- 中文名:蒲慕州
- 外文名:POO Mu-chou
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:中國台灣
- 職業:教授,學者
- 畢業院校:約翰霍普金斯大學,約翰霍普金斯大學
- 主要成就:《追尋一己之福-中國古代的信仰世界》,《法老的國度》
- 代表作品:世界文化史,西洋文明發展史
- 古代近東史
- 比較古代史
- 古代及中古中國歷史及宗教
1991 | 國科會優良研究獎 |
1993 | 行政院新聞局優良學術著作出版補助(NT$ 200,000) |
1995 | 行政院新聞局優良學術著作出版補助(NT$ 200,000) |
1995 | 第七屆國際埃及學大會最佳跨領域論文獎, Cambridge, England |
2001-03 | 中華基金會講座US$ 20,000 |
2002-05 | 國科會傑出研究獎NT $ 900,000 |
2006 | 教育部學術獎 NT $ 600,000 |
2006-10 | 傑出人才基金會講座 NT$ 2,750,000 |
2007 | 美國宗教學會年會主題講演: “Making Sense by Comprehending Sensibility: A View of Chinese Religions.” Nov. 18, 2007, San Diego. |
- 中國古代鬼文化
- 中國漢唐時期的巫術、政治與文化
- 鬼與怪的跨文化比較研究
- 古代死後世界之跨文化比較研究
- 尊古與好古:一個文化傳統之建立與發展
- A Comparative Study of the Attitude toward Foreigners in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia
- 先秦兩漢民間信仰研究
- 漢代墓葬綜合研究
- History of the Ancient Near East
- History of Ancient Egypt
- Western Civilization
- Graduate Seminar on Society and Religion in Ancient and Medieval China
- Readings in Ancient Western History
- Graduate Seminar on Comparative Ancient History
- Graduate Seminar on Intellectual and Religious Tradition of Early Imperial China
- Graduate Seminar on Chinese Religion
- Readings in Ancient Egyptian Art
- The Construction of Antiquity in Early Modern Europe and China
- In Search for an Explanation: Religious Piety in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia
- 世界文化史A History of World Civilizations, 2 vols., (A textbook for the Senior High School in the Republic of China) (Taipei: National Bureau of Publication, 1986).
- 西洋文明發展史A History of Western Civilization, Chapters 1-18, co-authored with Tuan Ch'ang-kuo, Wu Chun-i & Chuang Shang-wu, (Taipei: National Open University, 1990).
- 墓葬與生死 -- 中國古代宗教之省思Burial Styles and Ideas of Life and Death -- Reflections on the Religion of Ancient China, (Taipei: Lianjing, 1993; 2nd ed., Bejing: Zhonghua shuju, 2008).
- 尼羅河畔的文采 -- 古埃及文選Literature by the Nile: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Literature(Taipei: Yuanliu, 1993).
- 追尋一己之福-中國古代的信仰世界In Search of Personal Welfare:The World of Beliefs in Ancient China(Taipei: Yunchen, 1995) (2nd edition, Taipei: Maitian Chubanshe, 2004; Shanghai: Guji Chubanshe, 2007).
- 中國文化史A History of Chinese Culture(co-authored with Ping-chen. Hsiung) (Taipei: Donghua, 1997).
- 法老的國度--古埃及文化史The Land of the Pharaohs: A Cultural History of Ancient Egypt(Taipei: Maitian, 2001; Guilin: Guanxi Normal University Press: 2003).
- 古代宗教與信仰Ancient Religion and Society(Taipei: National Taiwan University, 2003).
- 鬼魅神魔—中國通俗文化側寫 (編) (Ed.)Ghosts, Demons, Deities and Mara: A View of Chinese Common Culture(Taipei: Maitian, 2005)
- 生活與文化(編) (Ed.)Life and Culture(Beijing: Zhongguo dabaike quanshu chubanshe, 2005).
- 西洋上古史A History of the Ancient West(Taipei: Sanmin Publishing, 2009).
- Wine and Wine Offering in the Religion of Ancient Egypt(London: Kegan Paul International, Egyptological Series, 1995).
- In Search of Personal Welfare: A View of Ancient Chinese Religion(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998).
- Enemies of Civilization: Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China(Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005).
- (Ed.)Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions(Leiden: Brill, 2009).
- 古埃及的智慧--普塔和泰普的箴言 "The wisdom of Ancient Egypt: The Maximum of Ptahhotep," 思與言Thought and Word16,4 (1978): 71-85.
- 最古老的小說--西努赫的故事 " The Oldest Novel: The Story of Sinuhe," 中外文學Chung-Wai Literary Monthly9,11 (1981): 58-68.
- 試析舊約創世紀約瑟故事之埃及背景 " The Egyptian Background of the Joseph Story," 台灣大學歷史學報National Taiwan University Department of History Bulletin8 (1981): 163-172.
- 埃及新王國時代的對外關係 " The Foreign Relations of the Egyptian New Kingdom," 思與言Thought and Word19, 5 (1982): 1-7.
- 漢摩拉比法典的性質 "The Nature of the Code of Hammurapi -- a Review Article," 食貨Shih-huo, 13, 11/12 (1984): 12-21.
- 古埃及的文字與文學 "The Language and Literature of Ancient Egypt," 古埃及文物The Artifacts of Ancient Egypt(Taipei: National Museum of History, 1985), pp. 25-31.
- 巫蠱之禍的政治意義 "The Political Significance of the Case of Witchcraft," in 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology57, 3 (1987): 511-38.
- 酒與古埃及宗教 "Wine and the Religion of Ancient Egypt," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology60, 1 (1989): 75-91.
- 論中國古代墓葬形制 "The development of burial styles in Ancient China," 台灣大學文史哲學報Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts of National Taiwan University37 (1989): 235-279.
- 神仙與高僧—魏晉南北朝宗教心態試探 "Immortals and Eminent Monks: a Study of Religious Mentality in the Wei, Chin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties," 漢學研究Chinese Studies8, 2 (1990): 149-176.
- 漢代薄葬論的歷史背景及其意義 "The Historical Background and Significance of the Idea of Thrifty Burial in Han China," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology61, 1 (1990): 533-73.
- 古埃及的社會倫理 "Social Ethics in Ancient Egypt," 台灣大學文史哲學報Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts of National Taiwan University38 (1990): 196-212.
- 睡虎地秦簡《日書》的世界 "The World of the Almanacs of Ch'in," 歷史語言研究所集刊Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology62, 4 (1991): 623-75.
- 古埃及文明的衰亡:理論與事實 "The Decline of Egyptian Civilization: Theory and Facts," 第一屆全國歷史學學術討論會議文集Proceedings of the First National Conference of History(Taipei: National Taiwan University, 1996), pp. 1-20.
- 漢代知識分子與民間信仰 "Han Intellectuals and Popular Religion," inIntegrated Studies of Chinese Archaeology and Historiography(Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1997), pp. 561-603.
- 古代中國、埃及與兩河流域對異族態度之比較研究 "A Comparative Study of the Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia, "in漢學研究Chinese Studies17, 2 (1999):137-168.
- 生活史與人類學 “History of Daily Life and Anthropology,” in學術史與方法學的省思Historical and Methodological Reflections on the Development of Modern Chinese Humanities(Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2000), pp. 317-333.
- 論古埃及與兩河流域的淨化儀式 “The Purification Ritual in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia,” 台灣宗教研究Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies2, 1 (2002): 145-162.
- 古埃及神廟中的儀式與祭文 “Ritual and Liturgy in the Egyptian Temples,” in 台灣宗教研究Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies4, 2 (2004):205-219.
- 中國古代鬼論述的形成 “The Discourse on Ghost in Ancient China,” in 蒲慕州編Mu-chou Poo ed., 鬼魅神魔—中國通俗文化側寫 Ghosts, Demons, Deities and Mara:A View of Chinese Common Culture(Taipei: Mai-tian, 2005), pp. 19-40.
- 死後世界的想像—一個比較的觀點 “The imagination of the world after death: a comparative view,” 鄭培凱編Pei-kai Cheng ed., 宗教信仰與想像Religious Beliefs and Imagination(Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press,2007), pp.55-85.
- “Weinopfer, ” inLexikon der Aegyptologie, vol. 6, (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1986), 1186-1900.
- “A Typological Study of the Liturgy of Wine Offering in the Ptolemaic temples,”Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology60, 4 (1989): 779-828.
- “Ideas Concerning Death and Burial in pre-Han and Han China,”Asia Major(3rd series) 3, 2 (1990): 25-62.17)
- “The Liturgies of the Offering of Mirrors: A Structural Analysis,” inVI Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia - Atti(Turin:1993), pp. 347-352.
- “Popular Religion in Pre-Imperial China: Observation on the Almanacs of Shui-hu-ti,”T'oung PaoLXXIX (1993): 225-248.
- “The Emergence of Cultural Consciousness in Ancient Egypt and China: A Comparative Perspective,” inEssays in Egyptology in Honor of Hans Goediceeds. Betsy M. Bryan & David Lorton, (San Antonio, Van Siclen Books, 1994), pp. 191-200.
- “The Images of Immortals and Eminent Monks: Religious Mentality in Early Medieval China,”Numen42 (1995): 172-196.
- “The Completion of an Ideal World: The Human Ghost in Early Medieval China,” inAsia Major10 (1997): 69-94.
- “Encountering the Strangers: A Comparative Study of Cultural Consciousness in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China,”Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists. (Louven: Peters, 1998), pp. 885-892.
- “The Ancient Egyptian Attitudes toward Foreigners,” inPolitics and Religion in Ancient and Medieval Europe and China, F. H.-M. Cheung & M.C. Lai eds., (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999), pp. 1-19.
- “The Use and Abuse of Wine in Ancient China,” inJournal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient42, 2 (1999):1-29.
- “Ghost Literature: Exorcistic Ritual Texts or Daily Entertainment?”Asia Major3rd series, 13, 1 (2000):43-64.
- “Wine,”The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 3 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 502-503.
- “The Nature of Hope in Pre-Buddhist Chinese Religion,” in D. L Overmyer and C. T. Lai eds.,Interpretations of Hope in Chinese Religions and Christianity(Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2002), pp. 33-60.
- “Imperial Order and Local Variation: The Culture of Ghost in Early Imperial China.”Acta Orientalia56 (2003) nos. 2-4, 295-308.
- “Egyptology and Comparative Ancient History,”Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologistsvol. 2 (Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2003), 448-54.
- “The Concept of Ghost in Ancient Chinese Religion,” in John Lagerwey ed.,Chinese Religion and Societyvol. 1 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2004), pp. 173-191.
- “How to Steer through Life: Negotiating Fate in theDaybook,” in Christopher Lupke ed.,The Magnitude of Ming(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005), pp. 107-125.
- “Afterlife: Chinese Concept,” in Lindsay Jones ed.,The Encyclopedia of Religion(New Edition)(New York: Macmillian Co., 2005), vol 1: 169-172.
- “A Taste of Happiness: Contextualizing Elixirs in Baopuzi,” in Roel Sterckx ed.,Of Tripod and Palate : Food, Politics, and Religion in Traditional China(New York: Palgrave, 2005), pp. 123-139.
- “Ritual Texts in the Ptolemaic Temples: The Liturgies of Libation and Beer Offering,” in Jean-Claude Goyon & Christine Cardin eds.,Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists(Leuven: Peeters, 2006), pp. 1527-38.
- “The Formation of the Conception of Antiquity in Early China,” inPerceptions of Antiquity in Chinese Civilization, Dieter Kuhn & Helga Stahl eds. (Heidelberg: Edition Forum, 2007), pp. 85-101.
- “Ritual and Ritual Texts in Early China,” in John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski ed.,Early Chinese Religion Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD)(Leiden: Brill, 2009), pp. 281-313.
- “The Culture of Ghost in the Six Dynasties Period,” in Mu-chou Poo ed.,Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions(Leiden: Brill, 2009), pp.237-267.
- “Justice, Morality, and Skepticism in Six-Dynasties Ghost Stories,” in Alan Chan ed.,Philosophy and Religion in Early Medieval China(Albany: State University of New York Press, forthcoming 2009).
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