



  • 中文名:董巧燕
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:探索優質的稀土基磁相變磁製冷材料、揭示其中的物理機理
  • 任職院校:首都師範大學






教學上,隸屬於實驗中心,主要從事普通物理基礎實驗(1)、基礎實驗(2)、綜合設計實驗教學工作和中學生物理實驗競賽工作。科研上,主要從事稀土基合金及化合物磁性相變及或磁各向異性引起的磁熱效應研究工作,相關研究工作已發表在Appl. Phys. Lett.Mater. Lett.RSC Adv.等國內外期刊論文30餘篇,獲國家發明專利4項。所主持的國家自然科學基金青年項目、北京市教育委員會科技計畫面上項目、北京市優秀人才項目已結題,現主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項。
1. 董巧燕,劉偉健,劉維,王福合,尹曉冬,施宇蕾,普通物理綜合設計實驗課教學方法改革初探, 大學物理實驗。
2. 於揚,楊燕,董巧燕*,楊海濤,何為,張向群,多孔氧化鋁模板中交流沉積鐵與鐵銅納米線陣列,首都師範大學學報(自然科學版)。
3. 周俊勇,郭笑,王鑫,譚寓川,馬存錄,董巧燕*,劉偉健,劉維,王福合,施宇蕾,通過改變玻璃厚度研究白光相干性,大學物理實驗。
4. 索南昂修,談笑,祁輝,孫悅,董巧燕*,劉偉健,施宇蕾,高新紅,劉維,王福合,分光計調整方法的改進及白光色散研究,大學物理實驗。
1. 綜合設計實驗課的教學方法改革探索,首都師範大學青年教改項目。
2. 網路課程建設-普通物理綜合設計實驗,首都師範大學線上課程項目。
3. 數字自動化麥可遜干涉儀的研製,首都師範大學實驗教改項目。
1. Xiang-qun Zhang, Yao-dong Wu, Yue Ma, Qiao-yan Dong*, Yao-jiao Ke, and Zhao-hua Cheng, Large rotating magnetocaloric effect in ErAlO3 single crystal,
2. Yao-Dong Wu, Qiao-yan Dong*, Yue Ma, Ya-Jiao Ke, Na Su, Xiang-Qun Zhang, Li-Chen Wang, and Zhao-Hua Cheng, Phase transition-induced magnetocaloric effects in R2Mo2O7 molybdates, Mater. Lett.
3. Yan Zhang, Qiao-yan Dong*, Li-chen Wang, Ming Zhang, Hai-tao Yan, Ji-rong Sun, Feng-xia Hu, and Bao-gen. Shen, Giant Low-Field Reversible Magnetocaloric Effect in HoCoGe Compound。
4. Qiao-yan Dong, Yue Ma, Ya-Jiao Ke, Xiang-qun Zhang, Li-chen Wang, Bao-gen Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Zhao-Hua Cheng, Ericsson-like giant magnetocaloric effect in composite oxides near liquid hydrogen temperature, Mater. Lett.
5. Yue Ma, Qiao-yan Dong*, Ya-Jiao Ke, Yao-Dong Wu, Xiang-qun Zhang, Li-chen Wang, Bao-gen Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Zhao-Hua Cheng, Eu doping-induced enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in manganiteSolid State Commun.
6. Qiao-yan Dong, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in compounds, Appl. Phys. Lett.
7. Jing Chen, Bao-gen Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Feng-xia Hu, and Ji-rong Sun, Giant reversible magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic HoCuSi compound, Appl. Phys. Lett.
8. Jing Chen, Bao-gen Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Feng-xia Hu, and Ji-rong Sun, Large reversible magnetocaloric effect caused by two successive magnetic transitions in ErGa compound.
9. Jing Chen, Xin-qi Zheng, Qiao-yan Dong, Ji-rong Sun and Bao-gen Shen, Large magnetoresistance and metamagnetic transition in PrGa, Appl. Phys. Lett.
10. Qiao-yan Dong, Jing Chen, Xiang-qun Zhang, Xin-qi Zheng, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Magnetic phase transition and magnetocaloric effect in Dy12Co7 compound, J. Appl. Phys.,
11. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei zhang, Jun Shen, Jing Chen, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Properties of NaZn13-type LaFe13-xSix (x=1.4, 1.5) compound with the first-order phase transition, J. Appl. Phys.
12. Qiao-yan Dong, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Large magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity in rare-earth intermetallic RCuAl (R=Ho and Er) compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
13. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei zhang, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Refrigerant capacity and utilization ration in NaZn13-type La-Fe-Si compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,
14. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, and Ji-rong Sun, Spin glass behavior and magnetocaloric effect in melt-spun TbCuAl alloys, Solid State Commun.
15. Qiao-yan Dong, Li-chen Wang, Jing Chen, Xiang-qun Zhang, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in SmNiC2 compound, Solid State Commun.
16. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Shu-li He, Hong-wei Jiang, Wu Zheng, and Ji-rong Sun, Effect of crystal grain dimension on the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in DyCuAl compound, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno.
17. Jing Chen, Bao-gen Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Ji-rong Sun. Giant magnetocaloric effect in HoGa compound over a large temperature span, Solid State Commun.
18. Jing Chen, Bao-gen Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Ji-rong Sun. Giant magnetic entropy change in antiferromagnetic DyCuSi compound. Solid State Commun.
19. Bao-gen Shen, Feng-xia Hu, Qiao-yan Dong, Ji-rong Sun. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in NaZn13-type La(Fe, Al)13-based compounds, Chinese Physics B
20. Li-chen Wang, Qiao-yan Dong, Zhao-jun Mo, Zhi-yi Xu, Feng-xia Hu, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen. Low-temperature reversible giant magnetocaloric effect in the HoCuAl Compound. J. Appl. Phys.
21. Li-chen Wang, Qiao-yan Dong, Zhi-yi Xu, Feng-xia Hu, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen. Low-temperature large magnetocaloric effect in the antiferromagnetic ErNi0.6Cu0.4Al compound. J. Appl. Phys.,
22. Li-chen Wang, Qiao-yan Dong, Jun Lu, Xiao-ping Shao, Zhao-jun Mo, Zhi-yi Xu, Feng-xia Hu, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Low-temperature large reversible magnetocaloric effects of ErNi1-xCuxAl (x 5 0.2, 0.5, 0.8) intermetallic compounds. J. Appl. Phys.,
23. Li-chen Wang, Qiao-yan Dong, Jun Lu, Xiao-ping Shao, Zhao-jun Mo, Zhi-yi Xu, Feng-xia Hu, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Low-temperature large magnetocaloric effect in the antiferromagnetic CeSi compound. J. Alloys Compd.
24. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei Zhang, Ji-rong Sun, Bao-gen Shen, and Victorino Franco, A phenomenological fitting curve for the magnetocaloric effect of materials with a second-order phase transition, J. Appl. Phys.
25. Qiao-yan Dong, Jing Chen, Hong-wei Zhang, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Phase coexistence and metastability in polycrystalline compound, J.
26. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei Zhang, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Effect of Si doping on the magnetic properties and magnetic entropy changes in the LaFe11. intemetallic compound, J.
27. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei Zhang, Tong-yun Zhao, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Realization of a small hysteresis loss and a large magnetic entropy change in NaZn13-type La-Fe-Si compound, Solid State Commun.
28. Qiao-yan Dong, Hong-wei Zhang, Jue-lian Shen, Ji-rong Sun, and Bao-gen Shen, Field dependence of the magnetic entropy change in typical materials with a second-order phase transition, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
29. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Fang Wang, Hong-wei Zhang, and Ji-rong Sun, Large magnetic refrigerant capacity in Gd71Fe3Al26 and Gd65Fe20Al15 amorphous alloys, J. Appl. Phys.
30. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Hong-wei Zhang, and Ji-rong Sun, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in amorphous and crystalline GdCuAl ribbons, Solid State Commun.
31. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, Hong-wei Zhang, and Ji-rong Sun, Magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity in GdFeAl compound, J. Appl. Phys.
32. Qiao-yan Dong, Bao-gen Shen, Jing Chen, Jun Shen, and Ji-rong Sun, Large magnetocaloric effect in DyCuAl compound in low temperature, J. Appl. Phys.
33. 董巧燕,張宏偉,沈覺璉,孫繼榮,賀淑莉,沈保根,化合物中磁場誘導的熵變與磁場的關係”,中國稀土學報。
34. Hongwei Zhang, Jun Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Tongyun Zhao, Yangxian Li, Jirong Sun, and Baogen Shen, “The spike in the relation between entropy change and temperature in LaFe11.83Si1.17 compound”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
35. Jun Shen, Yangxian Li, Qiao-yan Dong, Fang Wang, and Jirong Sun, “Magnetocaloric effect in Gd6Co1.67Si3 compound with a second-order phase transition”, Chinese Phys. B
36. Lin Jia, Jirong Sun, Jun Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Fengxia Hu, Tongyun Zhao, and Baogen Shen, “Magnetic coupling between rare-earth and iron atoms in the intermetallics, Appl. Phys. Lett.
37. Jun Shen, Qiao-yan Dong, Yangxian Li, and Jirong Sun, “Effect of Pr and Co substitution on magnetic properties and magnetic entropy change in compounds”, J. Alloys Compd.
38. Jing Chen, Hongwei Zhang, Ligang Zhang, Qiao-yan Dong, and Ruwu Wang, “Magnetic entropy change and magnetic phase transition of LaFe11. compounds, Chinese Physics 。
39. Victorino Franco, R. Caballero, A. Conde, Qiao-yan Dong, and Hongwei Zhang, “The influence of a minority magnetic phase on the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
2. 一種稀土-鎳材料及其製備方法和用途,第一發明人。
1. 稀土基磁性單晶及織構多晶材料的製備及其各向異性磁熱效應的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目。
2. 三方畸變對FeCo合金薄膜自旋取向的調製及其磁各向異性研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金。
3. 稀土鎳銅鋁自旋取向及磁熱性能的調製規律研究,北京市教育委員會科技計畫面上項目。
4. RNi1-xCuxAl中低溫磁製冷化合物的成份對自旋取向及磁熱性能的調製規律研究,北京市優秀人才資助項目。


1. 2013-2014學年首都師範大學優秀主講。
2. 2015-2016學年首都師範大學優秀主講。
3. 2012年,獲首都師範大學青年教師教學基本功競賽優秀獎。
4. 2016年,“數字自動化麥可遜干涉儀的研製”獲首都師範大學實驗教改項目優秀獎。
5. 2013年,指導的學生趙瑩、朱安琪、王碩獲北京市第六屆大學生物理實驗競賽三等獎。
6. 2016年,指導的學生趙歡、趙夢婷、張莉娟獲北京市第八屆大學生物理實驗競賽三等獎。


