


  • 中文名:萬斌
  • 畢業院校江西醫學院醫療本科
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員
  • 性別:男


萬斌,中共黨員,畢業於江西醫學院醫療本科,曾任南昌市三甲醫院急診科主任,中華醫學會南昌分會內科學會第三屆常委,江西省醫學會急診專業委員會第三屆、第四屆委員會委員,江西省院前急救專業委員會委員,南昌市醫學會醫療事故鑑定專家組成員。長期從事醫療、科研工作,專長心血管內科,具有堅實系統的專業理論知識及相關知識,臨床經驗豐富。了解國內外醫學發展動態,不斷吸取新知識,積極開展科研工作,取得了良好的社會效益和經濟較益。於1994年5月至1996年8月作為中國心血管內科專家由國家衛生部選派赴突尼西亞共和國工作。主持的科研課題《選擇性經皮冠狀動脈造影術》榮獲南昌市一九九六年科技進步獎。撰寫了《採用肝素等綜合治療急性心肌梗塞54例療效觀察》等科研論文多篇,發表在國家級及省、市級醫學專業期刊、雜誌上。業績和 成就已入編《中國世紀專家》叢書。






publication List (from 1996)
1.Oxazolinylferrocene Ligands for the Addition of Diethylzinc to Benzaldehyde: Effects of the Symmetry and the Substituent on the Oxazoline Ring of the Ligands on Asymmetric Catalysis.?± Wanbin Zhang , Hidefumi Yoshinaga, Yoshitane Imai, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 2000 (10), 1512-1514.
2.Novel Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands with a Biphenyl Backbone: Preparation, Complexation, and Application in Asymmetric Catalytic Reactions.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, The Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2000 , 65 (11), 3326-3333.
3.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Oxazolinyl Biaryl Ligands Bearing a Hydroxyl Group.?± Yoshitane Imai, Shigeaki Matsuo, Wanbin Zhang , Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 2000 (2), 239-241.
4. C 2 -Symmetric Diphosphine Ligands with only the Planar Chirality of Ferrocene for the Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation.?± Wanbin Zhang , Takashi Shimanuki, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, The Journal of Organic Chemistry , 1999 , 64 (17), 6247-6251.
5.Novel Axial Chiral Sulfur-Oxazoline Ligands with a Biphenyl Backbone.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Synlett , 1999 (8), 1319-1321.
6.Perfect Control of Diastereomeric Complexation of C 2 -Symmetric Chiral 1,1"-Bis(oxazolinyl)- ferrocene Ligands.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Chemistry Letters , 1999 (3), 243-244.
7.Achiral and Planar Chiral Ferrocene Diols: Preparation and Complexation with Titanium(IV).?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoh-ichi Yoneda, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry , 1999 , 574 (1), 19-23.
8.Novel Chiral P,N-Ferrocene Ligands in Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylations.?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoh-ichi Yoneda, Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1998 , 9 (19), 3371-3380.
9.Diphenylphosphinooxazoline Ligands with a Chiral Binaphthyl Backbone for Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1998 , 39 (24), 4343-4346.
10.Novel Axial Chiral Catalyst Derived from Biphenyl Ligands Bearing only Two ortho -Substituents.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1997 , 38 (15), 2681-2684.
11.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands in Rhodium(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrosilylation.?± Yoshitane Imai, Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1996 , 7 (8), 2453-2462.
12.Novel C 2 -Symmetric Diphosphine Ligand with only the Planar Chirality of Ferrocene.?± Wanbin Zhang , Toshiyuki Kida, Yohji Nakatsuji, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1996 , 37 (44), 7995-7998.
13.Interesting and Effective P,N-Chelation of Ferrocene Ligands for Palladium- Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution.?± Wanbin Zhang , Toshikazu Hirao and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron Letters , 1996 , 37 (26), 4545-4548.
14.Highly Diastereoselective ortho -Lithiation of 1,1"-Bis(oxazolinyl)ferrocene Directed to C 2 -Symmetric Chiral Ligands.?± Wanbin Zhang , Yoichi Adachi, Toshikazu Hirao, and Isao Ikeda, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 1996 , 7 (2), 451-460


