


  • 中文名:丁曉彬
  • 畢業院校:西北師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:物理與電子工程












  1. Xiaobin Ding, Jiaxin Liu, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiriyuku A. Sakaue, Nobuyuki Nakamura, Chenzhong Dong, (2016) “Collisional-radiative model for the visible spectrum of W26+ ions”, Vol 380, pp. 874-877
  2. Ding X-B, Koike F, Murakami I, Kato D, Sakaue HA, Dong C-Z, Nakamura N, Komatsu A and Sakoda J(2011),“Ab initio multi-configuration Dirac–Fock calculation of M1 visible transitions among the ground state multiplets of the Wion”,Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.Vol. 44(14), pp. 145004.(被引:16次)
  3. Ding X-B, Koike F, Murakami I, Kato D, Sakaue HA, Dong C-Z and Nakamura N (2012),"M1 transition energies and probabilities between the multiplets of the ground state of Ag-like ions with Z = 47-92", J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys.. Vol. 45(3), pp. 035003.
  4. DING Xiao-BinDONG Chen-Zhong GO (2012),"Shake-up Processes in the Photoionization of Sr I and the Subsequent Auger Decay", Chin. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 29, pp. 063201.
  5. Ding X,Dong C and O'Sullivan G (2014),"Shake up processes in the 3 d photoionization of Sr I and the subsequent Auger decay process", Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 488(2), pp. 022021.
  6. DING X,MURAKAMI I, KATO D, SAKAUE HA, KOIKE F and DONG C (2012),"Collisional-Radiative Modeling of W", Plasma and Fusion Research. Vol. 7, pp. 2403128.
  7. 丁曉彬,董晨鐘 (2012),"基於2D開源視頻分析和建模軟體Tracker研究拋體運動", 大學物理. Vol. 31, pp. 34.
  8. Ding X.B., Dong C.Z., Koike F. and Kato T.,"Importance of spectator satellites in 3d–4f X-ray spectra from highly charged xenon atomic ions", Physics Letters A., (2007) 371, 124.
  9. Ding X.B., Dong C.Z. and Fritzsche S.,"Theoretical study on decay of the 4d core-excited states of Cs III", Chinese Physics B. (2008) 17, 2033.
  10. Ding X.B., Dong C.Z., Koike F., Kato T. and Fritzsche S.,"Excitation and decay dynamics of 1s2s inner-shell double-vacancy states of neon atoms", Chinese Physics B. (2008) 17, 592.
  11. Wan J-J, Dong C-Z,Ding X-B, Ma X-W, Rzadkiewicz J, Stöhlker T and Fritzsche S (2009),"Radiative electron capture and susequent radiative decay in collisions of $U^89+$ ions with $N_2$", Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics). Vol. 79(2), pp. 022707. APS.
  12. Liu X-L, Dong C-Z,Ding X-Band Jiang J (2010),"Theoretical study of the 4d photoabsorption of the Cs + ion", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 43(5), pp. 055202.
  13. Liu X, Dong C,Ding X, Jiang J, Wan J and Koike F (2011),"Theory of conjugate shake-up resonances adjacent to the sub-valence 2p photoionization of sodium atoms", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 44(11), pp. 115001.
  14. Liu X andDing X(2013),"Relaxation effects in 2p photoionization of Ar isonuclear sequence", The European Physical Journal D. Vol. 67(7), pp. 1-7
  15. Minoshima M, Sakoda J, Komatsu A, Sakaue HA,Ding X-B, Kato D, Murakami I, Dong C-Z, Koike F, Watanabe H and Nakamura N (2013),"Visible transitions of highly charged tungsten ions observed with a compact electron beam ion trap", Physica Scripta. Vol. 2013(T156), pp. 014010.
  16. Komatsu A, Sakoda J, Nakamura N, Sakaue HA,Ding X-B, Kato D, Murakami I and Koike F (2011),"Visible spectroscopy of highly charged tungsten ions", Physica Scripta. Vol. 2011(T144), pp. 014012.
  17. Kun M, Chen-Zhong D, Lu-You X, Xiao-Bin Dand Yi-Zhi Q (2014),"Polarization and Angular Distribution of L? X-Ray Following Inner-Shell 2 p 3/2 Photoionization of Magnesium-Like Ions", Chinese Physics Letters. Vol. 31(5), pp. 053201.
  18. Sakaue HA, Kato D,Ding X, Murakami I, Koike F, Nakano T, Yamamoto N, Ohashi H, Yatsurugi J and Nakamura N (2012),"Spectroscopy of highly charged tungsten ions with Electron Beam Ion Traps", AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1438(1), pp. 91-96. AIP.
  19. Murakami I, Kato D, Kato M, Sakaue HA, Kato T,Ding X, Morita S, Kitajima M, Koike F, Nakamura N, Sakamoto N, Sasaki A, Skobelev I, Tsuchida H, Ulantsev A, Watanabe T and Yamamoto N (2011),"Database and Related Activities in Japan", AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1344(1), pp. 96-106. AIP.
  20. KOMATSU A, SAKODA J, MINOSHIMA M, SAKAUE HA,DING X-B, KATO D, MURAKAMI I, KOIKE F and NAKAMURA N (2012),"Visible Transitions in Highly Charged Tungsten Ions: 365 - 475 nm", Plasma and Fusion Research. Vol. 7, pp. 1201158.
  21. 王雲榮,劉曉斌,丁曉彬,董晨鐘 (2011),"Theoretical Studies on Photoionization Processes of Highly Charged Au Ions", Nuclear Physics Review. Vol. 28, pp. 245 - 250.
  22. Yao-Peng Yin, Chen-Zhong Dong, and Xiao-Bin Ding, (2015), “Theoretical Study on Structures and Bond Properties of NpO2m+ Ions and NpO2(H2O)nm+ (m = 1–2, n = 1–6) Complexes in the Gas Phase and Aqueous Solution”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 119, pp. 3253-3260
  23. Yao-Peng Yin, Chen-Zhong Dong, and Xiao-Bin Ding, (2015), “Structural and spectral characteristics of neptunyl nitrates NpO2(NO3)nq (n = 1–3, q = +1, 0, −1) and the hydrated complexes NpO2(NO3)2(H2O)m (m = 1–4)”, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol 635, pp. 134
  24. D Kato, M. Goto, S. Morita, I. Murakami, H A. Sakaue, X.B. Ding,S. Sudo, C. Suzuki, N Tamura, N Nakamra, H. Watanabe, F. Koike, (2013) “Observation of visible forbidden lines form highly charged tungsten ions at the large helical device”, Physica Scripta, Vol 2013(T156), pp. 014081
  25. Liu X.L., Dong C.Z., Ding X.B. and Jiang J."Theoretical study of the 4d photoabsorption of the Cs+ ion", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. (2010) 43, 055202.
  26. 桑萃萃 王永軍 萬建傑 丁曉彬 董晨鐘,"高離化態金離子的輻射複合及其退激發過程的理論研究", 物理學報. (2010) 59, 3871.
  27. Wan J.J., Dong C.Z., Ding X.B., Ma X.W., Rzadkiewicz J., Stöhlker T. and Fritzsche S."Radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collisions of U89+ ions with N2", Physical Review A. (2009) 79, 022707.
  28. 李博文,蔣軍, 董晨鐘,王建國,丁曉彬,"電漿禁止效應對類氫離子能級結構和輻射躍遷性質的影響", 物理學報. (2009) 58, 5274.
  29. 王永軍,萬建傑,丁曉彬,董晨鐘,王建國,吳勇,"類氫U91+離子的輻射複合及其退激發過程的理論研究", 物理學報. (2009) 58, 2358.
  30. Sang C.C., Ding X.B. and Dong C.Z.,"Photoionization of 1s Electron and Corresponding Shake-up Processes in the Ground and Excited Lithium Atoms", Chinese Phys. Lett., (2008) 25, 3624.
  31. 桑萃萃,萬建傑,董晨鐘,丁曉彬,蔣軍 (2008),"鋰原子光電離過程中的弛豫效應", 物理學報. (2008) 57, 2152.
  32. Li J.G., Dong C.Z., Ding X.B., "Resonance Energies, Absorption Oscillator Strengths and Ionization Potentials for the Element Hassium (Z = 108)", Chinese Physics Letters. (2007) 24, 83.
  33. Wan J.J, Dong C.Z., Sang C.C., Ding X.B., Xie L.Y. and Jiang J.,"Theoretical studies on photoionization of Na-like iron ion", Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (2007) 58, 367.
  34. 李冀光, 董晨鐘, 俞友軍, 丁曉彬, S.Fritzsche and B.Fricke,"Uub(Z=112)和Hg(Z=80)元素的原子結構和激發態性質", 中國科學G輯. (2007) 37, 472.
  35. Yu, Y.; Li, J.; Dong, C.; Ding, X.; Fritzsche, S. Fricke, B.. "The excitation energies, ionization potentials and oscillator strengths of neutral and ionized species of Uub (Z = 112) and the homologue elements Zn, Cd and Hg", Eur. Phys. J. D, (2007), 44, 51


