- 中文名:蒲學科
- 畢業院校:中國工程物理研究院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:重慶大學數學與統計學院博士生導師
2006.9-2009.6中國工程物理研究院研究生部 套用數學理學博士
2003.9-2003.6重慶大學 數理學院基礎數學理學碩士
1999.9-2003.6重慶大學 數理學院數學與套用數學理學學士
2017.6-2017.9美國布朗大學 套用數學系
2016.9-2017.2美國布轎危朗大學 套用數學系
2016.6-2016.8香港中文大學 數學科學研究所
2015.5-2015.6香港中體擔嘗文大學 數學系
2014.6-2014.8香港贈己晚中文大學 數學科學研究所
2011.9-2011.9美國布朗大學 套用數學系
2011.5-2011.5香港中文大學 數學科學研究所
主持國家自然科學基金面上項目一項 2015.1-2018.12
主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目一項 2011.1-2013.12
主持重慶市基礎與前沿研究項目一項 2014.7-2017.6
主持重慶大學中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目一陵斷坑項 2016.1-2017.12
3.B. Guo, X. Pu, F. Huang, Fractional Partial Differential Equations and Their Numerical Solutions, World Scientific, 2015
4.B. Guo, H. Gao, X. Pu, Stochastic PDEs and Dynamics, De Gruyter, 2017
在ARMA, SIMA, Calc. Var., JDE等雜誌發表學術30餘篇,部分列舉如下:
1. Xueke Pu, Meng Wang and Wendong Wang, The Landau-Lifshitz equation of the ferromagnetic spin chain and Oseen-Frank flow, SIAM J. Math. Anal., to appear.
2.Min Li, Xueke Pu and Shu Wang, Quasineutral limit for the quantum Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations,Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.16(1),(2017)273–293.
3. Huimin Liu, Xueke Pu, Long wavelength limit for the quantum Euler-Poisson equation,SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48(4), (2016)2345-2381.
4.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Quasineutral limit of the pressureless Euler-Poisson equation for ions,Quart. Appl. Math., 74(2), (2016)245-273.
5.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Global existence and semiclassical limit for quantum hydrodynamic equations with viscosity and heat conduction,Kinet. Relat. Models, 9(1), (2016)165-191.
6.Yan Guo,Xueke Pu,KdV limit of the Euler-Poisson system,Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 211(2), (2014)673–710.
7.Xueke Pu, Dispersive limt of the Euler-Poisson system in higher dimensions,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,45(2013),no. 2,834–878.
8.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Well-posedness for the fractional Landau-Lifshitz equation without Gilbert damping,Calc. Var., 46, (2013)441-460.
9.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo,Momentum estimates and ergodicity for the 3D stochastic cubic Ginzburg–Landau equation with degenerate noise,J. Differential Equations, 251(7), (2011)1747-1777.
10.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, The fractional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and the heat flow of harmonic maps,Calc. Var., 42(2011)1-19.
3. Huimin Liu, Xueke Pu, Long wavelength limit for the quantum Euler-Poisson equation,SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48(4), (2016)2345-2381.
4.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Quasineutral limit of the pressureless Euler-Poisson equation for ions,Quart. Appl. Math., 74(2), (2016)245-273.
5.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Global existence and semiclassical limit for quantum hydrodynamic equations with viscosity and heat conduction,Kinet. Relat. Models, 9(1), (2016)165-191.
6.Yan Guo,Xueke Pu,KdV limit of the Euler-Poisson system,Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 211(2), (2014)673–710.
7.Xueke Pu, Dispersive limt of the Euler-Poisson system in higher dimensions,SIAM J. Math. Anal.,45(2013),no. 2,834–878.
8.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, Well-posedness for the fractional Landau-Lifshitz equation without Gilbert damping,Calc. Var., 46, (2013)441-460.
9.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo,Momentum estimates and ergodicity for the 3D stochastic cubic Ginzburg–Landau equation with degenerate noise,J. Differential Equations, 251(7), (2011)1747-1777.
10.Xueke Pu, Boling Guo, The fractional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation and the heat flow of harmonic maps,Calc. Var., 42(2011)1-19.