



  • 中文名:萬建傑
  • 畢業院校:西北師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:計算原子物理/原子結構、光譜、光電離和輻射複合及其相關過程


2000年9月— 2004年6月 就讀於西北師範大學物理系獲得學士學位。
2004年9月— 2007年6月 被保背棄擔送繼續攻讀西北師範大學原子與分子物理專業碩士學位研究生,獲理學碩士學位。
2007年9月— 2010年殃市滲6月 攻讀西北師範大學原子與分子物理專業博士學位研究生,獲理學博士學位。
2010年7月— 2012年7月 西北師範大學講師
2012年7月— 西北師範大學副教授
2015年1月— 碩士研究生導師
2015年9月—2016年7月 武漢大學,教育部高等學校青年骨幹教師訪問學者






本科教學: 線性代數,光學,普通物理學,文獻檢索與網路資源


香農熵在原子結構計算中的套用,甘肅省省青年科技基金計畫(批准號:1506RJYA131),2015.7 – 2017.6,主持




WAN Jian-Jie(萬建傑), Shannon Entropy as a Measurement of the Information in a Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Wavefunction,Chin. Phys. Lett.32(2), 023102 (2015).
萬建傑,鄢建軍,線偏振光通過透明平板介質的強度分析,鹽城工學院學報(自然科學版)27(2), 1 (2014).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Photoionization of metastable state 1s2sS0of helium,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.488, 022005 (2014).
Guoli Wang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Xiaoxin Zhou, Photoionization cross sections of the 3s3pP state of Mg: the discrepancy between theory and experiment,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.488, 022019 (2014).
ZHANG Huaming, YUAN Ping, ZHANG Yijun,WAN Jianjie(萬建傑), OUYANG Yuhua, WANG Dongfang, Plasma Characteristic of Lightning Discharge Channel,High Voltage Engineering39(10), 2452 (2013).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Chenzhong Dong, The effects of quantum interference between direct and resonant photorecombination of H-like Arions,Phys. Scr.84045301 (2011).
Xiaobin Liu, Chenzhong Dong, Xiaobin Ding, Jun Jiang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Fumihiro Koike, Theory of conjugate shake-up resonances adjacent to the sub-valence 2p photoionization of sodium atoms,J. Phys. B44, 115001 (2011).
Deyang Yu, Yingli Xue, Caojie Shao, Zhangyong Song, Rongchun Lu, Fangfang Ruan, Wei Wang, Jing Chen, Bian Yang, Zhihu Yang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Chenzhong Dong, Xiaohong Cai, Observation of K- and L-REC in 200 MeV/u Xe-N2collisions at HIRFL-CSR,Nucl. Instr. Meth. B269, 692 (2011).
Guoli Wang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Xiaoxin Zhou, Relativistic photoionization cross sections for atomic Mg,J. Phys.B43, 035001 (2010).
X. L.Wang,J. J. Wan(萬建傑), Y. J. Wang, and C. Z. Dong, Theoretical study on the Ka transition properties of F-like ions,J. At. Mol. Sci.1, 134 (2010).
桑萃萃,王永軍,萬建傑,丁曉彬,董晨鐘,高離化態金離子的輻射複合及其退激發過程的理論研究,物理學報59, 3871 (2010).
J. J. Wan (萬建傑)and C. Z. Dong, Interference effect involving doubly excited states [1s2p](P)3p(J=1) in 1s photoionization of neon,NIFS-PROC81, 245 (2010).
Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Xiao-Bin Ding, Xin-Wen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas Stöhlker, and Stephan Fritzsche, Radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collisions of Uions with N2,Phys. Rev.A79, 022707 (2009).
Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Doubly excited 2s2pP1resonances in photoionization of Helium,Chin. Phy.B18, 3819 (2009).
王永軍,萬建傑,丁曉彬,董晨鐘,馬新文,王建國,吳勇,類氫U離子的輻射複合及其輻射退激發過程的理論研究,物理學報58, 2358 (2009).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Yongjun Wang, Xiaobin Ding, Chenzhong Dong, Xinwen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas Stöhlker and Stephan Fritzsche, Radiative Electron Capture in Collisions of Li-like Uranium Ions with N2Targets,NIFS-PROC73, 200 (2008).
Cuicui Sang,Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Xiao-Bin Ding, et al,Relaxation effects on photoionization process of lithium,NIFS-PROC73, 180(2008).
桑萃萃,萬建傑,董晨鐘,鋰原子光電離過程中的弛豫效應,物理學報57, 2152 (2008).
Xie Lu-You, Dong Chen-Zhong, Jiang Jun,Wan Jian-Jie(萬建傑)and Yan Jun, Two-electron and one-photon transitions in highly charged nickel-like ions,Chin. Phys.B17, 3294 (2008).
蔣軍,頡錄有,董晨鐘,萬建傑,高離化態類Ne離子的與X射線雷射有關的3p-3s躍遷的理論研究,原子與分子物理學報25, 478 (2008).
J. J. Wan(萬建傑), C. Z. Dong, C. C. Song, X. B. Xiao, L. Y. Xie and J. Jiang, Theoretical studies on photoionization of Na-like iron ion,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.58,367 (2007).
萬建傑,頡錄有,董晨鐘,蔣軍,顏君,類鎳等電子系列離子M1, M2, E2禁戒躍遷特性的理論研究,物理學報56,152 (2007).
DONG Chen-zhong, XIE Lu-you,WAN Jian-jie(萬建傑), JIANG Jun, and YAN Jun,Theoretical Study on Energy Structures and Radiative Transition Characteristics of Highly Charged Ni-like Ions,J. Plasma Fusion Res.7,220 (2006).
C. Z. Dong, L. Y. Xie,J. J. Wan(萬建傑), J. Jiang, Energy-crossing and their effects on the spectra of neon-like ions,Chin. Phys.14,1108 (2005).


WAN Jian-Jie(萬建傑), Shannon Entropy as a Measurement of the Information in a Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Wavefunction,Chin. Phys. Lett.32(2), 023102 (2015).
萬建傑,鄢建軍,線偏振光通過透明平板介質的強度分析,鹽城工學院學報(自然科學版)27(2), 1 (2014).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Photoionization of metastable state 1s2sS0of helium,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.488, 022005 (2014).
Guoli Wang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Xiaoxin Zhou, Photoionization cross sections of the 3s3pP state of Mg: the discrepancy between theory and experiment,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.488, 022019 (2014).
ZHANG Huaming, YUAN Ping, ZHANG Yijun,WAN Jianjie(萬建傑), OUYANG Yuhua, WANG Dongfang, Plasma Characteristic of Lightning Discharge Channel,High Voltage Engineering39(10), 2452 (2013).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Chenzhong Dong, The effects of quantum interference between direct and resonant photorecombination of H-like Arions,Phys. Scr.84045301 (2011).
Xiaobin Liu, Chenzhong Dong, Xiaobin Ding, Jun Jiang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Fumihiro Koike, Theory of conjugate shake-up resonances adjacent to the sub-valence 2p photoionization of sodium atoms,J. Phys. B44, 115001 (2011).
Deyang Yu, Yingli Xue, Caojie Shao, Zhangyong Song, Rongchun Lu, Fangfang Ruan, Wei Wang, Jing Chen, Bian Yang, Zhihu Yang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Chenzhong Dong, Xiaohong Cai, Observation of K- and L-REC in 200 MeV/u Xe-N2collisions at HIRFL-CSR,Nucl. Instr. Meth. B269, 692 (2011).
Guoli Wang,Jianjie Wan(萬建傑)and Xiaoxin Zhou, Relativistic photoionization cross sections for atomic Mg,J. Phys.B43, 035001 (2010).
X. L.Wang,J. J. Wan(萬建傑), Y. J. Wang, and C. Z. Dong, Theoretical study on the Ka transition properties of F-like ions,J. At. Mol. Sci.1, 134 (2010).
桑萃萃,王永軍,萬建傑,丁曉彬,董晨鐘,高離化態金離子的輻射複合及其退激發過程的理論研究,物理學報59, 3871 (2010).
J. J. Wan (萬建傑)and C. Z. Dong, Interference effect involving doubly excited states [1s2p](P)3p(J=1) in 1s photoionization of neon,NIFS-PROC81, 245 (2010).
Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Xiao-Bin Ding, Xin-Wen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas Stöhlker, and Stephan Fritzsche, Radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collisions of Uions with N2,Phys. Rev.A79, 022707 (2009).
Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Doubly excited 2s2pP1resonances in photoionization of Helium,Chin. Phy.B18, 3819 (2009).
王永軍,萬建傑,丁曉彬,董晨鐘,馬新文,王建國,吳勇,類氫U離子的輻射複合及其輻射退激發過程的理論研究,物理學報58, 2358 (2009).
Jianjie Wan(萬建傑), Yongjun Wang, Xiaobin Ding, Chenzhong Dong, Xinwen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas Stöhlker and Stephan Fritzsche, Radiative Electron Capture in Collisions of Li-like Uranium Ions with N2Targets,NIFS-PROC73, 200 (2008).
Cuicui Sang,Jian-Jie Wan(萬建傑), Chen-Zhong Dong, Xiao-Bin Ding, et al,Relaxation effects on photoionization process of lithium,NIFS-PROC73, 180(2008).
桑萃萃,萬建傑,董晨鐘,鋰原子光電離過程中的弛豫效應,物理學報57, 2152 (2008).
Xie Lu-You, Dong Chen-Zhong, Jiang Jun,Wan Jian-Jie(萬建傑)and Yan Jun, Two-electron and one-photon transitions in highly charged nickel-like ions,Chin. Phys.B17, 3294 (2008).
蔣軍,頡錄有,董晨鐘,萬建傑,高離化態類Ne離子的與X射線雷射有關的3p-3s躍遷的理論研究,原子與分子物理學報25, 478 (2008).
J. J. Wan(萬建傑), C. Z. Dong, C. C. Song, X. B. Xiao, L. Y. Xie and J. Jiang, Theoretical studies on photoionization of Na-like iron ion,J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.58,367 (2007).
萬建傑,頡錄有,董晨鐘,蔣軍,顏君,類鎳等電子系列離子M1, M2, E2禁戒躍遷特性的理論研究,物理學報56,152 (2007).
DONG Chen-zhong, XIE Lu-you,WAN Jian-jie(萬建傑), JIANG Jun, and YAN Jun,Theoretical Study on Energy Structures and Radiative Transition Characteristics of Highly Charged Ni-like Ions,J. Plasma Fusion Res.7,220 (2006).
C. Z. Dong, L. Y. Xie,J. J. Wan(萬建傑), J. Jiang, Energy-crossing and their effects on the spectra of neon-like ions,Chin. Phys.14,1108 (2005).


