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5:TSKê,On the Physical Models of the Cold-work (Snoek-Kster) Internal Friction Peaks in Bcc Metals,Scripta Metall,1982,16:225~232.
6:TSKê,Amomalous Internal Friction Peaks as Function of Strain Amplitude,Jde Physique,1985,46(C10):267~275.
7:TSKê,Recent Development on Internal Friction Studies of Grain Bo undaries and Dislocation Substructures in High-purity Aluminium,Fundamentals of Diffusion Bonding,Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987,373~396.
8:TSKê,Amplitude Internal Friction Peaks Associated with the Interaction between Dislocation Kinks and Solute Atoms in Aluminium, 1989,169:275~284.葛庭燧傳記
9:TSKê,Contribution of Internal Friction Study on Grain Boundaries and Dislocation Substructures,Advances in Science of China, Physics,1989~1990,3:1~113; Micro-mechanism of Grain Boundary Relaxation in Metals,Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia,1990,24:347~352.
10:TSKê,Internal Friction Peaks Associated with Fine-grained Grain Boundaries and Bamboo Boundaries,Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids,International Academic Publishers,Pergamon Press, 1990,113~120.