2001.09—2005.07 本科,四川農業大學
(1) Deng K#, Dong P#, Wang W, Feng L, Xiong F, Wang K, Zhang S, Feng S, Wang B, Zhang J and Ren M*, The TOR pathway is involved in adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis and potato. Front. Plant Sci. 2017, 8: 784 (SCI, IF: 4.495) (#共同第一作者;*通訊作者)
(2) 呂英奇,童海翔,姚崢嶸,張蜀敏,謝開雲,董攀*,任茂智,彩色馬鈴薯花色苷研究進展,中國馬鈴薯,2017,31(3):165-177 (*通訊作者)
(3) Xiong F#, Dong P#, Liu M, Xie G, Wang K, Zhuo F, Feng L, Yang L, Li Z and Ren M*, Tomato FK506 binding protein 12KD (FKBP12) mediates the interaction between rapamycin and target of rapamycin (TOR). Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7: 1746 (SCI, IF: 4.495) (#共同第一作者;*通訊作者)
(4) 董攀,熊方傑,鄧可宣,張蜀敏,於力華,任茂智*,馬鈴薯甲蟲的綠色生物防控策略,馬鈴薯產業與中國式主食,2016,192-197(會議論文)(*通訊作者)
(5) Dong P#, Xiong F#, Que Y, Wang K, Yu L,Li Z and Ren M*, Expressionprofiling and functional analysis reveals that TOR is a key player in regulating photosynthesis and phytohormone signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci. 2015, 6:677 (SCI, IF: 4.495)(#共同第一作者;*通訊作者)
(6) Dong P, Chen G, Liu Y, Wei Y, Li W, Jiang Q, Li W, Nevo E, Liu Y and Zheng Y*, Molecular cloning of WRKY transcription factor sequences in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2012, Vol. 7(47), pp. 6343-6349(*通訊作者)
(7) Dong P, Wei Y, Chen G, Li W, Wang J, Nevo E, and Zheng Y*, Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) of wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) in Israel and its ecological association. Biochemical and Systymatic ecology, 2010, 38: 1-11(*通訊作者)
(8) Dong P, Wei Y, Chen G, Li W, Wang J, Nevo E, and Zheng Y*. EST-SSR diversity correlated with ecological and genetic factors of wild emmer wheat in Israel. Hereditas 2009, 146: 1-10(*通訊作者)
(9) Dong P, Wei Y, Chen G, Li W, Nevo E, and Zheng Y*. Resistance gene analog polymorphisms (RGAPs) in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) and their ecological associations. Genet. Resources Crop and Evolution 2009, 56: 121-136(*通訊作者)
(10) Dong P, Liu H, Li W, Qi P, Wei Y, and Zheng Y*. Genetic diversity of storage proteins in Triticum polonicum L. Journal of Plant Sciences. 2007, 2(4): 416-424(*通訊作者)