religion of Ancient Egypt(London: Kegan Paul International, Egyptological Series, 1995).
  2. In Search of Personal Welfare: A View of Ancient Chinese Religion(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998).
  3. Enemies of Civilization: Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China(Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005).
  4. (Ed.)Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions(Leiden: Brill, 2009).
[丙] 中文論文
  1. 古埃及的智慧--普塔和泰普的箴言 "The wisdom of Ancient Egypt: The Maximum of Ptahhotep," 思與言Thought and Word16,4 (1978): 71-85.
  2. 最古老的小說--西努赫的故事 " The Oldest Novel: The Story of Sinuhe," 中外文學Chung-Wai Literary Monthly9,11 (1981): 58-68.
  3. 試析舊約創世紀約瑟故事之埃及背景 " The Egyptian Background of the Joseph Story," 台灣大學歷史學報National Taiwan University Department of History Bulletin8 (1981): 163-172.
  4. 埃及新王國時代的對外關係 " The Foreign Relations of the Egyptian New Kingdom," 思與言Thought and Word19, 5 (1982): 1-7.
  5. 漢摩拉比法典的性質 "The Nature of the Code of Hammurapi -- a Review Article," 食貨Shih-huo, 13, 11/12 (1984): 12-21.
  6. 古埃及的文字與文學 "The Language and Literature of Ancient Egypt," 古埃及文物The Artifacts of Ancient Egypt(Taipei: National Museum of History, 1985), pp. 25-31.
  7. 巫蠱之禍的政治意義 "The Political Significance of the Case of Witchcraft," in 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology57, 3 (1987): 511-38.
  8. 酒與古埃及宗教 "Wine and the Religion of Ancient Egypt," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology60, 1 (1989): 75-91.
  9. 論中國古代墓葬形制 "The development of burial styles in Ancient China," 台灣大學文史哲學報Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts of National Taiwan University37 (1989): 235-279.
  10. 神仙與高僧—魏晉南北朝宗教心態試探 "Immortals and Eminent Monks: a Study of Religious Mentality in the Wei, Chin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties," 漢學研究Chinese Studies8, 2 (1990): 149-176.
  11. 漢代薄葬論的歷史背景及其意義 "The Historical Background and Significance of the Idea of Thrifty Burial in Han China," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology61, 1 (1990): 533-73.
  12. 古埃及的社會倫理 "Social Ethics in Ancient Egypt," 台灣大學文史哲學報Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts of National Taiwan University38 (1990): 196-212.
  13. 睡虎地秦簡《日書》的世界 "The World of the Almanacs of Ch'in," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology62, 4 (1991): 623-75.
  14. 古埃及文明的衰亡:理論與事實 "The Decline of Egyptian Civilization: Theory and Facts," 第一屆全國歷史學學術討論會議文集Proceedings of the First National Conference of History(Taipei: National Taiwan University, 1996), pp. 1-20.
  15. 漢代知識分子與民間信仰 "Han Intellectuals and Popular Religion," inIntegrated Studies of Chinese Archaeology and Historiography(Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1997), pp. 561-603.
  16. 古代中國、埃及與兩河流域對異族態度之比較研究 "A Comparative Study of the Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia, "in漢學研究Chinese Studies17, 2 (1999):137-168.
  17. 生活史與人類學 “History of Daily Life and Anthropology,” in學術史與方法學的省思Historical and Methodological Reflections on the Development of Modern Chinese Humanities(Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2000), pp. 317-333.
  18. 論古埃及與兩河流域的淨化儀式 “The Purification Ritual in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia,” 台灣宗教研究Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies2, 1 (2002): 145-162.
  19. 古埃及神廟中的儀式與祭文 “Ritual and Liturgy in the Egyptian Temples,” in 台灣宗教研究Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies4, 2 (2004):205-219.
  20. 中國古代鬼論述的形成 “The Discourse on Ghost in Ancient China,” in 蒲慕州編Mu-chou Poo ed., 鬼魅神魔—中國通俗文化側寫 Ghosts, Demons, Deities and Mara:A View of Chinese Common Culture(Taipei: Mai-tian, 2005), pp. 19-40.
  21. 死後世界的想像—一個比較的觀點 “The imagination of the world after death: a comparative view,” 鄭培凱編Pei-kai Cheng ed., 宗教信仰與想像Religious Beliefs and Imagination(Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press,2007), pp.55-85.
[丁] 英文論文
  1. “Weinopfer, ” inLexikon der Aegyptologie, vol. 6, (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1986), 1186-1900.
  2. “A Typological Study of the Liturgy of Wine Offering in the Ptolemaic temples,”Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology60, 4 (1989): 779-828.
  3. “Ideas Concerning Death and Burial in pre-Han and Han China,”Asia Major(3rd series) 3, 2 (1990): 25-62.17)
  4. “The Liturgies of the Offering of Mirrors: A Structural Analysis,” inVI Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia - Atti(Turin:1993), pp. 347-352.
  5. “Popular Religion in Pre-Imperial China: Observation on the Almanacs of Shui-hu-ti,”T'oung PaoLXXIX (1993): 225-248.
  6. “The Emergence of Cultural Consciousness in Ancient Egypt and China: A Comparative Perspective,” inEssays in Egyptology in Honor of Hans Goediceeds. Betsy M. Bryan & David Lorton, (San Antonio, Van Siclen Books, 1994), pp. 191-200.
  7. “The Images of Immortals and Eminent Monks: Religious Mentality in Early Medieval China,”Numen42 (1995): 172-196.
  8. “The Completion of an Ideal World: The Human Ghost in Early Medieval China,” inAsia Major10 (1997): 69-94.
  9. “Encountering the Strangers: A Comparative Study of Cultural Consciousness in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China,”Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists. (Louven: Peters, 1998), pp. 885-892.
  10. “The Ancient Egyptian Attitudes toward Foreigners,” inPolitics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and China, F. H.-M. Cheung & M.C. Lai eds., (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999), pp. 1-19.
  11. “The Use and Abuse of Wine in Ancient China,” inJournal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient42, 2 (1999):1-29.
  12. “Ghost Literature: Exorcistic Ritual Texts or Daily Entertainment?”Asia Major3rd series, 13, 1 (2000):43-64.
  13. “Wine,”The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 3 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 502-503.
  14. “The Nature of Hope in Pre-Buddhist Chinese Religion,” in D. L Overmyer and C. T. Lai eds.,Interpretations of Hope in Chinese Religions and Christianity(Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2002), pp. 33-60.
  15. “Imperial Order and Local Variation: The Culture of Ghost in Early Imperial China.”Acta Orientalia56 (2003) nos. 2-4, 295-308.
  16. “Egyptology and Comparative Ancient History,”Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologistsvol. 2 (Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2003), 448-54.
  17. “The Concept of Ghost in Ancient Chinese Religion,” in John Lagerwey ed.,Chinese Religion and Societyvol. 1 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2004), pp. 173-191.
  18. “How to Steer through Life: Negotiating Fate in theDaybook,” in Christopher Lupke ed.,The Magnitude of Ming(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005), pp. 107-125.
  19. “Afterlife: Chinese Concept,” in Lindsay Jones ed.,The Encyclopedia of Religion(New Edition)(New York: Macmillian Co., 2005), vol 1: 169-172.
  20. “A Taste of Happiness: Contextualizing Elixirs in Baopuzi,” in Roel Sterckx ed.,Of Tripod and Palate : Food, Politics, and Religion in Traditional China(New York: Palgrave, 2005), pp. 123-139.
  21. “Ritual Texts in the Ptolemaic Temples: The Liturgies of Libation and Beer Offering,” in Jean-Claude Goyon & Christine Cardin eds.,Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists(Leuven: Peeters, 2006), pp. 1527-38.
  22. “The Formation of the Conception of Antiquity in Early China,” inPerceptions of Antiquity in Chinese Civilization, Dieter Kuhn & Helga Stahl eds. (Heidelberg: Edition Forum, 2007), pp. 85-101.
  23. “Ritual and Ritual Texts in Early China,” in John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski ed.,Early Chinese Religion Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD)(Leiden: Brill, 2009), pp. 281-313.
  24. “The Culture of Ghost in the Six Dynasties Period,” in Mu-chou Poo ed.,Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions(Leiden: Brill, 2009), pp.237-267.
  25. “Justice, Morality, and Skepticism in Six-Dynasties Ghost Stories,” in Alan Chan ed.,Philosophy and Religion in Early Medieval China(Albany: State University of New York Press, forthcoming 2009).
  26. “Images and ritual treatment of dangerous spirits,” in John Lagerwey and Lu Pengzhi ed.,Early Chinese Religion Part Two:. The Period of Division (220-589 AD)(Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2009).
  27. “Preparation for the Afterlife in Ancient China,” in Amy L. Olberding & Philip J. Ivanhoeeds., Mortality in Traditional Chinese Thought(Albany: State University of New York Press, forthcoming 2009).
[戊] 評論:
(有 * 為中文評論)
  1. *" M. Loewe,Crisis and Conflict in Han China漢代的危機與衝突," 食貨月刊Shih-huo Monthly6, 6 (1976): 289-292.
  2. *"B. Schwartz ed.,Wisdom, Revelation, and Doubt, Perspective on the First Millennium B.C.Daedalus (1975) 評介: 智慧、啟示與懷疑--對西元前一千年的透視, " 史學評論Chinese Historical Review2 (1980): 225-238.
  3. "E. Edel,Die Felsgräbernekropole der Qubbet el Hawa bei Assuan, Abt. II, Bd. 4, Paläographie der althieratischen Gefässaufschriften aus den Grabungsjahren 1960 bis 1973," Journal of American Research Center in Egyp20 (1983): 106-107.
  4. "S. Sauneron,L'Écriture figurative dans les textes d'Esna ," Journal of American Research Center in Egypt20, (1983): 113-115.
  5. *"Michael Loewe,Ways to Paradise: The Chinese Quest for Immortality," 漢學研究Chinese Studies3, 1 (1985): 343-347.
  6. *"Paul Veyne ed.,A History of Private Life vol. I, -- From Pagan Rome to Byzantium," 新史學New History1, 2 (1990): 167-175.
  7. *"Stephen F. Teiser,The Ghost Festival in Medieval China," 新史學New History3, 1 (1992): 191-98.
  8. *"Recent Studies on the History of Private Life in the West," 新史學New History, 3,4 (1992): 139-53.
  9. *"Peter Burke:History and Social Theory," 新史學New History5, 4 (1994): 197-207.
  10. "Jan Assmann,Egyptian Solar Religion in the New Kingdom," Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient40, 3 (1997): 299-300.
  11. "A. Loprieno,Ancient Egyptian, A Linguistic Introduction," International Journal of African Historical Studies30, 2 (1997): 383-385.
  12. "Gay Robins,The Art of Ancient Egypt," International Journal of African Historical Studies31, 2 (1998): 493-494.
  13. ”T. Lippiello,Auspicious Omens and Miracles in Ancient China: Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties,” in Journal of Chinese Religions31 (2003): 273-74.
  14. *“Giovanni Rebora,Culture of the Fork: A Brief History of Food in Europe,” in中國飲食文化Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture1: 1 (2005): 135-138.
  15. *“Victor H. Mair ed., Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World,” in漢學研究Chinese Studies25.2 (2007): 439-444.


