


2009.08–現在 入職蘇州大學物理科學與技術學院
2004.09–2009.07 博士 中國科學技術大學量子信息重點實驗室 光學專業
2000.09–2004.07 本科 中國科學技術大學物理系 光學專業




1. Yu-Li Dong, Shi-Qun Zhu, and Wen-Long You, “Quantum-state transmission in a cavity array via two-photon exchange”, Phys. Rev. A 85, 023833 (2012);
2. Wen-Long You and Yu-Li Dong, “Fidelity Susceptibility in Two-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Models”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174426 (2011);
3. Wen-Long You and Yu-Li Dong, “The Entanglement Dynamics of Interacting Qubits Embedded in a Spin Environment with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Term”, Eur. Phys. J. D 57, 439 (2010);
4. Yu-Li Dong, Xu-Bo Zou, et al., “Cavity-QED-Based Phase Gate for Photonic qubits”, J Mod Opt, 56 1230 (2009);
5. Yu-Li Dong, Xu-Bo Zou, Guang-Can Guo, “Generation of Pair Coherent State using Weak Cross-Kerr Media”, Phys Lett A 372, 5677 (2008);
6. Yu-Li Dong, Xu-Bo Zou, Guang-Can Guo, “Local and Nonlocal Cloning of Coherent States with Known Phases using Linear Optics”, Phys. Rev. A 77, 034304 (2008);
7. Yuli Dong, Xubo Zou, Shangbin Li, and Guangcan Guo, “Economical Gaussian Cloning of Coherent States with Known Phase”, Phys. Rev. A 76, 014303 (2007);
8. Yan-Xiao Gong, Yong-Sheng Zhang, Yu-Li Dong, Xiao-Ling Niu, et al., “Dependence of The Decoherence of Polarization States in Phase-Damping Channels on The Frequency Spectrum Envelope of Photons”, Phys. Rev. A 78, 042103 (2008);
9. Xubo Zou, Yuli Dong, and Guangcan Guo, “Implementing a Conditional Z Gate by a Combination of Resonant Interaction and Quantum Interference”, Phys. Rev. A 74, 032325 (2006);
10. Xubo Zou, Yuli Dong, and Guangcan Guo, “Conditional Preparation of Two-Mode Correlated Photon Number States of Light”, Phys. Rev. A 74, 015801 (2006);
11. Xubo Zou, Yuli Dong, and Guangcang Guo, “Schemes for Realizing Frequency Up- and Down-Conversions in Two-Mode Cavity QED”, Phys. Rev. A 73, 025802 (2006).


