


  • 中文名:董潔
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:荷蘭蒂爾堡大學
  • 代表作品:《語言變化與生態環境》


1994-1998 北京第二外國語學院 經濟學 本科
2003-2004 英國倫敦大學教育學院教 (Institute of Education, University of London) 語言教育 碩士
2005-2009 荷蘭蒂爾堡大學 (Tilburg University) 社會語言學/語言人類學 博士(Cum Laude)。




2014-2018 國家社會科學基金中華學術外譯項目14WYY001負責人
2011-2013 荷蘭皇家科學院全球化與社會語言項目子課題負責人。
Dong, Jie (2016) The Sociolinguistics of Voice in Globalising China. London: Routledge.
Dong, Jie (2011) Discourse, Identity, and China's Internal Migration: The Long March to the City. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Blommaert, Jan & Jie Dong (2010) Ethnographic Fieldwork: A Beginner’s Guide. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Dong Jie & Jan Blommaert (2016) Global Informal Learning Environments and the Making of Chinese Middle Class. Linguistics and Education. 34:33-46.
Dong Jie & Dong Yan (2013) Voicing as an essential problem of communication: Language and education of Chinese immigrant children in globalization. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. 44/2, 161-176.
Dong Jie (2013) Mobility, voice, and symbolic restratification: An ethnography of ‘elite migrants' in urban China. Diversities. 14/2, 35-48.
Dong Jie (2013) When modern public space encounters postmodern migration: Abnormality and the making of migrant identities. Sociolinguistic Studies. 6/2, 239-258.
Dong, Jie (2010) The enregisterment of Putonghua in practice. Language & Communication 30 (4), 265-275.
Dong, Jie (2010) Neo-Liberalism and the evolvement of China’s education policies on migrant children’s schooling. The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 8(1), 137 – 160.
Dong, Jie (2009) ‘Isn’t it enough to be a Chinese speaker’: language ideology and migrant identity construction in a public primary school in Beijing. Language &Communication29(2),115 – 126.
Dong, Jie & Jan Blommaert (2009) Space, scale and accents: constructing migrant identity in Beijing. Multilingua 28(1), 1 – 24.
Dong, Jie (Forthcoming) Taste, global mobility, and elite identity construction: How Chinese new urban migrants construct elite identities with lifestyle discourses. Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Dong Jie (Forthcoming) Language and identity construction of China’s rural-urban migrant children: An ethnographic study in urban public school. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.
Dong, Jie (in press) Chinese elite migrants and formation of new communities in a changing society: An online-offline ethnography. Ethnography.
Dong Jie (in press) Voice making in intercultural encounters: the Chinese transcontinental “commuters”. Language and Intercultural Communication.。
董潔 (2015)“城市新移民”的語言身份認同:民族志研究案例。語言戰略研究。1:50-55。
董潔 (2013)民族志研究視角下的語言身份認同:兩例北京農民工子女個案。語言學研究15:155-164。
董潔& Jan Blommaert (2011) 比利時語言問題與政府危機。《中國語言生活報告(綠皮書)》。商務印書館。353-361。
董潔 & Jan Blommaert (2011) 語言的空間移動。中國社會語言學, 16:1-9.。
董潔 2013 Learner Autonomy and English Education for Research Students《現代外語教學與研究(2013)》。
Dong, Jie (2015) Mobility, voice, and symbolic restratification: An ethnography of 'elite migrants' in urban China. In Blommaert, Jan, Ben Rampton, Karel Arnaut and Massimiliano Spotti (eds.) Language and Superdiversity. Routledge.
Kroon, Sjaak, Jan Blommaert and Jie Dong (2013) Chinese and globalization. In Duarte, Joana and Ingrid Gogolin (eds.) Linguistic super-diversity in urban areas – research approaches. John Benjamins: Hamburg.
Dong, Jie & Yan Dong (2012) Chinese on the move: An ethnographic study of language change and migration. In 周慶生、董潔(2012)語言變化與生態環境。智慧財產權出版社:北京。Pp. 29-42.
Dong, Jie & Jan Blommaert (2010) Space, scale and accents: constructing migrant identity in Beijing. In Collins J. and S. Slembrouck (eds.) Globalization and Languages in Contact, 42 – 61. New York: Continuum.
Blommaert, Jan & Jie Dong (2010) Language and movement in space. In Coupland, N. (ed.) Handbook of Language and Globalisation. Oxford: Blackwell.
Dong, Jie (2007) Identity: The Joint Emergence of Social Identification and Academic Learning by Stanton Wortham. Journal of Sociolinguistics 11(3), 430 – 432.。


中國社會語言學會 常任理事
語言戰略研究 編委
SSCI期刊《Language & Communication》編委member of editorial board
Superdivers Consortium, the Netherlands, 理事。


Language & Communication
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Language Policy
Journal of Modern Languages
Visual Communication
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Linguistics & education
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies。




荷蘭科學基金NWO Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
劍橋大學出版社 (Cambridge University Press)。


