1. Ge Miao, Zhang Chuanmin, Yue Dapeng, Qiu Guoyong. Discussion on the relation between normal value of whole blood viscosity (230s-1) of Chinese women and geographical factors. Clinical Hemorheology, 1996, 16(3): 267-269.
2. Ge Miao, Yan Yan, Zhang Chuanmin, Li Naiying. Discussion on the relationship between normal hematocrit and geographical factors in China. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 1997, 17(6): 459-465.
3. Ge Miao, Yan Yan, Ren Zhiyuan, Guo Cailing, Ma Jinfu and Huang Ping. Discussion on the relationship between normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate of Chinese young people and geographical factors. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 1999, 20(3): 151-157.
4. Ge Miao, Yang He, Liang Yaomin, Li Weifang. Relationship between the reference value of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of presenile population and of geographical factors in China. Comparative Haematology International, 2000, 10(4): 203-207.
5. Ge Miao, Yang Qingsheng, Li Weifang, Liang Yaomin, Yang He. Relationship between the reference value of young people's haematocrit and geographical factors in China. Current Science, 2001, 80(1): 67-70.
6. Ge Miao, Ren Zhiyuan, Yang Qingsheng, Li Pinghua, Yin Shuyan, Yang Wanfu. Haematocrit as a function of age and altitude in China. The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 2001, 138(2): 146-147.
7. Ge Miao, Ren Zhiyuan, Yang Qingshen, Wei Haiyan. The relationship between reference value of old people’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate and altitude. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 2001, 24(3): 155-159.
8. Ge Miao. The relationship between reference value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and geographical factors. Bioscience Report, 2001, 21(3): 287-292.
9. Ge Miao, Ren Zhiyuan, Yang Qingsheng, Zhang Yanfang, Yin Shuyan, Yang Wanfu. Reference value of hematocrit in young people and relationship with altitude. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2001, 25(6): 249-252.
10. Ge Miao, Yang Qingsheng, Ren Zhiyuan, Zhang Hongxian, Zhang Yanfang, Yin Shuyan. Reference value of Presenile human hematocrit and geographical factors. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 2002, 16(1): 26-29.
11. Ge Miao. Reference value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate of middlescent people as a function of altitude. The Yale journal of biology and medicine, 2002, 75(2): 65-71.
12. Ge Miao. Reference value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate of adult healthy subject. Archives of medical research, 2002, 33(5): 506-509.
13. Ge Miao. Reference value of young people’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate and altitude. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2003, 27(1): 19-22.
14. Ge Miao. Reference range of hematocrit in the elderly with respect altitude. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 2003, 29(1): 25-31.
15. Ge Miao. Normal reference value of hemoglobin of older boys and geographical factors. Bioscience Report, 2003, 23(5-6): 305-312.
16. Ge Miao. Creating an altitude-adjusted hematocrit reference standard for adults 18-40 years of age in china. Archives of environmental health, 2003, 58(11): 728-731.
17. Ge Miao. Normal reference value of hemoglobin of infant girls and altitude in China. Archives of medical research, 2004, 35(1), 87-90.
18. Ge Miao. Reference value of younger people’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate and altitude. The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 2004, 143(6): 367-368.
19. Ge Miao, Liu Xinping, Fu Haiyan, Wang Zhilun, Zhang Yanfang, Zhang Jian, Xiao Yanfei, Liu Qian. Reference value of hemoglobin of middleaged women and altitude. The Yale journal of biology and medicine, 2004, 77(5-6): 117-123.
20. Ge Miao, Liu Yan, Wang Zhilun, Wang Xiangling, Zhao Lihua, Fu Haiyan, Dai Le, Jiang Haiyan. Normal reference value of hemoglobin of adolescent boys and geographical factors. Comparative clinical pathology, 2005, 13(4): 166-170.
21. Ge Miao. Reference value of elder people’s Hematocrit and geographical factors. Comparative clinical pathology, 2006, 15(1): 38-43.
22. Ge Miao, Yan Yan, Ren Zhiyuan, Guo Cailing, Yue Dapeng, Yin Shuyan. Relationship between reference value (Wintrobe) of Chinese people's erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and geographical factors. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 1999, 9(2): 181-186.
23. Ge Miao, Ren Zhiyuan, Yang Qingsheng, Wei Haiyan, Yin Shuyan, Jin Xiuchan. Reference value of old people's hematocrit and geographical factors. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 2000, 10(4): 368-374.
24. Ge Miao. Normal reference value of hemoglobin of young women and geographical factors in China. Journal of geographical sciences, 2003, 13(3): 331-338.