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  • 中文名:董為
  • 外文名:Dong Wei
  • 性別:男
  • 職 稱:研究員
  • 學 歷:理學博士
  • 職稱:研究員










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DONG Wei, Liu Jinyi, Li-min Zhang, Qin-qi Xu. The Early Pleistocene water buffalo associated with Gigantopithecus from Chongzuo in southern China
董為 (主編). 第十四屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為. 內蒙古化德新近紀化石地點2009-2010年考察簡報. 見: 董為主編. 第十四屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W. Brief report on 2009-2010’s investigation on Neogene fossil localities in Huade, Nei Mongol. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 蔡保全, 張立民, 劉文暉. 內蒙古化德土城子化石地點2013年試掘簡報. 見: 董為主編. 第十四屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Cai B-q, Zhang L-m, Liu W-h. Preliminary report on 2013’s test excavation at Tuchenzi fossil locality in Huade, Nei Mongol. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
DONG Wei, Liu Jinyi, Fang Yingsan. The large mammals from Tuozidong (eastern China) and the Early Pleistocene environmental availability for early human settlements
董為,金昌柱, 王 元, 徐欽琦, 秦大公, 孫承凱, 張立民.廣西崇左三合大洞的早更新世豬屬新材料. 人類學學報
Dong Wei, Qi Guoqin. Hominoid-producing localities and biostratigraphy in Yunnan. In: Xiaoming Wang, Lawrence J. Flynn, and Mikael Fortelius eds. Fossil Mammals of Asia - Neogene Biostratigraphy and Chronology
董為 (主編). 第十三屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社.DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 房迎三. 南京湯山駝子洞的早更新世三趾馬新材料補記. 見: 董為主編. 第十三屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社
DONG Wei. Reconsideration of the systematics of the Early Pleistocene Cervavitus (Cervidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia)
董為,潘文石,孫承凱,徐欽琦,秦大公,王元. 廣西崇左三合大洞的反芻類. 人類學學報. DONG Wei, PAN Wen-shi, SUN Cheng-kai, XU Qin-qi, QIN Da-gong, WANG Yuan. Early Pleistocene ruminants from Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South China
董為, 張覺非. 大熊貓顱內腔的演化. 古脊椎動物學報. Dong Wei, Zhang Jue-fei. Evolution of cranial cavities in giant pandas (Ailuropoda, Carnivora, Mammalia)
DONG Wei, FU Renyi, HUANG Weiwen. Age and paleoenvironment of Xiaogushan fauna at Haicheng, Liaoning Province
董為,趙凌霞,王新金,蔡回陽,鄭遠文,張忠文. 貴州畢節扒耳岩巨猿地點的偶蹄類. 人類學學報. DONG Wei, Zhao L-x, Wang X-j, Cai H-y, Zhang Y-w, Zhang Z-w. Artiodactyla Associated with Gigantopithecus from Baeryan, Bijie, Guizhou Province
董為 (主編). 第十二屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 潘文石, 徐欽琦, 秦大公,王元. 廣西崇左泊岳山的早更新世偶蹄類. 見: 董為主編. 第十二屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Pan W-s, Xu Q-q, et al. Early Pleistocene Artiodactyls from Boyueshan, Chongzuo, Guangxi, Southern China. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 張覺非. 化石標本的虛擬與現實三維重建. 見: 董為主編. 第十二屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Zhang J-f. Virtual and real 3d reconstruction of fossil specimens. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為. 旁觀者看歐亞大陸“最早的”人工製品. 見: 董為主編. 第十二屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W. Comments on the earliest artifacts from Eurasia. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 李占揚. 河南許昌靈井舊石器遺址的鹿類化石新材料. 人類學學報. DONG Wei, LI Zhan-Yang. 2009. Late Pleistocene Artiodactyla (Mammalia) from the Lingjing Site, Xuchang, Henan Province (China)
董為, 傅仁義, 馮興無, 張雙全. 遼寧朝陽龍城馬山洞哺乳動物群的性質及時代探討. 人類學學報. Dong Wei, Fu Renyi, Feng Xingwu, Zhang Shuanquan. 2009. Late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from the Mashandong, Chaoyang, Liaoning Province
董為,傅仁義,魏海波. 第三章 哺乳動物化石. 見:黃慰文,傅仁義主編. 小孤山:遼寧海城史前洞穴遺址綜合研究. 北京:科學出版社. Dong W, Fu R-y, Wei H-b. The Mammalian fauna. In: Huang W-w, Fu R-y, eds. Xiaogushan - A prehistory cave site at Heicheng
董為, 邱占祥, 汪發志. 偶蹄目. 見:金昌柱,劉金毅主編. 安徽繁昌人字洞——早期人類活動遺址. 北京:科學出版社. Dong W, Qiu Z-x, Wang F-z. Artiodactyla. In: Jin C-z and Liu J-y. eds. Paleolithic Site-The Renzidong Cave, Fanchang, Anhui Province
DONG W. Virtual cranial endocast of the oldest giant panda (Ailuropoda microta) reveals great similarity to that of its extant relative
DONG W. Nouveau matériel de Leptobos (Smertiobos) crassus (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) du Pléistocène inférieur à Renzidong (Chine de l’est)
董為. 大熊貓化石副鼻竇的3D成像及其虛擬解剖. 中國圖象圖形學報. DONG Wei. Imaging and virtual dissection of paranasal sinuses of fossil giant panda
董為. 安徽淮南大居山的早更新世豬化石. 古脊椎動物學報. DONG Wei. 2008. Early Pleistocene suid (Mammal) from the Dajushan, Huainan, Anhui Province (China)
董為, 李占揚. 河南許昌靈井舊石器遺址的偶蹄類. 古脊椎動物學報 DONG Wei, LI Zhan-Yang. 2008. Late Pleistocene Artiodactyla (Mammalia) from the Lingjing Site, Xuchang, Henan Province (China)
董為 (主編). 第十一屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 房迎三. 南京湯山駝子洞堆積2007年發掘簡報. 見: 董為主編. 第十一屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Fang Y S. Preliminary report on the 2007’s excavation at the Tuozi Cave of Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為, 房迎三. 記南京湯山駝子洞的早更新世李氏野豬. 見: 董為主編. 第十一屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Fang Y S. New suid materials from the early Pleistocene of the Tuozi Cave at Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
董為. 鹿角形態演化綜述. 見: 董為主編. 第十一屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W. A review on morphology and evolution of antlers. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
DONG W. New Material of Muntiacinae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. C. R
DONG Wei, HOU Xinwen, LIU Jinyi, FANG Yingsan, JIN Changzhu and ZHU Qizhi. 3D virtual reconstruction of the Pleistocene cheetah skull from the Tangshan, Nanjing, China
董為. 大熊貓化石的腦成像及其3D腦內模的虛擬解剖. 模式識別研究進展——2007年全國模式識別學術會議論文集. 模式識別國家重點實驗室編. 北京:科學出版社
董為, 房迎三, 張鎮洪. 偶蹄目. 南京駝子洞早更新世哺乳動物群. 南京博物院江蘇省考古研究所編著. 北京:科學出版社
DONG W. Récentes découvertes de restes d’Hominidés fossiles en Chine du Sud. Anthropologie
董為. 安徽淮南大居山的早更新世反芻類. 古脊椎動物學報. Dong W, 2006. Early Pleistocene ruminants (Mammals) from the Dajushan, Huainan, Anhui Province (China). Vert PalAsiat
董為, 金昌柱, 鄭龍亭, 孫承凱, 呂錦燕, 徐欽琦. 安徽蕪湖金盆洞舊石器遺址的偶蹄類. 人類學學報. Dong W, Jin C Z, Zheng L T et al., 2006. Artiodactylia from the Jinpendong Site at Wuhu, Anhui Province. Acta Anthrop Sin
董為 (主編). 第十屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為. 在中國尋找早期人類起源蹤跡的環境線索. “元謀人”發現40周年紀念會暨古人類國際學術研討會論文集. 《“元謀人”發現40周年紀念會暨古人類國際學術研討會論文集》編委會編. 昆明:雲南科技出版社
董為, 房迎三. 記南京湯山駝子洞的早更新世巨羊. 見: 董為主編. 第十屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W, Fang Y S. Early Pleistocene Megalovis (artiodactyla, mammalia) from the Tuozi Cave at Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為, 劉金毅, 房迎三. 化石腦內模的虛擬3D重建與比較解剖. 見: 董為主編. 第十屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei, LIU Jinyi, FANG Yingsan. Virtual reconstruction and comparative anatomy of 3d fossil endocranium. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為. 環南亞地區中新世古猿研究世紀回顧. 見: 董為主編. 第十屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. Dong W. A review on Miocene hominoid research around South Asia. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為, 房迎三. 南京湯山駝子洞的馬科化石及其意義. 古脊椎動物學報. Dong W, Fang Y S, 2005. Fossil equids (mammals) from the Tuozidong, Nanjing (China) and its significance. Vert PalAsiat
DONG W, PAN Y, LIU J. The earliest Muntiacus (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the late Miocene of Yuanmou, southwestern China. C. R. Palevol
董為. 鹿科化石牙齒的形態特徵與演化. 人類學學報. Dong W, 2004. The dental morphological characters and evolution of Cervidae
董為, 房迎三. 記南京湯山駝子洞的鹿科化石. 人類學學報, Fang Y S, 2004. The Cervidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Tuozidong at Tangshan, Jiangsu Province, China. Acta Anthrop Sin
董為 (主編). 第九屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為. 近年來早期人類化石的新發現及相關爭鳴. 見: 董為主編. 第九屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei. New discoveries of early hominids in recent years and resulted debates. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為, 劉金毅, Jaeger M, 朱奇志, 杜湘珂. 化石頭骨虛擬3 D圖像的復原與矯正. 見: 董為主編. 第九屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG Wei, LIU Jinyi, JAEGER M, ZHU Qizhi, DU Xiangke. Reconstruction and remedy of virtual 3D images of fossils. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
董為. 古生物學研究資源的探究與巧用. 見: 董為主編. 第九屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社 DONG Wei. Paleontological resource exploration and some suggestive tips. In: DONG Wei ed. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press
DONG Wei, LIU Jianhui & PAN Yuerong. A new Euprox from the Late Miocene of Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, China, with interpretation of its paleoenvironment
董為. 2002. 偶蹄目. 見:吳汝康, 李星學, 吳新智, 穆西南主編. 南京直立人. 南京:江蘇科學技術出版社. Artiodactyla. In: Wu Rukang et al. (eds.), Homo erectus from Nanjing. Nanjing: Jiangsu Science and Technology Publishing House
董為. 雲南開遠小龍潭盆地上新生界地層及古環境. 鄧濤, 王原主編. 第八屆中國古脊椎動物學學術年會論文集. 北京:海洋出版社. DONG W. Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleoenvironment of Xiaolongtan Basin, Kaiyuan, Yunnan Province. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. DENG Tao and WANG Yuan (Eds). Beijing: China Ocean Press
Dong W, Jin C-Z, Xu Q-Q et al. 2000. A Comparative Analysis on the Mammalian Faunas Associated with Homo erectus in China
Dong W (ed). 2000. Proceedings of 1999 Beijing International Symposium on Paleoanthropology –In Commemoration of the Discovery of the 70th Anniversary of the First Peking Man Skull
董為. 偶蹄目. 見:黃萬坡等,巫山迷宮洞舊石器時代洞穴遺址1999年試掘報告. 龍骨坡史前文化志
DONG Wei, Xu Qinqi, Jin Changzhu, Liu Jinyi. The Quaternary herbivore fauna in northeastern China: Evolution under Climatic Change. Chinese Science Bulletin
董為. 1999. 與南京湯山直立人伴生的偶蹄類及其古環境淺析. 人類學學報. Dong W, 1999. The Artiodactyla from Hulu Cave, Tangshan, Nanjing and the Environment of Nanjing Man. Acta Anthrop Sin
董為. 1999. 雲南開遠小龍潭六齒河馬的層位歸屬. 慶賀賈蘭坡院士90華誕國際學術研討會論文集——史前考古學新進展. 徐欽琦等主編. 科學出版社. 北京
董為, 1998. “用進廢退”、“器官相關”與競技體育運動員的早期培養. 中國體育科技
董為, 葉捷. 1997. 新羅斯祖鹿(Cervavitus novorossiae)種內差異的形態學分析. 古生物學報. Dong, W., J. Ye, 1997. A morphological Analysis on Intraspecific Variation of Cervavitus novorossiae. Acta Palaeont
董為,1997. 從腫骨鹿到晉原狍:中國鹿類化石研究綜述——紀念楊锺健先生誕辰一百周年. 演化的證實——紀念楊锺健教授百年誕辰論文集. 童永生等編,海洋出版社, 1997. From Megaloceros pachyosteus to Procapreolus jinensis: a Review on the Study of Fossil Cervids in China-- Commemorating the Centenary of Dr. C. C. Young. In: Tong et al. Eds. Evidence for Evolution—Essays in Honor of Prof
董為, 徐欽琦, 金昌柱, 李毅. 1996. 東北地區第四紀大型食草類動物群的演替及其與古氣候的關係. 古脊椎動物學報. Dong, W., Q.-q. Xu, Y., Li and C.-z., Jin, 1996: The evolution of Quaternary large herbivorous Mammals from North-East China and its relationship with paleoclimatic variation
董為, 葉捷. 1996. 記山西榆社晚新生代鹿科化石兩新種. 古脊椎動物學報 W., J. Ye, 1996: Two New Cervid species from the Late Neogene of Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China. Vert
Dong, W. 1996: Les Cervidae (Artiodactyla) rusciniens (Pliocène) du Languedoc et du Roussillon (France). Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist
董為, 胡長康. 1994. 記山西榆社後垴的晚中新世鹿科化石. 古脊椎動物學報
Dong, W., 1993. A Morphological Analysis of Cheek Teeth of Eurasian Pliocene Cervids. in Deer of China. Ohtaishi, N. and H.-L. Sheng eds
Dong, W., 1993. The Fossil Records of Deer in China. in Deer of China. Ohtaishi, N. and H.- L
董為,姜鵬. 1993. 記吉林集安仙人洞的鹿類化石,兼述我國斑鹿化石的分類. 古脊椎動物學報
董為. 1987. 雲南開遠小龍潭動物群的性質及時代的進一步探討. 古脊椎動物學報




