



  • 中文名:董一群
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學航空航天系
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:面向複雜動力學系統的感知、決策及控制律設計
  • 任職院校:復旦大學航空航天系
  • 職稱:復旦大學航空航天系副教授







2018年春,美國密西根大學機械工程系,研究生課程《網聯智慧型化無人車》(Connected and Automated Vehicles),主要承擔深度學習、人工智慧理論教學;


提倡在傳統物理、數學方法的基礎上,積極吸納新興人工智慧、深度學習等方法,探索其對於解決相關感知、決策及控制問題的潛力。對於動力學系統構建所涉及的各個領域(機器人學),包括感知(基於圖像的目標識別與跟蹤、毫米波雷達/圖像/雷射雷達感測器融合),決策及路徑、動作規劃(RRT及其變型,A*/Theta*,人工勢能場),魯棒控制理論等(H2/Hinf, LQR, MPC)均有所涉及並有相關論文發表。



16.Yiqun Dong*, Jianliang Ai, Jiquan Liu, Guidance and control for own aircraft in the autonomous air combat: A historical review and future prospects,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, pp. 5943-5991, Vol. 233, Issue 16, 2019. Invited paper for the journal’s 30anniversary special issue. Q2分區,大類四區。
15.Yiqun Dong*, Implementing Deep Learning for Comprehensive Aircraft Icing and Actuator/Sensor Fault Detection/Identification,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 83, pp. 28-44, August 2019. Q1分區,大類二區。
14.Yiqun Dong*, Deep Learning-Based Opponent Aircraft Attitude Detection in Autonomous Air Combat,Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 162-167, April 2019.美國航空航天協會(AIAA)彙刊,Q2分區,大類四區。
13. Yushu Yu,Yiqun Dong*, Global Fault Tolerant Control of Under-actuated Aerial Vehicles with Redundant Actuators,International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 9754981, 2019. Q2分區,航空宇航類三區。
12.Yiqun Dong*, An application of Deep Neural Networks to the in-flight parameter identification for detection and characterization of aircraft icing,Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 77, pp. 34-49, 2018.航空宇航類TOP期刊。
11.Yiqun Dong, etc., Faster RRT-based Nonholonomic Path Planning in 2D Building Environments Using Skeleton-constrained Path Biasing,Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2018, 89(3-4): 387-401. Q1分區,計算機、人工智慧類三區。
10.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Experimental Test of Unmanned Ground Vehicle Delivering Goods using RRT Path Planning Algorithm,Unmanned Systems, 2017, 5(01): 45-57.
9.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Experimental Test for Automobile Auto-Parking System Design using Artificial Potential Field,International Journal of Vehicular Technology, published online October 14, 2016.
8.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Full-altitude attitude angles envelope and model predictive control-based attitude angles protection for civil aircraft,Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 55, August 2016, pp. 292-306, published online June 9, 2016.航空宇航類TOP期刊。
7. Yijun Zhang,Yiqun Dong, etc., Path Planning and Control Simulation of Unpowered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Returning to Airport,Journal of System Simulation, Issue 1, pp. 220-225, January 2016. [In Chinese]
6.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Visual Perception-Based Target Aircraft Movement Prediction for Autonomous Air Combat,Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 538-552, 2015.美國航空航天協會(AIAA)彙刊,Q2分區,宇航類四區。
5.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Inflight Parameter Identification and Icing Location Detection of the Aircraft: the time-varying case,Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID 396532, published online on July 10, 2014.
4.Yiqun Dong, etc., Attitude protection for side stick-operated aircraft,Advanced Materials Research, Vol 846:77-85, 2014.
3. Ji Xu,Yiqun Dong, etc., Evaluation of Civil Aircraft Environmental Performance in the Preliminary Design Stage,Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science), Issue 5 2014, pp.645-650, October 2014. [In Chinese]
2.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Research on in-flight parameter identification and icing location detection of the aircraft,Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 29, Issue 1, pp.305-312, July 2013.航空宇航類TOP期刊。
1.Yiqun Dong, etc., Trial Input Method and Own-Aircraft State Prediction in Autonomous Air Combat,Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 947-954, 2012.美國航空航天協會(AIAA)彙刊,Q2分區,宇航類四區。
12. Lidong Zhang, Zhixiang Liu,Yiqun Dong, etc., Automatic Patrol Trajectory Control of UAV in A Forest Surveillance and Fires Detection Mission, Proceedings with the 2018 AIAA AVIATION Forum, Atlanta, Georgia USA, 2018. AIAA 2018-3260
11. Bruce Cowan, Nursultan Imanberdiyev, Changhong Fu,Yiqun Dong, etc., A Performance Evaluation of Detectors and Descriptors for UAV Visual Tracking, Proceedings with the 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2016), Thailand, 13-15 November 2016.
10.Yiqun Dong, etc., RRT-based 3D Path Planning for Formation Landing of Quadrotor UAVs, Proceedings with the 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2016), Phuket, Thailand, 13-15 November 2016.
9. Khaled A. Ghamry,Yiqun Dong, etc., Real-Time Autonomous Take-off, Tracking, and Landing of UAV on a Moving UGV Platform, accepted by 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2016), Athens, Greece, June 21-24, 2016.
8.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Application of RRT Algorithm to Unmanned Ground Vehicle Motion Planning and Obstacle Avoidance, Proceedings with the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS 2015), Bali, Indonesia, August 26-29, 2015.
7.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Position and Heading Angle Control of an Unmanned Quadrotor Helicopter using LQR Method, Proceedings with the 34Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2015), Hangzhou, China, July 28-30, 2015.
6.Yiqun Dong, etc., Guidance and Control System Development for a Novel Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Proceedings with the 9International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH'2015), Glasgow, UK, August 26-28, 2015.
5.Yiqun Dong, etc., Application of Model Predictive Control to Position and Height Limitation of a Quadrotor Aerial Vehicle, Proceedings with ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications, Boston, MA, USA, August 2-5, 2015.
4.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Attitude protection for side stick-operated aircraft-the classic approach, oral report, Proceedings with 29th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2014), St. Peterburg, Russia, Sept. 2014.
3.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Research on enemy aircraft bank angle estimation for autonomous air combat, Proceedings with 29th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2014), St. Peterburg, Russia, Sept. 2014.
2.Yiqun Dong*, etc., Research on estimating method of fuel and emissions using Neural Networks in LTO cycle for preliminary aircraft design, oral report, Proceedings with 28th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2012), Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2012. 1.Yiqun Dong, etc., Maneuvering strategy and own aircraft movement prediction in trial input method-low angle of attack, oral report, Proceedings with AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference, Garden Grove, CA USA, June 2012. AIAA Paper 2012-2594.


